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Do I have to buy an ironing board?

49 replies

namechange0998776554799000 · 16/05/2023 10:42

I've been informed that when DD starts secondary school I should iron her shirts. I have zero space in my tiny house for an ironing board. Are there any space saving ideas? Do I really need to get one?

OP posts:
dentydown · 16/05/2023 10:44

Hand held steamer or you could buy a table top one.

Otherland · 16/05/2023 10:47

I iron on the rug. I only do DS's school shirts and trousers. Not ideal, but like you, really struggling for space. It works fine. Not the most pristine ironing job, but I hate ironing and it will do.

JustRingJoeDuffy · 16/05/2023 10:51

You can iron on the kitchen table, just put a blanket with a sheet over it (or a flat ironing board cover if that exists) to stop the iron from damaging the table and the steam making your ironing wet.

mycoffeecup · 16/05/2023 10:51

Informed by who? I've never ironed my kids school shirts.

TheStrangestTimes · 16/05/2023 10:51

I've got an ironing mat, it folds up so it's perfect for packing away. Works a treat, bought it off Amazon for about £6. The only thing is, if you do buy one then read the reviews as there were some i saw that left marks on surfaces that the mat was placed on. I pop mine on the floor and the carpet is fine. Probably not the best solution if you're going to be doing a tonne of ironing or have a bad back to use on floor though.

orangegato · 16/05/2023 10:52

I iron mine on dining room table with a towel on it. Not luxury but works fine. Not an inch for an ironing board in my house.

VegetablesFightingToReclaimTheAubergieneEmoji · 16/05/2023 10:53

I’ve got a lakeland one that hangs in a wardrobe. It’s great.
if you don’t want to iron, buy none iron ones

Isitisit · 16/05/2023 10:56

definitely steamer

mollibu · 16/05/2023 10:57

Kitchen side with a towel underneath Grin

Or a handheld steamer, we bought one to take on holiday for £45! It's amazing.

namechange0998776554799000 · 16/05/2023 10:58

mycoffeecup · 16/05/2023 10:51

Informed by who? I've never ironed my kids school shirts.

Friends and family who think ironing is essential. I seem to have got by ok for the last 30 years without it!

OP posts:
katmarie · 16/05/2023 10:58

I have a tabletop one, like the ikea one, I got it on Amazon. I literally only ever iron school uniforms, so it works well.

namechange0998776554799000 · 16/05/2023 10:58

Looks like a tabletop one is a possibility then

OP posts:
gogohmm · 16/05/2023 11:02

Buy non iron shirts. I do own an iron and board but it rarely makes an appearance.

BillyNoM8s · 16/05/2023 11:02

I don't iron anything. Do you have a tumble dryer? If not, shake and hang. I only ever buy Asda school shirts and they're supposedly "easy iron" which I presume means they get less wrinkled.

crispycrisps · 16/05/2023 11:06

namechange0998776554799000 · 16/05/2023 10:58

Friends and family who think ironing is essential. I seem to have got by ok for the last 30 years without it!

They can do the ironing for you then.

namechange0998776554799000 · 16/05/2023 11:09

BillyNoM8s · 16/05/2023 11:02

I don't iron anything. Do you have a tumble dryer? If not, shake and hang. I only ever buy Asda school shirts and they're supposedly "easy iron" which I presume means they get less wrinkled.

This has been my approach to date. People keep telling me that the dress code at secondary is stricter so I'll need to buy proper blouses rather than non iron polo tops. And I suppose I don't want DD to be bullied or picked out by teachers if she looks messy. But encouraging to hear there are others out there who don't iron!

OP posts:
mogtheexcellent · 16/05/2023 11:10

i dont even own an iron. well technically I do but the plug was removed 15 years ago for some reason. not entirely sure why I have still got iron tbh.

Dry hanging up on hangers. I even hang outside on the rotary airer arms (thank you mumsnet for that tip).

ClemmyTine · 16/05/2023 11:24

Towel on the bottom, sheet/ pillowcase on top. I did this for years.

YouCantBeSadHoldingACupcake · 16/05/2023 11:58

Chances are the shirt will be hidden under a blazer. I gave up ironing school shirts years ago

SquirrelRed · 16/05/2023 11:59

I do own an ironing board but haven't used it for years. If something really needs ironing I do it on the kitchen worktop with an ironing mat

Incognito2023 · 16/05/2023 12:00

M& S non-iron solo shirts
strict school, with ties, blazer etc. Perfectly smart, def don’t need to iron


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CoalCraft · 16/05/2023 12:00

My school shirts were never ironed and they looked fine. Honestly it's a surprise to me that anyone irons anything anymore.

Incognito2023 · 16/05/2023 12:01

Incognito2023 · 16/05/2023 12:00

M& S non-iron solo shirts
strict school, with ties, blazer etc. Perfectly smart, def don’t need to iron

Sorry school shirts, not polo ( or solo?)

honestly, don’t stress about it

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