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Trampoline for 2 yo AIBU?

13 replies

Newmum110 · 06/08/2023 20:44

I see that trampolines are for ages 6+. AIBU to buy one for my 2 year old???

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tt9 · 06/08/2023 21:59

I've spent a lot of time in A&E patching up kids with various injuries due to trampolines. they are incredibly dangerous. really would not recommend. it's one of the most common causes of injury in children in my experience

for context I used to trampoline until secondary school and even very skilled individuals injure themselves. for small children, it is very unsafe.

FTMbg · 06/08/2023 22:09

There are trampolines for 2year olds. I wouldn't buy one that's meant for older kids.

Oysterbabe · 06/08/2023 22:12

Pretty sure DS was joining in with DD on the trampoline at that age. Get a big one and you'll get years out of it.

Changethetoner · 06/08/2023 22:18

We had a little square indoor one, with a handle. Child used it from about 18months til three yrs, when she got too heavy for it. She loved it, and bounced a lot!

matchamate · 06/08/2023 22:21


Beamur · 06/08/2023 22:23

There are reasons why they're not recommended for very little kids. Injury is a big one. A friend's toddler ended up with a broken leg - no collision, just playing on it and fell over with pain, turned out there was a break.

CoffeeNeeded2019 · 06/08/2023 22:25

They’re really not for children under 6 because young children’s bones are much softer and their joints can also be damaged from repeated jumping I believe

Idrankyourbananamilk · 06/08/2023 22:25

My sister is a radiologist and says she sees broken bones in small children from trampolines on a weekly basis. I wouldn’t do it.

purpleme12 · 06/08/2023 22:27

My child's had a trampoline since she was 2.
No regrets

matchamate · 06/08/2023 22:34

purpleme12 · 06/08/2023 22:27

My child's had a trampoline since she was 2.
No regrets

That's really bad for the development of her joints

purpleme12 · 06/08/2023 22:36

matchamate · 06/08/2023 22:34

That's really bad for the development of her joints


Newmum110 · 08/08/2023 08:06

Thanks everyone, while the child would be 100% supervised I do worry about injury so will leave it for a few more years

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