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Ironing board storage in small house

52 replies

rollingbolognese ยท 11/07/2023 22:45

We have a very small two up two down house with no storage cupboards apart from shoe cupboard under the stairs. Both bedrooms need to be in use. We have had to be very creative with space and wonโ€™t be moving for the foreseeable due to rates
DH is insistent we need an ironing board, we have a tumble dryer and weโ€™ve managed for a year without an iron through hanging stuff up to dry immediately after a wash / making use of tumble dryer. I think because of our lack of space we should at least trial an ironing mat on the kitchen work top (a couple of well known brands do one reasonably priced) before going out and getting an ironing board. I donโ€™t know where we would keep one. DH says itโ€™s a non issue and can go behind the door or possibly under the bed and is adamant itโ€™s no big deal and very normal to have oneโ€ฆ.. I would agree if we had the space but I think itโ€™s an extra bit of clutter for an item not in every day use! To add my DM has offered us to go round to hers which is 10 mins away to use her ironing board when we need to do a load of ironing. DH says this is impractical and isnโ€™t budging on this

Usually we see eye to eye but this pesky ironing board debate we cannot get past!

YABU - buy a full size ironing board, itโ€™s reasonable to have one and it can go behind a door

YANBU - ironing mat is fine or borrow DMs

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StellaF ยท 12/07/2023 06:35

Mines is under one of the living room couches, I iron about twice a year, youโ€™d never know it was there.

MargaretThursday ยท 12/07/2023 06:52

Our ironing board goes under the sofa. It fits perfectly.

JaneDSE9 ยท 12/07/2023 07:11

I hang mine on the door on coat hooks

FinallyHere ยท 12/07/2023 07:15

BoxOfCats ยท 12/07/2023 04:27

I use a handheld garment steamer and keep it in a drawer!


Great for my clothes but DH's shirts really need ironing.

Pawpatrolsucks ยท 12/07/2023 07:15

Oh no, you will just have to throw it out. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

FinallyHere ยท 12/07/2023 07:15

If you have lived without for a year, who is ironing what at the moment?

Jazzybean ยท 12/07/2023 07:18

Our house sounds very similar to yours.

When I need to iron (something specific, once in a blue moon!) I just use a towel on the floor!

Shadesofscarlett ยท 12/07/2023 07:19

I have the Dunelm one - it can be used hanging off the door or on its own on a table top. It is used so rarely there is no need for a big ironing board

Lemonademoney ยท 12/07/2023 07:21

We have an over the door hook which our iron and ironing board hangs from inside our airing cupboard but it could o vioisly hang from any door

Lonecatwithkitten ยท 12/07/2023 07:22

domesticslattern ยท 11/07/2023 22:54

I'd get an ironing board and hang it off one of these clever (if spendy) contraptions-
Definitely not under the bed as it'll get dirty.

When I was in a small house I had one of these and a Minki half size ironing board. The iron holder is heat resistant so you can put the hot iron inside in there.
I still have one now I am in a bigger house is it is just such a neat storage solution.

Gingernaut ยท 12/07/2023 07:22

domesticslattern ยท 11/07/2023 22:54

I'd get an ironing board and hang it off one of these clever (if spendy) contraptions-
Definitely not under the bed as it'll get dirty.

I got one of these (or something very similar) from Dunelm

All good, but for the fact it has to be hung to prevent the ironing board has to clear the skirting.

The iron rack is now over 7 feet up the wall and I need a step stool to put it away

It also needed a solid brick wall for the fittings

This might be an idea, but watch the weight/reinforce the hinges

Closetmaid Over The Door Ironing Board Hanger

WingBingo ยท 12/07/2023 07:25

hand held steamer!

total game changer and easier than ironing.

TheFormidableMrsC ยท 12/07/2023 07:33

I keep mine down the side of the fridge where it's out of sight. Obviously that depends on having a gap there! My DD lives in a small flat where storage is limited. She has a table top ironing board that is easily tucked in a kitchen cupboard when not in use.

RedBonnet ยท 12/07/2023 07:49

Why doesn't dh like your suggestion of a table mat? Why is he so invested in getting an ironing board?

Your post has brought back memories of my granny who used her table to iron. No mat but sheets and a thick blanket to protect the table.

FWIW getting an ironing board out from under a bed every time you need it will be a pita

My answer - whoever does the most ironing gets to decide

burntshortbread ยท 12/07/2023 09:45

We have a 2 bed flat with a tiny kitchen and very narrow living room. I have a small ironing board that goes on the table top. It has two very short supports that you pull out to rest on the table. It lives hanging on a hook on the back of the bathroom door. I have a line of hooks across the width of the door and the foldable clothes airer hangs on those as well. Having said that I never iron unless it is a very special occasion.

Luxell934 ยท 12/07/2023 09:47

We used to put ours in the gap between our fridge and the wall in our old house. Could that work for you?

GladAllOver ยท 12/07/2023 10:10

Left our ironing board behind when we moved. Manage perfectly well now without ironing.

britnay ยท 12/07/2023 10:13

Do you really even need an iron? I've not used one in over 15 years. Just hang things up on hangers to dry as soon as they are out the washing machine.

Whose clothes need ironing? If its yours then just do it at your mother in law's. if its his, then he can iron them however he chooses, nothing to do with you.

VanGoghsDog ยท 12/07/2023 10:30

Luxell934 ยท 12/07/2023 09:47

We used to put ours in the gap between our fridge and the wall in our old house. Could that work for you?

I suppose it depends how far that house is from where the OP lives?

Cirice ยท 12/07/2023 10:59

Mine lives down the side of the wardrobe as well.

i hate my ironing board with a passion. Some years ago my lovely little ancient one broke, so I casually asked DH, who had the bigger car at the time, can you pick me up an ironing board when you get chance.
i didnโ€™t specify any more than that because I naively thought any ironing board was an ironing board.

what he came back with was quite probably the biggest thing I have ever seen. To this day I struggle to get covers to fit it. Itโ€™s gigantic and when you think itโ€™s big enough already the ironing stand pulls out another foot to give you more. Itโ€™s also ridiculously heavy.

He thought he was being nice I suppose by purchasing the most expensive thing they sold. Every time I use lt I think to myself that I need to replace it but I use it so infrequently itโ€™s probably not worth it.

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor ยท 12/07/2023 11:10

I have a very small Ikea one that I use on the kitchen counter and it hangs up on a hook when not in use.

25sheets ยท 12/07/2023 13:02

I have a super dooper steam generator iron (which I love) and I have a very lightweight, cheap ironing board which I hang up inside a cupboard.

JorisBonson ยท 12/07/2023 13:05

Mine is shoved down the side of a wardrobe and we iron upstairs. From a fellow small house / no storage person you have my sympathies!


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userxx ยท 12/07/2023 13:18

Crease Release spray takes up no room at all.

SoSadForCav ยท 12/07/2023 13:18

Mines in the loft ๐Ÿ˜‚. It went up there 'temporarily' when I was doing some work in the house, that was only about 8 years ago!

i miss ironing the tea towels, they stack nicer if they're ironed, & I miss it for the cuffs of my fold up shirts, but other than that ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

(yes, I could do them on the table, but then I'd have to find somewhere to put the iron in my teeny tiny flat & there really isn't anywhere. I live with tea towels that don't stack so nicely & my shirts unfold a bit. Meh)

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