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What do you think of the name Rowan? (For a girl)

58 replies

AnnaSparks · 12/03/2019 13:14

Some honest opinions on Rowan (pronounced Row-Uhn) would be great. Do you like it? What do you think of it as a girl’s name?

OP posts:
daisypond · 12/03/2019 13:17

I really like it. How are you pronouncing "row" - there are two pronunciations - row as in "row a boat", or row as in "argument".

NuffSaidSam · 12/03/2019 13:19

Love it.

Only thing I don't like is that it doesn't have good nn potential and I do like a nickname.

She'll end up being called 'Row' unless you're really strict on full names only

AnnaSparks · 12/03/2019 13:19

Row as in a boat is the correct way ay to pronounce it but it wouldn’t bother me if people got it wrong. I think both sound nice Smile

OP posts:
Barbarafromblackpool · 12/03/2019 13:20

I think of it as a man's name.

BlueMerchant · 12/03/2019 13:23

I think boy's name.

AnnaSparks · 12/03/2019 13:23

@NuffSaidSam I love nicknames too! I actually quite like Ro as a nn. Or RoRo, or Rori.

OP posts:
HumphreyCobblers · 12/03/2019 13:24

I know a girl Rowan and there is a brilliant female character called Rowan in Antonia Forest's school stories.

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Dhalandchips · 12/03/2019 13:25

i like tree names and don't think of them as boys or girls , but then i'm an old hippy!

mastertomsmum · 12/03/2019 13:28

A few years back I knew a female Rowan and that was the only one I've ever met. At the time I did not know that she was trans. It's great that she is but does make me think it might be even more unusual as a girls name as it was her original given name.

AdaColeman · 12/03/2019 13:30

I think of it as more of a male name.
Have you considered Rowena, which is both pretty and unusual?

KingLooieCatz · 12/03/2019 13:31

I know a Rowan, she's lovely and it never occurred to me that it was even unusual for a woman. Doesn't seem odd at all.

PetsFactor · 12/03/2019 13:31

My friend has that name. Couldn’t imagine it shortening to anything, it is what it is

SpottyPython · 12/03/2019 13:32

I really like it, and definitely think of it as a suitable girls name. Really nice.

NuffSaidSam · 12/03/2019 13:33

Using the BBC baby name checker thing (2017 one because I don't think there is one for 2018 yet) there were 626 boys called Rowan and 90 girls. Definitely more common for boys, but definitely a girls name too.

Champagnebrain · 12/03/2019 13:39

Boys name.

Ask Roman Atkinson

99point9FahrenheitDegrees · 12/03/2019 13:42

I love it, and was coming on to say Antonia Forest too.

spiderlight · 12/03/2019 14:37

Love love love it. I intended to use it for our #2 (boy or girl regardless) - never got the chance but still think it's a fabulous name.

bibbitybobbityyhat · 12/03/2019 14:39

I prefer it for a boy.

bridgetosomewhere · 12/03/2019 14:41

If you say it as rowan (argu) it's definitely a girls name but I wouldn't think twice about it being a the boat way either.

It's such a pretty name

In Scotland it would be the argue way and I think it sounds prettier

Not keen on Rowena sounds like a witch for some reason!!

BoswellsBollocks · 12/03/2019 14:41

DS1 would have been Rowan if he’d been a girl. I met an adorable 3 yo one while I was pregnant, it suited her so much with her red/brown hair and big brown eyes, I fell in love with the name for a girl.

Saffrona · 12/03/2019 14:45

Sounds like a boys name. But don’t like it as a boys name either.

Aquamarine1029 · 12/03/2019 14:59

Love it. It's a wonderful name for a girl.

Pemba · 12/03/2019 15:09

Rowan (like row the boat) I think of as a girls' name, having known about 3. I know there is Rowan Atkinson, and the ex-Archbishop of Canterbury etc., but it still seems more feminine to me. Like rowan berries. I quite like it.

HareandTortoise · 12/03/2019 15:21

Adore it for a girl and would be on my list for any future DD. Not as keen for a boy. The only one I've ever known is female though so I'm probably influenced by that.

ForTheLoveOfDoughnuts · 12/03/2019 15:23

I love it. Very pretty.

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