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SLOVENIA. Looking for suggestions if you've been recently

10 replies

Itsallfunngamesuntil · 27/12/2023 23:04

Hi everyone

I realise this is not an AIBU, but seeking your help if possible- heading to slovenia in May 24.

We will have one night in Trieste in italy then plan to spend 5 or 6 nights in Slovenia. Probably only want to stay in three different places in slovenia....maybe two nights in Lublijana, one or two nights possibly at lake bled and one or two nights somewhere else. Would really appreciate your help/suggestions as I'm struggling a bit to find good info online

Our budget is probably the lower end to middle of the road. Interests are some walking, natural scenery, beautiful old towns. In our late 50s so not interested in clubbing lol

We are flying in and out of Milan and will be travelling by train. Thank you

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Itsallfunngamesuntil · 27/12/2023 23:05

Sorry....pls ignore the poll 😆

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SliceOfBread · 27/12/2023 23:25

i went to a wedding in Trieste this summer and spent a couple of days in Slovenia.

in Trieste itself, I highly recommend Gelato Marco and whilst I had several nice meals none of them were near the Grand Canal. Yes, go for a walk or even a coffee - but do not eat there. Given the location of the city, there are so many influences on the food, it’s incredible. We stayed here which was ideal for what we wanted -

Lake Bled is beautiful - possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen…. But, it comes with a price tag. Everything is obscenely expensive (expect Bled Cake, which is like a vanilla slice and just expensive rather than eye wateringly expensive). As a guide, but I don’t know if you have been to Rome, but there is a wonderful bar overlooking the Tivoli Fountain… the drinks there were cheaper than anything we found close to the lake.

Palazzo Talenti

Swansridinghorses · 27/12/2023 23:31

Lake bohinj is nicer than Bled and Piran is a lovely place to stay. Enjoy!

NutellaNut · 27/12/2023 23:42

Haven’t been recently but Lake Bohinj was stunning. Hope it hasn’t changed!

Penguinmouse · 27/12/2023 23:44

I went in September and Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj both absolute musts. Bled is stunning but more popular whereas Bohinj was quieter.

Goldypants · 27/12/2023 23:46

lol at this being in AIBU

TheTripThatWasnt · 27/12/2023 23:55

Piran is v close to Trieste and is a very lovely town. Well worth a look/stop. Ljubliana a very nice city indeed.
Bled is beautiful, but Bohinj also a must-see. Much less touristy than Bled and absolutely beautiful. We were staying right on the lake, and spent a day walking all the way around it, taking the cable car up the mountain on the way.

I think I'd call in to Bled on the way to Bohinj, but would stay at Bohinj (we stayed at Hotel Bojinj and would highly recommend).

Bus travel is much better than train in Slovenia. Super cheap and super efficient. We did all our travel by bus and it was less than £15 in total to do Bohinj to Bled, Bled to Ljubliana and Ljubliana to Piran. Buses were directly from one town centre to the other, with luggage storage underneath, like National Express coaches here.

Slovenia is a brilliant destination- I loved everything about it. Do make sure to try plenty of the local wine whilst you're there. They export very little, so you're unlikely to see it here.

PandaCory · 27/12/2023 23:59

Haven’t been recently (about 20 years ago), but was going to suggest Piran and Bohinj too.

Itsallfunngamesuntil · 28/12/2023 06:36

Everyone thanks so very much for your helpful suggestions. You have helped me soooo much xx

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Thirdchapterdilemma · 28/12/2023 06:52

Another vote for Bohinj over Bled as a place to stay (although do stop by lake Bled for a day - it is gorgeous). Piran is an amazing town and would also highly recommend. I got distinct vibes of “Oh, this is what the South of France must have been like 50 years ago” when I was in Piran.

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