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Rita (and middle name suggestions)

92 replies

UsernameIsHarderThanBabyName · 15/02/2021 10:38

Hi. Expecting first baby 😀 and found out we’re having a girl.

What do you think of Rita?
Any middle name suggestions?

OP posts:
IamnotwhouthinkIam · 15/02/2021 11:09

Rita is very nicknamey to me (and also dated -I think it was popular in the 40's/50's), sorry. But maybe it's due a comeback?

BottegaBish · 15/02/2021 11:12


Awwlookatmybabyspider · 15/02/2021 11:13

Fab very granny chic and retro.
Rita Evelyn
Rita Grace
Rita Jasmine
Rita Alice
Rita Madeline
Rita Elizabeth
Rita Celeste
Rita Lillian
Rita Josephine
Rita Evangeline

AerialDazzle · 15/02/2021 11:13

I love it!

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 15/02/2021 11:15

And Bob, too. WinkGrin

Crockof · 15/02/2021 11:16

Awww you all beat me too it.

Mimilamore · 15/02/2021 11:17

Love it,
Due come back, like Gloria ❤️❤️

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Bbq1 · 15/02/2021 11:24

Umm.. Love lots of older names but not Rita... Makes me think of "Lovely Rita meter maid" and even more so, Mambo No5 with Lou Bega listing all the names!

Fivemoreminutes1 · 15/02/2021 11:37

Rita Margo
Rita Nancy
Rita Maude
Rita Pearl
Rita Scarlett
Rita Vivienne
Rita Violet

SeanChailleach · 15/02/2021 11:38

I think of this as an Indian name. I love it.

JackieweaverhasALLtheauthority · 15/02/2021 11:39

Oh it's just awful
There are so many really pretty names. Why on earth would you call your beautiful baby Rita?

Rita is 60+, she works behind the bar in an old man's pub, has badly dyed hair and a chequered past.

JackieweaverhasALLtheauthority · 15/02/2021 11:40

Very often she has lipstick on her front teeth

AfterSchoolWorry · 15/02/2021 11:41

I adore Rita. Two crisp constants. Good strong R name.

Peregrina · 15/02/2021 11:44

I think of Rita as being a short form of Margarita - with Margo being another short form. So unless you want to call her the same name twice that would rule Rita Margo out. Since Margaret and derivatives also mean pearl then it would be like calling her Pearl Pearl.

Topseyt · 15/02/2021 11:44

Not keen on Rita at all, and not sure I can imagine it in use today except for a very elderly aunt.

It does now almost immediately make me think of Rita Skeeter, the batshit crazy journalist in the Harry Potter series. 🤣


Peregrina · 15/02/2021 11:45

Nothing wrong with Rita though, if old lady names like Elsie and Ada have come back.

JackieweaverhasALLtheauthority · 15/02/2021 11:46

Elsie and ada are awful too

I really don't get the fashion for old lady names.

Timpeall · 15/02/2021 11:47

Rita sounds a bit hard.

I know there's the unutterably gorgeous Rita Hayworth but my plebby brain associates it more with Rita from Coronation Street.

reefedsail · 15/02/2021 11:52

I much prefer Vita.

I think middle name for Rita needs to be really soft- maybe Celine or Sophia.

stickygotstuck · 15/02/2021 11:58

Rita is a lovely name, OP.

Any middle name at all will go well with it, but I think the longer the better, it can afford it.

RuthW · 15/02/2021 12:11


Quercus3 · 15/02/2021 12:44

I love it! Very cool.

Rita Josephine
Rita Isobel

Love the suggestion of Vita too

Biscuitsneeded · 15/02/2021 12:51

I like it. Rita Jean or Rita Nancy.

Destinyknown · 15/02/2021 12:58

Please don't. It's ugly and frumpy.
But then again I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to names and Mumsnet.

Riapia · 15/02/2021 13:00

Rita would be dancing a tango with red lipstick a rose between her teeth.
Elsie and Ada would be polishing the floor.

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