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17 replies

rezzle · 09/09/2012 21:51

Recently we've been considering this as a possibility for DC2. Is it a bit too odd? What do you think about it?

P.S, yes I know it doesn't matter what some strangers on the internet think about my favourite names, but I really don't want to saddle any future DC with an awful name!

OP posts:
KenDoddsDadsDog · 09/09/2012 21:52

I know a lovely Blaine who is a solicitor.

PodiumOfWinners · 09/09/2012 21:54

Apart from the self-absorbed twat magician thing

It also sounds like Blame or Bane neither of which have nice connotations

Blaise is similar (though probably just as unloved on MN!)

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 09/09/2012 21:58

No, no, no. Blaine is an evil train in a Stephen King book.

Natnat29 · 09/09/2012 22:00

Reminds me of pretty in Pink but think his was spelt without the i

Badgerina · 09/09/2012 22:00

Not keen I'm afraid. I don't like how it sounds.

numbertaker · 09/09/2012 22:03

Blaine - the name of the 'posh guy' in pretty in pink. Makes me think of american sports jocks.

Also last winter is was so cold I got a 'chill blaine'. eek.

juneau · 09/09/2012 22:08

Makes me think of David Blaine, who's a bit of a knob.

But if it's your favourite name, go for it. It honestly doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

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rezzle · 09/09/2012 22:11

Ah yes, David Blaine. Forgot about that connotation!

OP posts:
AKissIsNotAContract · 09/09/2012 22:12

Makes me think of chilblains

TudorJess · 09/09/2012 22:14


ecuse · 09/09/2012 22:14

I pretty much hate it, sorry Sad. For me, at least, it is the sort of name you 'saddle' a kid with.

pinkandsparklytoo · 09/09/2012 22:37

My first thought was the character in Glee. I quite like it.

getmeoutofthismadhouse · 10/09/2012 00:05

Someone I added on fb called her son this a couple of years ago . I think its a cool name :)

lisaro · 10/09/2012 03:36

If you don't want to saddle them with an awful name then don't use Blaine. It's bloody awful.

CheerfulYank · 10/09/2012 03:39

I like Blaine. :)

squoosh · 10/09/2012 11:36

It's an eensy bit American soap opera character.

Dogsmom · 10/09/2012 11:46

I've only ever heard of it as a first name in Glee.

Personally I think it's a bit too odd, your child will be the one who has it for life.

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