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To ask if anyone has ninja air fryer?

31 replies

AnxietyLevelMax · 31/07/2023 22:08

Looking to buy Ninja Foodi Dual Zone Air Fryer- AF300UK. Is it worth the price?

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Isseywith3witchycats · 31/07/2023 22:13

Love our one mainly do potatoes in it but still easier than going to the chippy and does lovely roast potatoes

Soontobe60 · 31/07/2023 22:21

I have one - it really depends what meals you like to eat.

JustJoinedRightNow · 31/07/2023 22:24

Yep I’ve got one, game changer!! Cooks frozen chicken tenders so quickly, we also love to do fries in it, as well as pies and mini quiches too.

Maddy70 · 31/07/2023 22:24


VestaTilley · 31/07/2023 22:24

MIL loves hers.

geekone · 31/07/2023 22:26

I have a Ninja foodie 14 in 1 and in a fire I have told my family to fend for themselves, I am saving the ninja 😂

Huckleberries73 · 31/07/2023 22:26

If you eat a lot of processed food. Go for it.
but if you cook from scratch - buy a cheaper one

HoneyIShrunkThePizza · 31/07/2023 22:26

We have one and use it all the time. Don't buy frozen stuff that frequently and we are veggie.

We have it on almost every day, I think I only use the oven once a fortnight now.

Huckleberries73 · 31/07/2023 22:27

@geekone but waht part of it do you use most often? Coz I use the pressure cooker way more than anyhow else.

HoneyIShrunkThePizza · 31/07/2023 22:28

PS we are veggie and cook from scratch and still use it a lot - roasted veggies and chickpeas to toss on a salad, homemade falafels, sweet potato chunks, baked spiced apples, crispy tofu...use it for all sorts!

Eyesopenwideawake · 31/07/2023 22:28

I have a Ninja Foodi Pro Max - it's amazing! Hardly use the oven now and thinking of selling it and getting a second Ninja instead.

Bumblebee112 · 31/07/2023 22:29

Huckleberries73 · 31/07/2023 22:26

If you eat a lot of processed food. Go for it.
but if you cook from scratch - buy a cheaper one

@Huckleberries73 we don’t eat any processed meals and we use it all the time 😅

Neverknowinglysensible · 31/07/2023 22:29

I’ve got that one but after the first flush of enthusiasm we rarely use it. In fact, I went out today and bought an extremely cheap mini deep fat fryer just to cook chips, and salt and pepper spare ribs in as neither the the air fryer or oven give them that same crispiness.

geekone · 31/07/2023 22:30

Huckleberries73 · 31/07/2023 22:27

@geekone but waht part of it do you use most often? Coz I use the pressure cooker way more than anyhow else.

The airfryer sauté and the pressure cooker probably. I think the airfryer most.

tonight I did sweet and sour pork in it. I browned the meat in it softened the veg a bit then added the saucy bits and airfryed for 15 minutes it was amazing.

geekone · 31/07/2023 22:30

Huckleberries73 · 31/07/2023 22:27

@geekone but waht part of it do you use most often? Coz I use the pressure cooker way more than anyhow else.

I have never made yogurt though!

ThePuma · 31/07/2023 22:30

I have one and use it a fair bit but wish I had bought one with a bigger compartment.

Murphs1 · 31/07/2023 22:32

I posted a similar question yesterday in AIBU and got lots of good answers and advice, might be worth a look for you. Its title is if you have an air fryer. Great minds and all that 😁

geekone · 31/07/2023 22:32

I cook everything from scratch (obviously I have sausages from time to time and bacon, but main meals are cooked from scratch.

you can make loads in an airfryer that’s not already made for you.

AnxietyLevelMax · 31/07/2023 22:36

@Murphs1 i will have a look!

i cook meals from scratch. Can you make a chicken breast in it for example? Can you put different food in one compartment? Such as raw, cut potatoes to make fries, chicken breast and some veggies?

OP posts:
Whydoiwearsomuchleopardprint · 31/07/2023 22:36

Love mine with a fiery passion! Enough said! Its fabulous!!!

whatafaffage · 31/07/2023 22:37

I've got the ninja 15 in 1 and aside from steam air frying salmon fillets which cook beautifully, I've yet to fall in love. I just can't get chips right. They are usually too brown on outside and flighty hard in the middle

That said, I can pressure cook hard boiled eggs in 1 minute after steam has built and can air fry self bake ciabatta for tomorrows lunch in 6 mins - results no better than oven but no preheating so ££ saved.

whatafaffage · 31/07/2023 22:38

Oh the Bolognese is good. After sautéing you layer everything (no mixing) including dried pasta and pressure cook for 12 mins. It's perfect for that

MercianQueen · 31/07/2023 22:39

I have the 11-in-1 and cook everything from scratch. I use it for practically everything, but glad I went for a multi cooker rather than just an air fryer. I do wedges, crispy tofu, pastries and all sorts in the air fryer. Fish fillets with veg and pulses using steam air fry. The pressure cooker function is a revelation for cooking pulses, pasta and jacket potatoes (finished in air fryer). And I do a massive batch of homemade yoghurt in it every other week. Saved me a fortune.


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AnxietyLevelMax · 31/07/2023 22:41

@MercianQueen can you send me a link to the one you have please

OP posts:
Murphs1 · 31/07/2023 22:45

@AnxietyLevelMax I brought the 15 in 1 today after reading everyone’s posts. They have a sale on the ninja site at the mo

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