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Don't use fans above 40 degrees?

21 replies

Racheltension1 · 12/06/2024 19:34

Off to Rhodes at the end of July. Not sure why but we've booked it now! Have bought these neck fan things that seem OK....but have just read that when it's above 40 degrees you shouldn't use them, as it would actually make you hotter? How can this be? Can anyone explain (as if to a child)? 😁

OP posts:
Singleandproud · 12/06/2024 19:58

If your body feels cooler then your body temperature regulation kicks in to heat you up therefore making you hotter.

Similar reason to why my gran/mum used to say have a cuppa tea on a hot day to cool you down as your body works harder to get rid of the excess heat

Also it's likely the electricals themselves will over heat, my phone turned itself off several times on vry hot days in Tenerife as it was too hot.

(Or what the article above says)

noctilucentcloud · 12/06/2024 19:58

I think it's because fans help cool you down when it blows air cooler than your body temperature over you - you lose heat because the cooler air makes your skin cooler and because it helps sweat evaporate from your skin (which also cools you down). When it's particularly hot, the air the fan blows over your skin might be warmer than your body temperature, so it wouldn't cool you down. If the air you're blowing over your skin is also humid, which I guess it might be from a neck fan in hot weather, then it also reduces how much of your sweat evaporates which is your bodies natural way of cooling you down.

Floralnomad · 12/06/2024 20:01

My sister is in Rhodes at the moment and it was 44 the other day - hideous

ManilowBarry · 12/06/2024 20:03

Instant cool down is to wet a tea towel in cold water, wring it out and drape it around your neck.

WhiteLily1 · 12/06/2024 20:09

Cooling towels are you friend. Look on amazon.

Racheltension1 · 12/06/2024 20:23

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GrazingSheep · 12/06/2024 20:25

Feel like we're going to end up like bloody Michael Moseley!!

That is a completely crass and unnecessary comment.

NeverDropYourMooncup · 12/06/2024 20:28

If you sit in a warm space with a fan blowing cooler air over you, you feel cooler. If you sit in a warm space with a fan blowing even warmer air over you, you might as well sit in front of a fan heater.

MrsTerryPratchett · 12/06/2024 20:31

Turn a hairdryer onto your face. Do you feel cool? No, right? That's what a fan over 40 does.

My tips, get a sarong/scarf/whatever, dunk in water, wring out, put on, particularly in bed at night. Take a little cooler with ice and flannels in. Wipe face with cold flannel. Walk briskly through the sun and slowly through the shade. Never move very quickly. Sleep and shower in the hottest parts of the day, do not be in the sun. Cool showers (just under body temp) not cold. Use local culture. If there are courtyards with fountains, that's 'natural air conditioning. Cool drinks not icy. Eat sparingly. And so on.

Good luck!

Crunchymum · 12/06/2024 20:33

GrazingSheep · 12/06/2024 20:25

Feel like we're going to end up like bloody Michael Moseley!!

That is a completely crass and unnecessary comment.


ALunchbox · 12/06/2024 20:34

Wow, can't believe you said that.

Kangarude · 12/06/2024 20:35

GrazingSheep is correct. That was such a shit comment to make

FlickFlackTrap · 12/06/2024 20:36

OP I think you need to delete that comment or get the thread taken down. Totally uncalled for.

Createausername1970 · 12/06/2024 20:39

GrazingSheep · 12/06/2024 20:25

Feel like we're going to end up like bloody Michael Moseley!!

That is a completely crass and unnecessary comment.

There may be some parallels to be drawn, but it's far too soon and disrespectful to be saying it out loud in what is a flippant manner.

Edit - ooops, I quoted the wrong person. Sorry Grazingsheep.

CJ0374 · 12/06/2024 20:40

Do you have air con in your room or just fans? I assume the 'neck fan' was to be used by the pool or outside?

Racheltension1 · 12/06/2024 20:40

Oh for god's sake

OP posts:
Racheltension1 · 12/06/2024 20:42

CJ0374 · 12/06/2024 20:40

Do you have air con in your room or just fans? I assume the 'neck fan' was to be used by the pool or outside?

Yes there's aircon in the room apparently but only there, not in lobby, restaurant etc. Thanks for not going off on one with the permanently offended!

OP posts:
GrazingSheep · 12/06/2024 21:04

Thanks for not going off on one with the permanently offended!

You are so ignorant. Have you got the faintest clue how utterly self absorbed you sound??

Racheltension1 · 12/06/2024 21:11

Righto 👍

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