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Opinions on Mila

27 replies

loulou2021 · 10/06/2022 19:04

Hi all

What are peoples thoughts on the name Mila for a girl? It wouldn't be short for anything. Do you know many Milas? I don't want to ask friends and family so would welcome the views of mumsnetters!

OP posts:
Newmum110 · 10/06/2022 19:05

Lovely name, I know one, people always ask if she is Mia but I wouldn't let that put you off.

Bettethebuilder · 10/06/2022 19:09

I know one. She’s a teenager, and Spanish.

OperaStation · 10/06/2022 19:13

I wouldn’t know how to pronounce that.

yeahy · 10/06/2022 19:15

I know several little Mila's... I'm finding it a bit overdone at the moment, although it's a nice enough name

loulou2021 · 10/06/2022 19:15

It is pronounced as Mee-la

OP posts:
LadyMonicaBaddingham · 10/06/2022 19:15

I know a six year old Mila. A lovely calm little girl. Apart from the odd Mile - ah as opposed to the correct Meel - ah, I'm not aware of any issues with the name...

toastofthetown · 10/06/2022 19:21

It’s pretty, feels very trendy and of the moment though.

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Louise0701 · 10/06/2022 19:24

I know 2. Lovely girls, nice name.

Luredbyapomegranate · 10/06/2022 20:18

It’s very Meh, like the massively overused Mia, or Mina Nina, Lila, Lola… they all blur..

GreatCuppa · 10/06/2022 21:30

Doesn’t feel like a proper name.

i think it’s overused and just blends in with the sea of Isla/Lila/Millie/Ella/Mia’s that are out there. It’s very bland.

orangetriangle · 10/06/2022 21:37

I prefer Milla rhyming with pillar

halfsiesonapotnoodle · 10/06/2022 21:48

Anything meal-sound is really unattractive. "Mealer" is all I think when I hear it, yuk!

Yodaisawally · 10/06/2022 21:54

Reminds me of Frederik from million dollar listing or the milia spots.

SpaceJamtart · 10/06/2022 22:15

Makes me think of Mila Kunis, which isnt a bad asocciation.
Its nice, easy to spell and not frilly I like it

DramaAlpaca · 10/06/2022 22:19

It's a bit... insubstantial.

WeasilyPleased · 10/06/2022 23:26

Not to my taste and I know 3.

xmasaries · 11/06/2022 06:57

It's okay.

I'd like it more but it's got very popular and I know some people who pronounce it mee-la and some my-la which just sets confusion! Confused

loulou2021 · 11/06/2022 08:49

Thanks everyone for your responses, really appreciate all of the viewpoints. For those saying it's like Mia, Lila, Lola - I do agree with that but we like those names too (can't use them for various reasons) so that particular point isn't really an issue for us. Also, some people have said that the name is becoming very popular - all the names we like are popular, so again, I think that's something that we will just need to live with for any name we choose! I agree that there are potential pronunciation issues with Mila as some might think it's pronounced My-la.

OP posts:
comealongponds · 11/06/2022 10:03

I really like it

BobbinHood · 11/06/2022 10:05

I read that as My-la initially but that’s probably because I know a couple of Mylas. If you don’t mind having to correct people’s pronunciation and/or spelling sometimes (which I don’t find a big deal but I know a lot of people do) then it’s a nice name.

josil · 11/06/2022 10:08

Love it

CookPassBabtridge · 11/06/2022 10:13

She will always be correcting it.. It looks like its said "My-la" but many people want it said "mee-la"

Louise0701 · 11/06/2022 10:23

I don’t think people would mispronounce it, surely?
Myla is Myla
mila is mee-la

bloominglovelyorange · 11/06/2022 10:44

I love it.
only know one aged 4.
I also like Marnie

CookPassBabtridge · 11/06/2022 11:31

Louise0701 · 11/06/2022 10:23

I don’t think people would mispronounce it, surely?
Myla is Myla
mila is mee-la

I know two girls with it and they always get "my-la"

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