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How do you feel about the name Charlotte?

104 replies

violetkay25 · 11/09/2021 23:57

Do you dislike or like the name & why?

OP posts:
pennypan · 11/09/2021 23:58

It's pretty

I like it because a lovely lady called Charlotte looked after my dad when he was hospital before he died, she truly was an angel.

Mumoftwoinprimary · 12/09/2021 00:08

Love it!

Pretty, nice shortenings and classical.

MinesAMassiveSalad · 12/09/2021 00:12

I find it slightly stuffy. But feel guilty about that.🤷

Don't like Charley which I've heard as the nickname for the one that I know best.

SuperbLyrebird · 12/09/2021 00:13

Beautiful and timeless.
Don't like nicknames for it.

smokeyjane · 12/09/2021 00:15

Honestly boring and 1990s. Reminds me a bit of the name Jennifer in America. Kind of dull and overdone and of an era (1980s-1990s)

JamieFrasersBigSwingingKilt · 12/09/2021 00:37

Classic but dull.

NatKat2 · 12/09/2021 05:41


I like it as timeless and classic. It also suits all age groups- can imagine a baby, toddler, teenager, adult and an elderly lady all called Charlotte X

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Theoldwoman · 12/09/2021 05:55

It's one of my DD names. Love it (obviously) it's in my top ten.

Classical, elegant, timeless.

BunnytheFriendlyDragon · 12/09/2021 05:56

I like it

TolkiensFallow · 12/09/2021 05:58

I like it and I like Charlie and Lottie which would like lot be used as nicknames

CurlyWurlyTwos · 12/09/2021 06:00

Traditional and inoffensive.

Had Royal connections now which is unfortunate.....

EmeraldRaine · 12/09/2021 06:06

Very very boring name.

HopingForOurRainbowBaby · 12/09/2021 06:18

I like it

Longdistance · 12/09/2021 06:21

It’s ok. When I suggested this name to my dm (she’s not English) she said it reminded her of Charlotte Fever, what she actually meant was Scarlet fever.

PileOfBooks · 12/09/2021 06:24

Traditional and elegant. Unfortunate the royals took it as you may get "were you named after the princess..." or maybe not now there's some distance.

I only knew 1 in 90s so don't associate it with then.

It would be on our shortlist if we had another.

Joystir59 · 12/09/2021 06:27

Lovely name

MayorGundersonsDogRufus · 12/09/2021 06:42

It's a lovely classic name. Can be shortened to Charl, Charley or Lottie which all have quite a different feel, I think!

SquigglePigs · 12/09/2021 06:52

I really like it. Classic, lots of nickname options if you want and it's lovely on a child and adult. It was on our short list.

LiveSimply · 12/09/2021 06:53

I really like it! It’s a classic & beautiful name

RavenclawsRoar · 12/09/2021 06:55

Never been a huge fan. There's nothing wrong with it really but personally I find it boring and dated.

GreekGod · 12/09/2021 07:05

Personally, I have never liked it, well now that there is a Princess Charlotte as well, that would put me off

ShuddaBeenMe · 12/09/2021 07:07

I think it's dull. Too popular for too long

LadybirdsAreFab · 12/09/2021 07:08

I love it but it is my daughter's name. She is 12 now and no one shortens it, she doesn't shorten it either. She has been asked if she was named after Princess Charlotte, she looks at them and says, I am 12, she is 6, what do you think. We didn't think about the length of the name and gave her a long middle name and our family name is double barreled (from my husband's side, not my family name). She has 28 letters in all which is a pain when filling in forms.

Howareyouflower · 12/09/2021 07:09

I like the name when it is pronounced "Charlet" but hate it when the "lot" is emphasised.

NannyR · 12/09/2021 07:10

I love it, it's a strong, classic, timeless name. I don't particularly like Charlie as a nickname rough so don't think I would use it vfr that reason. I don't mind Lottie or Lotte.

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