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Ironing board storage in small house

52 replies

rollingbolognese · 11/07/2023 22:45

We have a very small two up two down house with no storage cupboards apart from shoe cupboard under the stairs. Both bedrooms need to be in use. We have had to be very creative with space and won’t be moving for the foreseeable due to rates
DH is insistent we need an ironing board, we have a tumble dryer and we’ve managed for a year without an iron through hanging stuff up to dry immediately after a wash / making use of tumble dryer. I think because of our lack of space we should at least trial an ironing mat on the kitchen work top (a couple of well known brands do one reasonably priced) before going out and getting an ironing board. I don’t know where we would keep one. DH says it’s a non issue and can go behind the door or possibly under the bed and is adamant it’s no big deal and very normal to have one….. I would agree if we had the space but I think it’s an extra bit of clutter for an item not in every day use! To add my DM has offered us to go round to hers which is 10 mins away to use her ironing board when we need to do a load of ironing. DH says this is impractical and isn’t budging on this

Usually we see eye to eye but this pesky ironing board debate we cannot get past!

YABU - buy a full size ironing board, it’s reasonable to have one and it can go behind a door

YANBU - ironing mat is fine or borrow DMs

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RachelGreensHair · 11/07/2023 22:48
MarmiteWine · 11/07/2023 22:56

Keep it in the wardrobe?

I have mine (rarely used) on a hanger that goes over the top of an internal door and also holds the iron. Similar to this

User17865 · 11/07/2023 22:56

I’ve got a small one that hangs up in the wardrobe.

MajorDanger · 11/07/2023 23:01

I hate ironing with a passion, and went several years just hanging, but the difference to how clothes look once ironed is noticeable so I’m with DH.
Store it down the side of the wardrobe or something, it’s not like they take up masses of room. If you want a shirt for morning, dashing round to your DM’s on a winters night in sleet really is impractical tbh.

Ihateslugs · 11/07/2023 23:05

I’ve just ordered a folding ironing board that you use on a table top. It’s less than 1m high when folder in half and very slim line as it does not have legs, just small feet to lift it slightly off the table. It will easily fit in a kitchen cupboard.

I do have room to store a full sized ironing board but hate getting it out, it’s heavy and awkward to unfold so I rarely iron. I think I will use this new smaller one more often so I don’t go out wearing creased blouses - only got two or three that really need ironing.

Echio · 11/07/2023 23:09

I've lived in several tiny homes. Usually, I just have it up the inside of a wardrobe - it balances pretty close to vertical so it takes up practically no space at all.

Tbh I can't imagine a mat thing working in any meaningful way - you need to use the shape of the board of the board to iron effectively with the tailoring of clothing etc.

Can't believe you've got away with not ironing for a year!!

Cirice · 11/07/2023 23:11

The fancy little Joseph Joseph table top one was in the prime sale earlier. I covet the thing but my iron is a steam generator and won’t fit in it.

determinedtomakethiswork · 11/07/2023 23:27

I had no idea these things existed!

bakermummy21 · 11/07/2023 23:40

We store ours upright in a gap between the end of the wardrobe and the wall.

Sgtmajormummy · 11/07/2023 23:51

The IKEA hanging one takes up no more space than a jacket in the wardrobe.

VanGoghsDog · 12/07/2023 01:15

I almost never iron. I think I've ironed one item of clothing in six years. I got an ironing board by accident but before that happened I had a mini one I could use on the kitchen table - I've never used it (my one item was after the accidental acquisition) but my sister did once and it seemed fine. I keep it in a wardrobe. Think it was c£15.

But, if you iron so little, why not send it out to be done?

ChiefWiggumsBoy · 12/07/2023 01:18

I've got a table top one that handily slots in between cupboards in the kitchen.

MrsToothyBitch · 12/07/2023 03:22

I have a light weight space saver ironing board by robets from Lakeland although it's probably available from Amazon too. It's v lightweight and it and the iron live in my boiler cupboard cum airing cupboard. They live on my upper shelf as well- so it's suitable to lift up and into/out of a tall cupboard.

I iron a fair amount and have no problems; I fold duvet covers in half and anything else long I move along slightly as I iron it.

AutieNOT0tie · 12/07/2023 04:08

I stored ours at side of wardrobe

Summerslimtime · 12/07/2023 04:12

Have you got ottoman beds?

Elektra1 · 12/07/2023 04:19

My mum has always kept her ironing board under the bed. She uses it most days so it definitely doesn't get dusty. I keep ours on one of those wall hooks which cost about £15 on Amazon.

marshmallowfinder · 12/07/2023 04:24

I've got a mat, it's great!

BoxOfCats · 12/07/2023 04:27

I use a handheld garment steamer and keep it in a drawer!

sunnydayhereandnow · 12/07/2023 04:35

I used to have a small IKEA one that folds and hangs in the wardrobe, and you put it on a table. Better than a mat as it’s hard to iron shoulders without the pointy end of the board.


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Kote · 12/07/2023 04:54

Try a clothes steamer, no need for an ironing board as you just steam while clothes are on their hangers. I hate ironing and this was a game changer for me!

Wannabegreenfingers · 12/07/2023 06:32

In my old house I stored it behind the sofa.

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