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Emma. :)

45 replies

WindyWendyWondy · 05/04/2022 14:12

I adore Emma but I'd like some opinions.

  1. I have a name beginning with E, is it too Kardashian to have a mother and daughter with first same initial ? I have no Kardashian alliteration ambitions.
  2. How common is it and is it too popular atm?
  3. The other names I like are Louisa and Lucy. Do you prefer either of those.

Thank you!Biscuit
OP posts:
Furrbabymama87 · 05/04/2022 14:17

It's a nice name and perfectly acceptable but I've always found it bland. I don't have loads and loads of friends but 3 of them are called Emma. They're all early 30s though, I can only think of one child called Emma and she's 8. I think it's fine to have names with the same initial.

StopFeckingFaffing · 05/04/2022 14:17
  1. I don't personally think it is an issue to have more than one person in a family with the same initial letter, others will disagree but I have same initial letter as my sibling and has never caused an comments, judgement or issues
  2. Emma is fairly timeless, there are a few in most age groups but not loads so I certainly wouldn't consider it overused
  3. I also like Louisa and Lucy. Louisa is probably my favourite of the 3 names, then Emma, then Lucy
Oddfood · 05/04/2022 14:21

I like it. It was near the top of my list but I had a boy.
Lucy’s ok
Not keen on Louisa

toastofthetown · 05/04/2022 14:25

I don't think it's too similar to have your child's initial matching yours. Most won't note it (unless you have more and call them Elise, Electra, Ebigail and Esther).

Emma is extremely popular. Not only is it a top hundred name at the moment, but it been in the top hundred since 1974, spent 1974-1994 in the top ten and since then has never been ranked lower than 60th. While a name ranked 60th for her year of birth might not be alarming and she probably won't share every classroom or dance class with another Emma, the cumulative effect of these decades of Emmas means that she will likely always work with another Emma or have another Emma in her circle of friends when she grows out of being kept in age groups. I know you've only asked about popularity at the moment, but I think popularity outside of your year of birth is just as important. I know people who were the only one of their name in the classroom, but then as adults found it frustrating to be one of five in the office with their name.

Louisa is by far the nicest of the three names in my opinion. Emma's years of popularity just make it dull for me, and Lucy also feels a bit dull and wet. I do like Lucia though.

MajorCarolDanvers · 05/04/2022 14:26

A classic that has stood the test of time.


FrankLeeSpeaking · 05/04/2022 14:28

Emma is a beautiful and timeless name.
I don't think it's particularly overused, either.
I like Lucy, don't really like Louisa (although Louise is lovely!)

inheritancetrack · 05/04/2022 14:30

Every other adult female I know is called Emma. Less so little girls though. lots of Lucys too.

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Aliceforgot · 05/04/2022 14:34

Lovely, timeless, beautiful.

Hugasauras · 05/04/2022 14:34

I love Emma (biased as it's DD's name). It's a name that can be and do anything, and it's classic and timeless one. It's also not massively common among kids where we are - we don't know any other nursery-age Emmas in our circle, but there are quite a few duplicate other 'trendy' names. If you love it, use it!

toastofthetown · 05/04/2022 14:36

I'd just add that in contrast to other posters, I don't see Emma as timeless at all. In England and Wales Emma totally dropped out of the top hundred in 1914, then was suddenly at the top of charts between 1974-1994 and is now declining in popularity again. Emma is a classic name, but to me it’s rises and falls in popularity mean that it’s not timeless and will end up dating (for reference, Janet and Christine have appeared in the top hundred the same amount of times as Emma over the last 120 years). I don’t think a name being timeless is essential and I think outside of Elizabeth almost all girls names will date, but if I wanted a timeless name, I wouldn’t choose Emma.

MacaroniCheeseCat · 05/04/2022 14:40

I know loads of women named Emma born in the 1970s and 1980s. I only know one in the under-10s bracket.

It’s a beautiful, timeless name - and also travels well internationally (everyone seems to be able to pronounce it, everyone recognises it). If you love it, use it!

Of your three, my favourite is Louisa - which was on our list for if we had a girl. Really classy, a little more unusual - and again, travels well.

Lucy is also a lovely name. I feel like it’s had a consistent level of popularity throughout recent generations in terms of how many I know in different age groups, though I might be wrong.

I would go for the one you like best.

GoodSoup · 05/04/2022 14:40

I like Emma. DS has one in his class. Makes a change from Evie/Isla/Ava.

alereal · 05/04/2022 14:51

I've always found both Emma and Lucy to be insipid names

KirstenBlest · 05/04/2022 14:56

Classic and lovely. Never falls out of use.

Much prefer it to Lucy and Louisa, butt they are nice.

It depends on what your name is I suppose. If you are Emily or Ella it's a bit too close, but you could still use it

PocahontasMcGinty · 05/04/2022 15:01

Beautiful name. Timeless. Suits a baby to and old woman. Won't be misspelled or mispronounced, popular but not overly so. More kids called Emily than Emma.

Lucy is nice but popular, Louisa is also lovely

SunshiningBoo · 05/04/2022 15:02

Emma is lovely. I don't think it's too Kardashian at all for you to have the same first initial. I love Lucy too.

VeryQuaintIrene · 05/04/2022 15:08

Emma Louisa sounds a bit ugly to me with those 2 "a" endings, but Emma Louise is lovely.

emmathedilemma · 05/04/2022 15:09

Whilst it's popular according to the stats, and was probably more popular in my generation, I didn't share a class with another one at school until I got to A-levels. Don't have any in my close friend group and only one other in the "friends of friends / distant acquaintances" type category, plus a friend's daughter.

SpringIntoChaos · 05/04/2022 15:11

A beautiful name...really lovely 🥰

Hellhath · 05/04/2022 15:11

I have an Emma. I just love the classic simplicity of it. She is Emma Elizabeth.

KirstenBlest · 05/04/2022 15:11


Emma Louisa sounds a bit ugly to me with those 2 "a" endings, but Emma Louise is lovely.

I agree although Emma Louise sounds very 1980s
SpringHasSprungYay · 05/04/2022 15:18

I don't know amy kids called emma.
Lots in their 40's.
It's ok I guess.
Bit meh like Amy or Clare though... Just inoffensive really.
Lucy has similar vibes.

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ladymalfoy · 05/04/2022 15:23

Emma Louise for the win.
I’ve always loved the name. Since I was born, in fact.
Emmy Ems
Emma Pemma
Em the Pem
Em Pem

ladymalfoy · 05/04/2022 15:24

Don’t forget.
Emma Peel.

RuthW · 05/04/2022 16:40

It's a pain having the same initial as a parent. Louise / Louisa is lovely.

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