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Ada? (Girl name)

50 replies

Epli · 29/10/2021 21:00

I am Polish and we are looking for a name which could be used in both countries. Could you tell me how does Ada sound to your native speaker ears? :)

OP posts:
Isabellabasil · 29/10/2021 21:03

Ada is a lovely name and fairly popular these days too.

fantasmasgoria1 · 29/10/2021 21:04

My opinion only but its a very old fashioned name and it sounds harsh.

Isabellabasil · 29/10/2021 21:05

Sorry did you mean literally how it sounds? It would be pronounced 'ay-da', like the ay in the word play.

PinkMoon22 · 29/10/2021 21:06

A (capital a) da
Is the only way I can describe it 😂
Lovely name

bloominglovelyorange · 29/10/2021 21:09

Lovely name

emmathedilemma · 29/10/2021 21:27

I like it. I’d pronounce it more like Aid-a

Fivebeanchilli · 29/10/2021 21:29

It's lovely. I'd say AY (like the capital A) da

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DuploSubmarine · 29/10/2021 21:29

It's fine and is popular in my area of England and has been for a number of years.

To me it sounds a little bit vintage but still of the moment. Perfectly good choice.

annieannietomjoe · 29/10/2021 21:35

Love it...was one of my top but went with another very traditional name

AdaColeman · 29/10/2021 21:39

It’s a beautiful name!

APurpleSquirrel · 29/10/2021 21:44

I say Aye-da.
Love it - would have used it for DS if he had been a girl.

Epli · 29/10/2021 21:49

Thank you! Very interesting on pronunciation, I was expecting something more like Adam (just without ‘m’)

OP posts:
VienneseWhirligig · 29/10/2021 21:51

I quite like it. It was my MIL's name, but she never used it. I would have considered it for a dd if I had had one.

Anycolourwilldo · 29/10/2021 21:57

It's a lovely name. I would say Aid-a

ohdeariforgot · 29/10/2021 22:01


PanicBuyingSprouts · 29/10/2021 22:01

It's lovely and works well in English. My DGM was Ada Smile

DogCatRabbit · 29/10/2021 22:03

It's Aye-Da in England.
Possibly Ah-der in Europe?

FrothyB · 29/10/2021 22:06

We went with Adelaide, Ada for short. I like old fashioned things, names among them.

The other reason we decided on Ada though is perhaps more relevant to you. My partner is Hungarian and we wanted a name that worked across both cultures. As lovely as names like Orsolya and Csilla are, they are difficult for English speakers to pronounce and spell, and it's England where she will be brought up. At the same time, my partner quite rightly wanted our daughter to have a name her family could understand.

In England we call her "Ay-da" and in Hungary we call her "Ah-da". She understands both to be her name, aswell as Adelaide.

Of course, if both you and your partner are Polish then it makes sense you would pronounce it exclusively the Polish way. She will have to correct teachers/anyone that reads her name out without knowing her beforehand, but once they get corrected I've no doubt it will be fine.

For what it's worth, I really like the "Ah-da" way of pronouncing it.

NotAnotherPushyMum · 29/10/2021 22:11

I only know one child called Ada at the moment, she’s got Italian parents and it’s more like the Ah-da pronunciation.

BoneWithTheWind · 29/10/2021 22:14

I was sure that Ada Lovelace is pronounced exactly the same as in Polish. So as in 'adder' the snake. My cousin is called Ada so I do love the name (we're also Polish). I also have a British acquaintance who called her little girl Ada and I always thought it sounded great. xx

Isabellabasil · 29/10/2021 22:25

Adam without the m sounds like adder, which is Britain's only poisonous snake. It is a pretty sounding word, no doubt, but I'm not sure if the snake reference is too much?

Fifthtimelucky · 29/10/2021 23:15

I pronounce it Ay-duh.

It was my great grandmother's name so I've always considered it very old fashioned (she was born in the 1870s).

Phyllis321 · 29/10/2021 23:22

I know an Ada pronounced Ad-ah aged about 12. I like it.

drumandhake · 29/10/2021 23:23

Wouldn't it be Ida in Polish?

purplebatbear · 29/10/2021 23:24

Absolutely beautiful name x

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