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Thoughts on Leo?

49 replies

Sunshine1996 · 07/04/2022 09:50

DS is due in 4 weeks, we have been pretty set on Leo for a while as we originally had this if DD was a boy. However I’ve had a few odd looks when telling people our name choice. I know it’s a diminutive but I just don’t really like Leonardo, Leonard, Leon etc.
Middle name will be Joshua (family name)
Does anyone have any other suggestions? Also liked Reuben but partner didn’t.

OP posts:
ancientgran · 07/04/2022 09:54

I know a little Leo, seems a perfectly fine name to me although I do prefer Reuben.

Generally I prefer full names which gives the child the choice of the full name or diminutive but I think Leo is pretty well established as a name in it's own right.

AntarcticTern · 07/04/2022 09:55

I like Leo and I think it's fine as a full name. I don't like Leon or Leonard as much.

Rainbowqueeen · 07/04/2022 09:57

Great name
Just don’t tell people until he is born. Once he’s here no one will say anything negative and anyway as long as you like it and your last name isn’t Leonard or something like that, nothing else matters

Mumofgirls2017 · 07/04/2022 09:57

It’s lovely- no idea why you’re getting odd looks. I’d go for it. Alternatives

Theo/ Theodore

Neverreturntoathread · 07/04/2022 10:02

Love it

RebeccaCloud9 · 07/04/2022 10:05

Lovely name, it'd be on my favourites list if there wasn't one on each side of our family. As others have said, no idea why you'd be getting funny looks! It isn't unusual or weird, just a nice name.

deadlanguage · 07/04/2022 10:08

I like Leo and it’s one of the few diminutives I like as a full name. I don’t like Leon or Leonard.

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gingerhills · 07/04/2022 10:11

I like it, and it really is one of those names where the short version doesn't feel like it needs a longer name on the birth certificate. It works in its own right. (Like you I don't like Leonard or Leon very much and Leonardo just sounds odd unless you have Italian blood.)

ellenpartridge · 07/04/2022 10:29

Don't see any reason for funny looks. I know plenty of Leo's and think most are Leo as a full name. I like it.

Leeloo1233 · 07/04/2022 10:46

I don't understand that anyone would find Leo strange - it's insanely popular EVERYWHERE

KirstenBlest · 07/04/2022 13:06

It's a standalone name.
I really like it but it is very popular

It could be short for Leonid

I think that it has followed on from the popularity of names like Lee and Liam

KirstenBlest · 07/04/2022 13:11


Don't see any reason for funny looks. I know plenty of Leo's and think most are Leo as a full name. I like it.

This will probably be from older relatives, who won't know that it's a popular name. They'd probably prefer something like Mark or Stephen
NameChange30 · 07/04/2022 13:12

I love it and I think it works fine as a stand-alone name.
Try not to be put off by people's reactions. This is why we didn't tell anyone which names we'd chosen until our children were born. Once the child is born people tend to be more polite about the name!

Roselilly36 · 07/04/2022 13:14

I love it, Leo is a gorgeous name, only ever met a couple over the years.

SummaLuvin · 07/04/2022 13:14

Leo isn't a name I like personally. But it is a perfectly normal name and common enough that will not cause your son any issues. You and your partner are the only people who need to agree on a name, no name will be universally loved by everyone, so you my have to brush off what you perceive as funny looks or disapproval.

loulou2021 · 07/04/2022 19:17

Leo is great. I'd love to use it but it doesn't go with our surname unfortunately!

Cheetocat · 07/04/2022 19:22

Leo is a very sweet name!

WlNDMlLL · 07/04/2022 19:24

I know quite a lot of Leos under 5. Is it not a top 10 name now OP? Can't believe people think it's odd.

DisforDarkChocolate · 07/04/2022 19:26

It's not as nice as Leon.

Seriously, don't tell people the name. Everyone has an opinion and most of them haven't learned to keep it to themselves.

Alonelonelylonersbadidea · 07/04/2022 19:29

Horrible name.

tearinghairout · 07/04/2022 19:34

Yeah, @KirstenBlest, or like Humphrey or Oswald Hmm. Less of the casual ageism, thanks. I would be an "older relative" and I think Leo is lovely.

Odile13 · 07/04/2022 19:38

I love the name Leo.

KirstenBlest · 07/04/2022 19:52

@tearinghairout, you are probably younger than me. I happen to like Leo (and Mark and Stephen but they were overused in my age group)

What puts me off Leo is that I reached my 40s having only met 2 then suddenly there are Leos everywhere.

When some friends used it for their DS about 16 yrs ago - they needed a name that would work in several languages- I thought it was a good choice

NuffSaidSam · 07/04/2022 19:58

I really don't like it, but I've no idea why, it's a perfectly fine name.

It's quite popular though.

Weirdly, I love Leon.

Spearpeas · 07/04/2022 20:00


I know quite a lot of Leos under 5. Is it not a top 10 name now OP? Can't believe people think it's odd.

Exactly! I went to a baby group where every little boy was called Leo or Noah. We must have all entered into a group think on the labour ward.
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