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49 replies

User1704 · 13/11/2019 14:50

Honest opinions please don’t even mind harsh ones haha
What do you think of the name Layla?
My partner loves this name always has he mentioned it when he 1st met 10 years ago. He won’t budge doesn’t even talk about about any other names and I know he will just say he doesn’t like anything else. I don’t hate it but I don’t love it either. It wouldn’t be my choice but he won’t like anything else. He got it from a song he and his dad love.
What do you think of it?

OP posts:
Spied · 13/11/2019 14:51

Love it.
It's classic and pretty. Will suit all ages.

Dinosauraddict · 13/11/2019 14:52

Love it.

FriedasCarLoad · 13/11/2019 14:54

Not keen. Won’t she get the song sung at her every time she introduces herself?

My husband didn’t like the name I’d had my heart set on for 25 years. We chose another name.

GrumpyHoonMain · 13/11/2019 14:57

For me and most people from the Middle East to South East Asia, it brings to mind the story of Layla/Majnu. I consider using those names on the same level as using Juliet / Romeo.

User1704 · 13/11/2019 15:01

I’m not sure if people will sing the song at her it’s an Eric Clapton one so don’t think it will be a problem with children her age singing it. We’ve still got a while to decide and might not even have a girl. Just wondering if i’ll regret using it if I don’t love it

OP posts:
ilovetofu · 13/11/2019 15:07

Love it.

ilovetofu · 13/11/2019 15:08

Leila is also lovely

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veiledsentiments · 13/11/2019 15:13

I have a 21 year old Laila. Love it. Although husband is Iraqi.

MikeUniformMike · 13/11/2019 15:13

Leila is nicer.
I remember Layla in the charts and the boys singing " Lay her" so it's a no from me.

SallyWD · 13/11/2019 15:13

I love it but prefer the Leila spelling

User1704 · 13/11/2019 15:32

Never thought of ‘lay her’ I’ll have to point that out to him! Haha

OP posts:
rosieposies · 13/11/2019 15:36

We wanted Layla but it rhymes with our surname and sounded v stupid, so we went for Lyra instead.

Such a pretty name.

SallyCinnamon3009 · 13/11/2019 15:39

Love it - it was going to be my sons name if he had been a girl

Chlosavxox · 13/11/2019 15:44

I don't like it at all + I think you should both chose one you really like! Me and my boyfriend had this issue with boy names, luckily we've finally settled with one we both like.. after all that fuss we'll probably end up having a girl now 😂

MrsNoMopp · 13/11/2019 15:50

Could you use a Layla as a middle name?

EleanorShellstrop100 · 13/11/2019 16:36

I don’t love it... I think it’s a bit dull somehow. If you don’t love it, it doesn’t matter what we think - you should choose something else

kitchensinkdrama19 · 13/11/2019 17:34

I have a son Jude and only a few people have ever sung Hey Jude! Layla is gorgeous! Ignore people. They are twats!

PrincessHoneysuckle · 13/11/2019 17:39

Very over used round here

romylee · 13/11/2019 19:02

It's very popular where I am (SE) along with the Lyra/Leila/Leyla

haverhill · 13/11/2019 19:07

I like Leila.

EoinMcLovesCakeJumper · 13/11/2019 19:08

It's nice enough (although I prefer the spelling Leila) but it's a bit worrying that he won't even discuss other names. It's your baby too, you're the one carrying her and giving birth. Don't you get to have a say?

Badbilly · 13/11/2019 19:09

I absolutely love it - but I would say that as it is my daughters name!

diddlediddle · 13/11/2019 20:17

If you don't love it then it's a middle name. He can't just unilaterally pick only one name and insist that you call your child it with no discussion. Middle names are a perfect place for a name that is meaningful to one or both parents but aren't loved enough by both. He can honour his dad that way.

What surname will the child have? If it's his then he's already got his name choice afaic!

Fwiw I do like Layla (prefer Laila or Leila) but don't let him railroad you.

Omashu · 13/11/2019 20:18

Does anyone even use the term ‘lay’ cause I’ve never heard it used by anyone I know. It’s Americans who talk about ‘getting laid’. I wouldn’t worry about ‘lay her’

It’s a beautiful name!

xTinkerbell · 13/11/2019 21:02

I love it but I also love Leigha and couldn't use both!

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