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What are your thoughts on these unisex names...

59 replies

PickettWhiteFences · 05/12/2020 04:57

Having a girl but quite keen on a unisex is our list

  • Darcy
  • Indiana
  • Jessie
  • Aspen
  • Harlow
  • Kennedy
  • Parker
  • Sage
  • Quinn
  • Sasha

My favourite are probably Darcy, Kennedy and Indiana, DH loves Harlow and Jessie but also Darcy too.

Would love your opinions!
OP posts:
JustanotherTuesday · 05/12/2020 05:12

I really like Aspen and Sage. Have you considered Avery ? .

IamnotwhouthinkIam · 05/12/2020 05:26

Are you from the UK? Surnames as given names and place names (apart from perhaps India and Georgia) aren't used very often for girls where I live (and they aren't to my taste, sorry)

But Sasha is pretty (and although it was originally a nn for Alexandra), I think it works okay as a standalone name. Jessie is cute but I feel it sounds nicer as a nn for Jessamine or Jessica personally. Sage is beautiful, but as it's unusual she may need a confident personality to pull it off - it's quite a hippy/arty name.

Chailatte20 · 05/12/2020 05:28

Most of your choices are either American place names or surnames except for Harlow which is a town in Essex. Not keen on your choices but that's my personal preference.

I've only ever met a female Sasha and isn't Quinn a slang term for female genitals? I might be wrong but I thought I read that somewhere.

I like Jamie (m)/Jaimie (f) or Robin/Robyn if you want to go down unisex route.

BefuddledPerson · 05/12/2020 05:29

I like Sasha and Jessie best on the list.

I did think sage and onion stuffing when I saw Sage, sorry! I would get used to it though if you choose it, but presumably won't be the only person to think that?

BefuddledPerson · 05/12/2020 05:30

I have met a female Sasha.

evenmoreforthemoor · 05/12/2020 05:32

Quinn sounds like quim and makes me want to vomit.

Several of those on your list are girls names not unisex.

HeronLanyon · 05/12/2020 05:33

Indiana will be mispronounced all her life. Uncertainty about how to pronounce it will be a pita.
I have family in south bend so am painfully aware of U.K. inability to say this.

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IamnotwhouthinkIam · 05/12/2020 05:33

What about Rowan? It's a unisex name with a similar feel to Sage but less hippy/arty because of it's popularity I think. (I like River on both sexes too, but that probably suffers from the same "hippyness" as Sage, unfortunately).

eaglejulesk · 05/12/2020 05:36

I like Aspen, Darcy and Sasha. If you like the names OP then go with whichever you like best. I think the UK is rather conventional when it comes to naming children, none of those names are unusual where I live.

OffredOfjune · 05/12/2020 05:44

I like Aspen and Darcy the most. Although you won't get much love here OP as MN doesn't like surname names or names not in the top 100

PickettWhiteFences · 05/12/2020 07:04

Ive never heard of Quinn as slang for genitals! I am Australian but have lived in the UK for years, a couple of those names are popular over there.

Avery is lovely! Jamie seems a bit dated tbh, I went to school with a few. I worked with an awful woman called Robyn so that taints it for me, and I cant say I am wild about Rowan but will think about.

OP posts:
SleepingStandingUp · 05/12/2020 07:07

I don't think Quinn as genitalia is that widespread op and certainly the kids on school are unlikely to know it

Darcy - lovely

  • Indiana - lovely but I'd assume girl
  • Jessie - not keen for a boy
  • Aspen- don't like but I love Avery
  • Harlow.- nope
  • Kennedy - nopr
  • Parker - eugh nope
  • Sage - stuffing jokes so no. Ok for middle name
  • Quinn - we have it as a middle name and a friend as a first, I like it
  • Sasha - love
LunaNorth · 05/12/2020 07:13

Quinn isn’t genitalia - that’s quim. And it comes from the era of Pepys, so I wouldn’t worry too much.

Some nice names on that list. I’m wondering how anyone could mispronounce ‘Indiana’?

Sittinbythesea · 05/12/2020 07:16
  • Darcy - ok, v common atm, not a boys name
  • Indiana - no
  • Jessie - a bit 80s
  • Aspen - no, rather an ugly sound
  • Harlow - good lord! No.
  • Kennedy - no, it’s a surname / dated US name
  • Parker - see above
  • Sage - I like this but sadly agree re stuffing jokes
  • Quinn - I know a boy Quinn, it’s not too awful
  • Sasha - love, wish I had called dd1 Sasha.
SleepingStandingUp · 05/12/2020 07:16


Indiana will be mispronounced all her life. Uncertainty about how to pronounce it will be a pita.
I have family in south bend so am painfully aware of U.K. inability to say this.

How do you say it that's different to the UK pronunciation? Also chances are DC won't be emigrating to America so a standardised UL pronunciation is fine surely
BrianWankum · 05/12/2020 07:19


Indiana will be mispronounced all her life. Uncertainty about how to pronounce it will be a pita.
I have family in south bend so am painfully aware of U.K. inability to say this.

I've only ever heard Indiana pronounced one way. It may be wrong, but it's consistent, from U.S. and UK speakers, so don't understand this comment.

QuiM is female genitalia, not QUINN.

Jessie is only a boy's name spelt Jesse, isn't it? I like Jesse a lot.

I've only come across girls called Darcy. I like Sage, Quinn and Sasha from your list. Don't like Aspen or Harlow. Rowan and Avery as suggested are nice as well.
Dontforgetyourbrolly · 05/12/2020 07:21


Morechocolateneeded · 05/12/2020 07:23

A lot of them sound very American.
A lot of them may in theory be unisex but are in practice girls' names (in the UK anyway). So whatever.

emilybrontescorsett · 05/12/2020 07:26

I like Darcy but have only ever heard it on a female. Sasha and Jessie are good too. Harlow and Quinn are awful.

Nell96 · 05/12/2020 07:59

I'm really not a fan of any of them to be honest. I also see Darcy, Jessie, Harlow, Sage and Sasha very much as female names, rather than unisex.

As pp has suggested, Rowan is a lovely unisex name. There's also -

Billie / Billy

ShyTown · 05/12/2020 08:04

-Darcy - nice for a girl but I do know a few, I’ve
never heard it for a boy
-Indiana - have you been to Indiana? I have and it’s not somewhere I’d consider naming a baby after
-Jessie - ok for a girl, bit dated, boys version is Jesse but I don’t think I’d use it in the U.K. as people would likely assume girl
-Aspen - quite nice for a girl, definitely sounds feminine, I’d assume you’re a keen skier
-Harlow - definitely a girls name, I used to live nearby and think of the not particularly nice place in Essex
-Kennedy - dated and I’d think girl, I know one who is American and in her 40s
-Parker - this is the only one on your list that works for a boy but I think it’s dated
-Sage - stuffing
Quinn - I know loads, all American girls under 5 but I do like it
-Sasha - really like this for a girl but I personally wouldn’t use it for a boy

Shayisgreat · 05/12/2020 08:10

I like Sasha.

Kennedy, Parker, and Quinn are all surnames (so is Darcy but is now widely used as a first name) and I like them as surnames but not as given names.

I wouldn't use any of the other names.

Caspianberg · 05/12/2020 08:38

They are quite American sounding.

Sasha is my favourite


Sausagedog1 · 05/12/2020 08:52

I like Indiana and Jessie and Darcy. I have to admit I wouldn't like to be called Quinn. It sounds fine on a boy though. Avery is gorgeous.
I'm not keen on the rest.

Sausagedog1 · 05/12/2020 08:53

Indie is such a cool nickname!

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