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58 replies

whatsinaname2 · 10/01/2022 22:32

How do you feel about the name Milo? After exhausting every baby name book out there this is the only name we agree on, but I'm still unsure. Help!

OP posts:
LawnFever · 10/01/2022 22:33

I like it Smile similar to Monty if you’ve considered that?

Changethetoner · 10/01/2022 22:34

It's lovely. It was the name of a popular children's tv character (The Tweenies) but that was 20yrs ago. Use it!

Whyisitsodifficult · 10/01/2022 22:36

I know quite a few dogs called Milo!

DeloresMadrigal · 10/01/2022 22:36

I love it. It was on my list for ds, but dh wasn't keen.

whatsinaname2 · 10/01/2022 22:37


I know quite a few dogs called Milo!

Oh right, nice! Dogs are cool.
OP posts:
DeloresMadrigal · 10/01/2022 22:37

Similar suggestion would be Arlo.

I also quite like Monty, but it feels a bit too nicknamey for me, whereas Milo feels like a 'proper' name

Notthisnotthat · 10/01/2022 22:40

I am old, so do associate Milo with the Tweenies, but I like it as a name too. It's becoming popular near me.

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northernbutterfly · 10/01/2022 22:41

If it's the only one you agree on then looks like it'll be Milo!

Not my taste, it's a bit of the moment for me but it's perfectly pleasant

whattodo2019 · 10/01/2022 22:43

I always think of Milo - the chocolate drink.
I much prefer Monty (Montgomery or Montague))

Whatdramain2022 · 10/01/2022 22:43

Wasn't it a type of hot chocolate drink? I think my DD was given it in hospital. I like the name though.

Whyisitsodifficult · 10/01/2022 22:43

It’s also quite a popular chocolate milk drink made by Nestle!

DebbieHarrysCheekbones · 10/01/2022 22:44

Chocolate drink
Dog or cat name

2toastornot2toast · 10/01/2022 22:44

Just be aware it's a hotchoc/ malted drink brand in lots of countries like Australia and New Zealand.

toastofthetown · 10/01/2022 22:45

Milo is very trendy, but not a bad name. The two syllable name ending in an O is booming in popularity at the moment.

Luckingfovely · 10/01/2022 22:46

I love Milo, and have mostly seen it used as a nn for Miles, but also fab on it's own.

TheBugHouse · 10/01/2022 22:46

It’s a nice name but I know three dog Milo’s near me ….

Reallycantbesarsed · 10/01/2022 22:46

Absolutely love Milo.

Houseplantmad · 10/01/2022 22:46

Where I grew up it is a bedtime drink so I couldn't name my child Milo for that reason.

MandalaYogaTapestry · 10/01/2022 22:53

A dog's name for me

Omicrone · 10/01/2022 22:54

I do quite like it but it is quite 'doggy'.

See also Arlo and Monty which are definitely dogs names!

ExcuseeeeMe · 10/01/2022 22:54

My dogs name sorry . Also have met many doggy Milos on our walks .

LondonQueen · 10/01/2022 22:56

I like it and a few friends have dogs called Milo! It's not that common for children so he is not likely to have to share his name with any classmates!

hohohooooo · 10/01/2022 22:56

If you and DH like it, that's all that matters. It wouldn't be for me because I like traditional names - Matthew, Luke, Alexander etc

hertsgirls · 10/01/2022 23:00

I like it. Loads of nice names are popular for dogs. Phoebe, Poppy, Sadie etc. So I wouldn't let that put me off!

It does feel quite trendy at the moment if that bothers you.

Campervan69 · 10/01/2022 23:00

I love it. Wanted it for ds3 but dh vetoed as his surname is Ball so thought he'd get teased at school 😁

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