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Is Oscar too popular?

19 replies

HairsprayBabe · 13/02/2020 21:43

I haven't come across any other boy names I like as much.

Is Oscar crazy popular?

If so please suggest alternatives as I am drawing blanks now!

For more info:

We have already vetoed for various reasons:
Toby, Teddy, Oliver, Noah

Middle name as Falcon (initially a DH family name but I love it) so a more traditional first name would be great.

We don't like anything one syllable and nothing with a D sound at the end as surname starts with D and is one syllable.

Baby will have a big sister called Arabella - husband's daughter not my choice of name, bit on the fussy side for my tastes.

Have a girl's name picked out that we love:
Francesca Hazel

I think Oscar Falcon is a great name but I am worried about the popularity factor, there were 4 of my name in my primary year group and I didn't enjoy it so happy to be told I am overthinking!

Plenty of time to mull this over as baby isn't due till July!

OP posts:
FlamingoAndJohn · 13/02/2020 21:44

I teach primary. We are over run with oscars.

Whatsyourflava · 13/02/2020 21:58

Numbers of Babies called Oscar have been falling year-on-year since 2014. A lot less now than there was 5/6/7 years ago

HairsprayBabe · 13/02/2020 22:55

Sorry I didn't realise how long that was!

That's good to know re it being more popular a few years back.

I'm not bothered about it being younique, I just don't fancy a four in a year group name because of my own experience.

OP posts:
Poppydaisies · 14/02/2020 07:11

Yes, very very popular.

Poppydaisies · 14/02/2020 07:12

Francesca is lovely and much more memorable and timeless!

Grufallosfriends · 14/02/2020 07:54

Love Francesca.

But agree that Oscar is a little overused at Primary age.

WineOrGin · 14/02/2020 08:01

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winniesanderson · 14/02/2020 08:03

I work in a nursery and have for the last 6/7 years and have only ever come across 2 oscars. One recently and one when I first started.

winniesanderson · 14/02/2020 08:03

Ps Oscar falcon is awesome

Whatsyourflava · 14/02/2020 08:09

@winniesanderson yeh there’s no oscars in the baby groups round here that I’ve met yet and I’ve been to a lot of baby groups. Here’s a graph of how the numbers of Oscars have declined since 2014

Is Oscar too popular?
Omashu · 14/02/2020 08:18

I have a name that was popular amongst my age group. There were no others in my class but I still hated knowing I had a popular name. I’ve gone by a nn since I was 17 and used to consider changing my name.

That being said, Oscar is lovely and I especially love Falcon!

HairsprayBabe · 14/02/2020 08:45

I didn't really you can check ONS by area there were 17 out of 800 odd babies in my city called Oscar last year, I think that isn't crazy popular - thinking the number of primary schools is about 100 so I think we will just go with it!

Ps. Thank you for the name love! DH is thrilled people don't think it is too much!

OP posts:
Bikerider2020 · 14/02/2020 08:47

Love Oscar and also love Felix as an alternative!

happycamper11 · 14/02/2020 09:30

I don't know that many Oscars. I only have 1 on my 3 class year group and actually it's his middle name as his first name is probably difficult to grasp for English speakers. We don't have an Oscar in our 60/60 nursery classes. I only know of one in DD's school of 600. I didn't come across any in baby groups or nursery Maybe it's more popular in different areas but it's a great name.

ExplodingCarrots · 14/02/2020 09:39

I know 4 Oscars and when I started working in a school there were 2 in the class I was in. Very popular in my area Grin

Whatsyourflava · 14/02/2020 10:12

@ExplodingCarrots yes but the numbers of oscars have fallen each and every year since 2014..

@HairsprayBabe could you post the link to where you got that 17 out of 800+ babies. That’s very interesting. Glad you and DH have agreed on such a gorgeous name xx

Nowayorhighway · 14/02/2020 10:18

I think it’s less popular than it was a few years ago.

HairsprayBabe · 14/02/2020 13:21

You have to scroll down a bit and then put the name in you want to check a colour coded map will appear and you can click around it to check your city or area

OP posts:
mamablondie · 15/02/2020 13:33

I think it’s lovely, I wouldn’t be too put off. It’s definitely not a ‘trend’ name but classic (I think Oscar Wilde) and he can be Ozzy for short. The names I like are quite popular but I think better to go for what you like than pick something just because it’s less common imo x

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