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Raven - Is this a good name for a girl?

101 replies

Daisydrum · 04/09/2021 19:48

Hi, I’ve just been drawn to the name Raven but wondering if it will carry well into adult hood?
And do I need to wait to see if she has dark hair? (Both DS and DD have brown hair taking after DH).

OP posts:
luannlele · 04/09/2021 19:57

I like this name and could be shortened to Rae

SoSoSoSleepy · 04/09/2021 20:13

I like it. Reminds me of the Yorkshire Shepherdess' daughter - she doesn't have dark hair, but it suits her.

Angel2702 · 04/09/2021 20:18

I like it not sure I’d be brave enough to use it.

SoupDragon · 04/09/2021 20:19

Harbinger of Death.

WinterWeightlossGoal · 04/09/2021 20:21

I love it!

toastofthetown · 04/09/2021 20:26

While it's not a name I would use, I don't think it's a bad name. I think it's fine for an adult as well. If you're not sure then maybe choose a more traditional middle name.

Cyberworrier · 04/09/2021 20:26

Of course it’s up to you, but I think it seems such a strongly gothic name, that it puts me off a bit. I don’t have such positive nature associations with ravens as with, robins or wrens say, ravens are an ominous bird. To me it sounds like the kind of name some adults would choose for themselves and that’s great, but I’d worry it might be a burden for some children.

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Blueuggboots · 04/09/2021 20:29

It's the name of a character in the popular children's cartoon teen titans go! She's a demon. I like it but it's controversial I think...

Chunkymenrock · 04/09/2021 20:38

Well it's ok but not particularly nice. The nickname Rae/Ray just sounds like an old man's name, so even worse.

Nap1983 · 04/09/2021 20:40

Yeah if your planning on sacrificing her Grin

YouWereGr8InLittleMenstruators · 04/09/2021 20:41

My friend's DD is called Raven, it is a very pretty name.

bizzieb33 · 04/09/2021 20:43

It's a university web service?

bizzieb33 · 04/09/2021 20:44

Sorry forgot to add, otherwise lovely but I always google names to see what other things are also linked to them.

Vulgarlady · 04/09/2021 20:46

I love it

Lockdownpudding · 04/09/2021 20:46

I like it! I used to know a girl called Ebony, and she was very blonde.

Blitzes · 04/09/2021 20:47

Teenage me was determined to call her daughter Raven Grin sadly DH vetoed when we finally had a daughter

Gubanc · 04/09/2021 20:50

My first reaction to hearing it would be 'parents watched too much of Game of Thrones'.

romdowa · 04/09/2021 20:50

It's such a cool name! I'd love to be brave enough to use it!

TatianaBis · 04/09/2021 20:59

It’s a good name if you’re goth/hippy. If she turned out very straight laced it might be a bit of an embarrassment.

Daisydoesnt · 04/09/2021 21:11

Raven is my favourite drag queen!

lifehappened · 04/09/2021 21:17

Ah I like that, never heard it before and that's always a win for me

Hungry675tf · 04/09/2021 21:26

It is an awesome name and you should definitely use it.

Unless she is ginger or fair, in which case don't.

Daisydrum · 04/09/2021 21:45

Thank you for the varied comments. This is my concern about the associations people automatically think of. Although I had no idea it was also the Cambridge university authentication web service!

And I’ve never watched game of thrones so wouldn’t even think of that. Although worry people would think that’s the reason!

I also quite like Faith or Wendy which are completely different and I worry not strong enough names

OP posts:
Coffeeand · 04/09/2021 22:03


Givemethatknife · 04/09/2021 22:26

It very marmite, and imposes a type - I wouldn’t want to be called it, and if she’s a jolly soul whose favourite colour is pink she won’t thank you.

Faith is nice
Wendy is bleeding awful

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