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Appallingly posh...

18 replies

Luckingfovely · 04/03/2019 14:14

I thought all of you lovely baby name commentators would enjoy this Grin

Think any of them asked here first...?

OP posts:
Moonflower12 · 04/03/2019 14:19

Those are amazing names! Poor children.

I love the fact that Gloucester Royal is considered posh enough to mention. So I must be posh as I've had 2 there and 1 in Cheltenham- even posher.

GreatDuckCookery6211 · 04/03/2019 17:11

Bunker Otis! Farleigh and Barthololmea!

Fugly names but I guess all their classmates will be similar or worse so that’s something.

Phantology · 04/03/2019 17:59

Ptarmigan Rose.

Can't see that name causing any headaches in her future...Nope. Definitely not.

And I'm not sure if 'Dionysus Cosmo Chaos brother to Hieronymous' is more lol worthy than 'Zebedee Ebenezer Jay, brother to, Badger'.

Oh the poshos are a glorious wheeze.

Grumpbum123 · 04/03/2019 18:03

I bloody love Badger

mathanxiety · 05/03/2019 05:03

I really like some of those names Blush

123Flopsy · 05/03/2019 07:16

Ok Bunker and Badger are a little strange (but not posh), but most of the other names are beautiful and interesting. Lots of European parents too.

Sessy19 · 05/03/2019 16:08

Rather than being ‘appallingly posh’, I would consider some of these names quite trashy!!! Must be all about ones own experiences

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wheresmymojo · 05/03/2019 16:27

My fave was Ptarmigan "born on a full buck moon" Grin

pearldeodorant · 05/03/2019 17:37

Badger had me in fits of laughter. Some of the other names are quite nice but then they throw a rogue one in with them and it's suddenly awful.

disneyspendingmoney · 05/03/2019 17:42

little Ptarmy's gonna get shot down by dad often

Trinnidad · 06/03/2019 20:46

And that's Rory Stewart the MP amongst them...

Enko · 06/03/2019 22:29

I really liked several of them

NTitled · 06/03/2019 22:33

I thought they were rather good names. I may have used some of them myself (not Badger, though now wish I had). And none would be out of place at my DC's schools.

FartnissEverbeans · 07/03/2019 13:34

Badger might be a dog.

I love the Telegraph names!

123Flopsy · 07/03/2019 14:39

Some beautiful names in there!

Makes a refreshing change from all the Archies, Ellies and Harrys.

CaptainCabinets · 07/03/2019 20:53


I can see that one steaming ahead in the rankings.

Gets coat Wink

123Flopsy · 07/03/2019 20:54

Maybe Badger is a pet dog?

7salmonswimming · 07/03/2019 20:56

I think Badger is a cute nickname, actually Blush

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