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26 replies

greatestdancer · 18/07/2021 15:26

Just wondering what people opinions of this name are?. We’re considering it for if DC2 is a boy

OP posts:
KirstenBlest · 18/07/2021 16:20

I know a lot of little Ethans, but not as many as Harry and Jack.

Nice enough. I'm not keen on Eth as a nn though.

daisypond · 18/07/2021 17:02

It’s very dated. The Ethans I know are in their mid to late 20s. It’s very much a ‘90s name to me, but it seemed quite unusual then when I first heard it. I don’t know any young ones.

IamnotwhouthinkIam · 18/07/2021 17:24

Nice but slightly trendy/popular Biblical imo - it's one of those ones like Noah, Caleb, Elijah, Ezra etc that don't seem to have been used very often 30/40 years ago in the UK. However it has a nice sound and I don't think it will date very badly.

0None0 · 18/07/2021 17:26

Far too popular. One of the most common names at my school

MissMissTorrance · 18/07/2021 17:27

Common a few years back.
I think it's dated now.

CharityPecksniff · 18/07/2021 17:28

It's ok, but I always hear Ether with this name.

IsThePopeCatholic · 18/07/2021 17:28

I love it.

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Queenoftheashes · 18/07/2021 17:29

Makes me think of Ethan Rayne, chaos worshipper

missrose0110 · 18/07/2021 18:15

Love it! We're having a girl but if Ethan was the boys name we'd picked out for a boy before we knew. I think it's lovely 😊

greatestdancer · 18/07/2021 18:16

Thank you! Quite a mixed bag here. I think we will go back to the drawing board

OP posts:
Topseyt · 18/07/2021 19:12

I like it and would have considered it if we had had a boy.

bloominglovelyorange · 18/07/2021 21:41

It's ok. What about

resm · 18/07/2021 22:19

I know an Ethan, primary school child. I like it. Definitely not dated where I’m from. Wouldn’t have heard of any Ethans the generation before.

Cbeebiesrehab · 18/07/2021 22:48

Feels dated to me too sorry.

KnobJockey · 18/07/2021 22:53

We have a nephew called Ethan on each side, one is 9 and the other is 3. Good, solid classic name, popular enough but not top 10, there won't be a bunch of them in a class but there will be others in the school no doubt.

Missreginafalange · 19/07/2021 20:09

I have an Ethan, didn't know any when I named him, there are 3 in his year at school is vey popular at the moment

Rockmehardplace · 20/07/2021 00:30

I have an Ethan. I like it because it’s old (biblical) but sounds modern and has a good meaning. We know one other little Ethan the same age but no others at nursery.

RightOnTheEdge · 20/07/2021 00:35

I really like it.
I don't know any Ethans so not common around here.
It doesn't sound dated to me just a nice name.

Albgo · 20/07/2021 00:38

@Queenoftheashes 🤣🤣

I'm guessing no other Buffy fans on this thread then.

DramaAlpaca · 20/07/2021 00:39

No, not keen. Very 90s and I don't like the sound.

Kanaloa · 20/07/2021 00:42

It’s nice. There aren’t really any nicknames but that wouldn’t bother me as I like shorter, simple names.

Redsquirrel5 · 20/07/2021 10:11

Love it. I worked in Primary schools for 28 years and only came across 2.

PineappleSeahorse · 20/07/2021 10:59

I love Ethan.

Whitewolf2 · 20/07/2021 18:15

Have a friend with a 5 year old Ethan so don’t think of it as dated at all, more having a resurgence. I always think of Ethan Hawke, not a bad association!

Comedycook · 20/07/2021 18:16

Nice enough but a little dull

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