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47 replies

jellyfishinatent · 27/03/2021 19:07

For a boy, obviously!


OP posts:
MadMadMadamMim · 27/03/2021 19:09

No, No, No!

Roscoe P Coltrane from the (original) Dukes of Hazzard series.


IndecentFeminist · 27/03/2021 19:10

Nope. Nope nope.

DarcyLewis · 27/03/2021 19:10

My dd goes to preschool with a child called Roscoe. Could be worse.

jellyfishinatent · 27/03/2021 19:12

I've never seen dukes of hazzard Blush have most people?!

I'm probably too young for it!

OP posts:
sarah13xx · 27/03/2021 19:18

I like it! I do know someone with a dog called that but I can see it as a baby name too. I find any unusual name on here you get some quite harsh comments so I wouldn’t be too worried if not that many people say they like it 🙈 it’s better to be unique!

Noodlesnoodlesnoodles · 27/03/2021 19:19

I like it. Reminds me of Roscoe Mitchell. I also like Rafe, which I feel has a similar feel.

MadMadMadamMim · 27/03/2021 19:22

You will be too young!

I'm mid 50s. But anyone my generation will think of his dreadful laugh and how dim witted he was...

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Wolfiefan · 27/03/2021 19:23

No. I could see it as the name for a dog. But not a person.

IamnotwhouthinkIam · 27/03/2021 19:27

I think it's more popular in America - I haven't heard of/met any Roscoe's in the UK. It's fine (don't love, don't hate) - fit's in with the popular "surname as given name" sound, but I suspect he'll get called Ross as a nn a lot of the time as that's better known.

ShrikeAttack · 27/03/2021 19:33

It's my surname. I still get called Roscoe P Coltrane.

Runway · 27/03/2021 19:53

Whenever I was a child I wondered what if my name
Had changed into something more productive like Roscoe
Been born in 1891
Waiting with my Aunt Roseline

Great song by Midlake.

I’m mid 40’s and have never heard of the Roscoe from DOH I wouldn’t worry about that

miffmufferedmoof · 27/03/2021 19:58

I think of it as a dog’s name I’m afraid

IndecentFeminist · 27/03/2021 20:27

I haven't seen that program. I know a Rosco that is actually a Ross. Not a fan.

Asterales · 27/03/2021 20:32

I met a German Shepherd dog called Roscoe once. It really suited him. Can't see it working for a human person though.

Titsywoo · 27/03/2021 20:35

Was there a character in Its A SIn called Roscoe? It's certainly unusual - it would suit someone who was very confident but a quieter person might struggle with it as I can imagine lots of comments/piss taking. Sorry.

jaundicedoutlook · 27/03/2021 23:35


Whenever I was a child I wondered what if my name
Had changed into something more productive like Roscoe
Been born in 1891
Waiting with my Aunt Roseline

Great song by Midlake.

I’m mid 40’s and have never heard of the Roscoe from DOH I wouldn’t worry about that

Beat me to it.

Wonderful song.

Not sure about the name in real life, though.
Saltyslug · 28/03/2021 00:00

I like it a lot. I also like Ross

WeBuiltThisBuffetOnSausageRoll · 28/03/2021 00:05

I'm about 170 years old, but it instantly makes me think of Roscoe Arbuckle - a man of extremely dubious character (acquitted or not) who went by the stage name of 'Fatty'.

Other than that, as PPs have said, it's the man from Dukes Of Hazard - still not the finest role model.

Then again, that was all a long time ago and young people nowadays wouldn't have those points of reference at all....

Smallonesaremorejuicy · 28/03/2021 02:19

I knew two brothers Dexter & Roscoe .

Youaremysunshine09 · 28/03/2021 02:25


Lockdownbear · 28/03/2021 02:25

I once knew a horse called Roscoe sorry not a childs name for me.

Orphlids · 28/03/2021 04:22

It’s the middle name of a close family member. He loves it, and I think wishes it was his first name. I do think it sounds quite ‘cool’. Family member is very posh, but I have a feeling Roscoe as a first name will be considered ‘downmarket’ by the mumsnet crowd. I like it.

PandaFluff · 28/03/2021 08:09

I like it- it will probably naturally get shortened to Ross

AmbridgeGirl · 28/03/2021 08:16

Great name and reminds me of the Midlake song as well.

user1493494961 · 28/03/2021 09:26

Seems very American to me, Roscoe Tanner was a famous Tennis player of the 70s. Yes, I would consider it 'downmarket'.

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