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Girls name- Daphne?

72 replies

chloboe · 01/03/2022 14:18

Hi all 🤍

We're expecting a little girl in the summer and are really stuck on names. Middle name is going to be Rosina (my nans middle name) but we just can't get set on a first name.

We both really love Daphne, we love that's it's quite vintage and that you don't hear it often but we're just not 100%. What do you think of the name daphne?

Some of the other names we really like are ..

Cecily (CeCe)
Beatrice (Bea)
Penelope (P)
Adelie/Addison (Addi)

Please help us or leave any suggestions 😭

Thanks so much xx

OP posts:
NameChange30 · 01/03/2022 14:24

I love Daphne! Prefer it to your other choices.

Jacketandbeans · 01/03/2022 14:24

Daphne is my favourite too!

atiredtoddlermama · 01/03/2022 14:25

Love Daphne!
Cecily is nice too

Barleysugar85 · 01/03/2022 14:27

Love Daphne and Beatrice (although I prefer it spelt it Beatrix :)

Lasagnaface · 01/03/2022 14:28

I think Daphne is gorgeous. And there’s that beautiful Apollo and Daphne Bernini statue in the Galleria Borghese. Go for it!

People will light up when you introduce her, I promise x

Concestor · 01/03/2022 14:36

I love it and it's due a revival. My mum is called Daphne and she's 80 and I've only ever met one other (in her 40s).

xfgdhfgnhkk007 · 01/03/2022 14:48

Daphne definitely has that 80s vintage vibe.

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Letsrunabath · 01/03/2022 14:51

Love Daphne, gorgeous name.

HoldingTheDoor · 01/03/2022 14:54

I'm not a fan. Daphne is such an ugly name and it makes me think of the insult "Dafty" too. Adelie/Penelope and Cecily are much nicer.

DillDanding · 01/03/2022 14:56

Daphne is awful, sorry but it is.

I love Cece. I know 2, both short for Cecelia.

RatherBeRiding · 01/03/2022 14:57

I love Daphne - definitely got that 1920s Bertie Wooster vintage vibe going on. Gorgeous name.

Skinnytailedsquirrel · 01/03/2022 14:59

Well at least (I hope) you are not going to be able to shorten Daphne
like the others.

ladycarlotta · 01/03/2022 15:39

I love it. It's such a pretty but classical name.

Wisemensay · 01/03/2022 15:49

I love Daphne!

wearewizardsofoz · 01/03/2022 15:52

Greg Rutherfords daughter is called Daphne. It's beautiful!

wearewizardsofoz · 01/03/2022 15:52

Similar to Cecily, I like Cecelia.

CorpusCallosum · 01/03/2022 15:54

Love Daphne! Use it!

elenacampana · 01/03/2022 16:02

I love Daphne. We considered it, but used one of your other names instead :-)

Maybe reconsider P for Penelope, it’s also wee!

Enko · 01/03/2022 16:03

Daphne is a great name was on our short list for dd2

DPotter · 01/03/2022 16:07

Sorry it's one of the names that makes me shudder and if introduced to one, I'd have to give an Oscar winning performance for you to see my face light up.

Don't like the full name and the only 2 women I knew with the name were called Daph, pronounced Daf - horrid, as I say - shudder.

Sorry - but you did ask

chloboe · 01/03/2022 16:11

@Skinnytailedsquirrel there just nicknames ☺️

OP posts:
MysticCT · 01/03/2022 16:23

I prefer your other names, and I think Cecily is lovely.
I only know one Daphne. She is in her nineties, so it seems really old fashioned to me.

Lamont77 · 01/03/2022 16:39

Not sure OP. Wouldn't want to be a Daphne myself and its a bit scooby doo. Also it's quite close to 'dafty'

Don't think you could go wrong with any of the others though! They're all nice.

midsomermurderess · 01/03/2022 16:41

I know it''s not, but to me it has a 1930s feel to it, dancing and frolics at country houses. I think it's rather marvellous. I think 1930s type names might be up for a revival.

RuthW · 01/03/2022 17:10

Love it

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