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How do you feel about the name Sophia?

45 replies

violetkay25 · 12/09/2021 00:20

Do you dislike or like the name & why?

OP posts:
MinesAMassiveSalad · 12/09/2021 00:24

A beautiful name with a lovely meaning.

Notbeforemycoffeeplease · 12/09/2021 00:25

Hi, it’s a nice name. I know several people that have chosen this name in recent years but it doesn’t detract from it being a nice enough name.

PumpkinKlNG · 12/09/2021 00:25

Way to popular

PricklesTheHedgehog · 12/09/2021 00:31

Love it

Pinkchocolate · 12/09/2021 00:32

It’s a pretty name but very common.

Pinkchocolate · 12/09/2021 00:33

And I mean common as in “used often” not lower class.

PraiseBee · 12/09/2021 00:38

I used to work with a lovely little Sophia and I found it hard to say several times close together. So I wouldn't use it despite liking the name

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Susannahmoody · 12/09/2021 00:41

It's overused

SquirryTheSquirrel · 12/09/2021 00:46

I like it. It's elegant yet not too flowery.

whiteroseredrose · 12/09/2021 00:51

I think it is lovely.

However the Sophia in my year 2 class got unwanted jokes when they learned about spheres!

clpsmum · 12/09/2021 00:55

Much prefer Sophie. Sophia/Sofia is really overused where I am and I'm sick of hearing it tbh

Darkchocolateandcoffee · 12/09/2021 00:57


PissedOffNeighbour22 · 12/09/2021 01:02

Beautiful name. I wanted to use it for my daughter but it's way way too popular and I chose something else.

NewlyGranny · 12/09/2021 01:04

It can be pronounced so-fire as well. It was my grandmother's name, she was born late 1880s. Lovely name.

GreyhoundG1rl · 12/09/2021 01:07

It's nice. Is it really overused? I only know one, she's about 15 now.

PumpkinKlNG · 12/09/2021 01:40

Yes Sophia IS really over used

How do you feel about the name Sophia?
daisydalrymple · 12/09/2021 01:47

Love it.
It’s dd’s middle name, but with the Sofia spelling, as we’re Welsh and it fits better with her first name. I don’t know a single Sophia / Sofia, so it very much depends on where you are.

CorianderAndCream · 12/09/2021 01:50

Love it. Nobody hates that name people only dislike it because it's so popular. But it's one of the most common names in every country - Sophia, Sophie , Sofia, Zafia, Zafiya etc

A good name. Strong meaning and beautiful.

Dumpedwife · 12/09/2021 01:52

Very pretty which is why it is so popular.
It may be popular but at least its not daft like a try too hard to be different name.

Velveteena · 12/09/2021 03:06

Dislike it.

Hear it everywhere, Way too many Sophias milling about at the moment. And generally speaking Sophie sounds better in an English accent than Sophia. So-fee-yawwww sounds bloody awful.

LiveSimply · 12/09/2021 06:55

I love it :) beautiful name! A classic.

MysteriousMonkey · 12/09/2021 07:13

Such a pretty name. But PPs are right. Its very popular. A friends daughter has just started a new school and there are four Sophias in her class alone. I assume the school will have tried to spread out Sophias somewhat so makes you wonder how many there are in that year group!!!

That said friends daughter said there were none in the previous school.

StrictlyAFemaleFemale · 12/09/2021 07:15

In my head I hear the teen mom whining it everytime I see it.

MayorGundersonsDogRufus · 12/09/2021 07:17

It's a lovely name but it has been overused the last 10 years.

Geamhradh · 12/09/2021 08:33

Beautiful, timeless and classy.
The fact that it's currently popular doesn't detract from that.

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