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32 replies

ant1234 · 03/02/2022 07:56

Do you think Coco (as an abbreviation of Cordelia) would lead to any problems in this day and age (un Pc etc???). Hadn't crossed my mind but a friend has just raised it and said it would be cruel to call the baby it as gives the wrong impression. I had just been thinking of coco Chanel..

OP posts:
WindInTheWillows7 · 03/02/2022 08:02

I don't think it would be a problem.

toastofthetown · 03/02/2022 08:17

Coco is a sweet nickname and the advantage of it being a nickname is that if she doesn’t like it, she can revert to Cordelia or choose another nickname. I’m not sure what the ‘wrong impression’ your friend is talking about though. I’d probably stop discussing names with that friend.

HacerSonarSusPasos · 03/02/2022 08:19

Cordelia is a great name and offers lots of nn possibilities (Delia/Leah/Cory)

I don't see the issue with Coco either

Orphlids · 03/02/2022 08:44

Coco is great. A well established nickname.

Bluemamma · 03/02/2022 08:53

Coco as a nn to Cordelia- yes lovely
Coco on its own as a name - lower class striper

SallyWD · 03/02/2022 08:55

It means poo in Portuguese but I suppose most people here wouldn't know that.

SummaLuvin · 03/02/2022 08:57

Maybe it's the association with the phenomenal Pixar film which never fails to leave me in floods of tears.

Jokes aside, I can't think of any 'issues' with the name or any unfortunate associations you would wish to avoid. Your friend may not like it, but that doesn't mean it's a bad name. The only thing I could think of is - if your friend is bi-lingual or from a different cultural background - whether Coco might be a rude word in another language?

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Bluemamma · 03/02/2022 08:57

It it not kaka? @SallyWD

ant1234 · 03/02/2022 08:58


It means poo in Portuguese but I suppose most people here wouldn't know that.

Ha! Didn't know that. But then I don't know any Portuguese speakers either so think I don't need to worry.

Thanks for positive replies. It would definitely be a nn not formal registered name (so she can become a judge not a stripper!). I just think it sounds fun and sparky - whereas delia as a nn is a bit frumpy..
OP posts:
Luredbyapomegranate · 03/02/2022 09:01

No. It’s quite common as a nn, and most people get the channel ref. Not as a full name though,

ant1234 · 03/02/2022 09:02


Maybe it's the association with the phenomenal Pixar film which never fails to leave me in floods of tears.

Jokes aside, I can't think of any 'issues' with the name or any unfortunate associations you would wish to avoid. Your friend may not like it, but that doesn't mean it's a bad name. The only thing I could think of is - if your friend is bi-lingual or from a different cultural background - whether Coco might be a rude word in another language?

Friend not from a different country actually - quite the reverse (older gen, english and terrified by a hyper PC culture becoming OTT). I think they may have in mind the way coco pops were rebranded/re imaged recently - but that was rather different in my mind!
OP posts:
KylieCharlene · 03/02/2022 09:05

I love it.
I called a pet Coco as I wasn't brave enough to use it for DD.
I think it's beautiful though.

SallyWD · 03/02/2022 10:55


It it not kaka? *@SallyWD*

No that's Spanish
Bideshi · 03/02/2022 11:04

Coco Chanel was a Nazi collaborator and unashamed anti-Semite. The perfume Chanel No 5 came to her because she denounced the Jewish perfumiers who owned the title to the perfume. She used her Nazi lover to gain revenge on Jewish garment workers who had struck for better conditions. She was a fashion genius and a deeply deeply unpleasant woman, and only got away with being charged as a collaborator after the war because she had friends in high places. I wouldn't give her name to a child.

Illyria17 · 03/02/2022 11:04

Nothing wrong with it, lots of baby Cocos here in Australia

bloominglovelyorange · 03/02/2022 11:21

lovely name. Also love Cleo

Hopitihop · 03/02/2022 14:12

Coco? Never heard it for humans. However, it sounds perfect for a puppy!

Cordelia is nice as it is, no need to shorten it in my opinion. Delia is better (and a proper Italian name).

rambleonplease · 03/02/2022 14:17

I love Coco as a name itself. My DD had a friend called Coco. Really suited her.

I can't see it as a nickname for Cordelia though, they are just too different. Personally I don't really like Cordelia.

BeckyWithTheGoodHair010101 · 03/02/2022 23:36

What coco pops rebrand?

Coco is lovely as a nn for cordelia though!

CharlieBoo · 05/02/2022 16:51

Know lots of dog cocos and I’m not sure it works as a nickname for Cordelia.. two completely different names and different sounds

Yika · 05/02/2022 17:16

Very sweet name. I wouldn’t have any particular association with it. No idea what coco pops rebranding has occurred.

StrychnineIntheSandwiches · 05/02/2022 18:42

I know a couple of 9/10 year old Cocos. So I feel like it's been a trendyish names for a while now. Can't see any issues arising.

Beamur · 05/02/2022 18:46

I love it. One of Jo Whileys kids is called Coco.

frogswimming · 05/02/2022 18:54

Cordelia is lovely and she can have lots of nicknames. Delia, Cora etc. I prefer Cora but Coco is nice too.

StrychnineIntheSandwiches · 05/02/2022 18:59

The name Cordelia always reminds me of Anne Shirley. She dreamt of being called Lady Cordelia Fitzgerald. Grin

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