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anyone recommend 2 cam night video baby monitor w wifi?

43 replies

MyCousinsNotVinny · 14/03/2023 17:36

I'm not sure why this is so hard? I've had a look at the MN page here but the best 2 cam one doesn't have wifi or an app.

I'm looking for a two camera vidio baby monitor that is easy to set up, has movable cameras, "night vision" and a separate screen plus app/remote capability to access on phone.

Does this exist? Price not important if it's good.

OP posts:
MyCousinsNotVinny · 14/03/2023 19:06

Does this not exist? It seems weird to me as you'd think it would be fairly normal to want two cameras for two children plus wifi and moving camera

OP posts:
Lockheart · 14/03/2023 19:07

Yoive posted in the wrong forum OP, this is AIBU.

MyCousinsNotVinny · 14/03/2023 19:18

I really haven't. I'm deliberately posting here for traffic.

See the tumble weed on this thread in Baby Monitors as an example. Zilche. Not one reply.

OP posts:
MariaDingbat · 05/05/2023 12:16

Hi, did you ever find a monitor that suits? We've the exact same problem and I can't find anything that had duel monitor and WiFi / app.

Scoobydoobydoobydoo0987 · 05/05/2023 12:45

We use Tapo cameras, they are cheaply priced, connect to your phone and WiFi and you can have loads all over the house

Scoobydoobydoobydoo0987 · 05/05/2023 12:47

£24.99 at Argos but you can also buy on Amazon

anyone recommend 2 cam night video baby monitor w wifi?
MariaDingbat · 14/05/2023 10:04

Thanks @Scoobydoobydoobydoo0987 , I'll have a look at those!

MyCousinsNotVinny · 14/05/2023 16:54

@MariaDingbat no I didn't. Thanks for re-activating this thread as I'll have a look @Scoobydoobydoobydoo0987 s suggestion too.

I remain mystified why this is so like looking for hens teeth.

OP posts:
MyCousinsNotVinny · 14/05/2023 16:56

I've had a look at this and it looks like it is just cameras that connect to a phone.

I wanted one that had a separate screen/monitor as well so you don't have to constantly tie up the phone to check on them.

OP posts:
FeeFiFoFumble · 14/05/2023 17:11

Kodak cherish c525 I think it is. Should tick all those boxes I think,?!

Mizydoscape · 14/05/2023 17:24

We bought a netvue indoor camera and a really cheap Fire tablet that is used as the monitor screen and nothing else. Works great.

MariaDingbat · 14/05/2023 17:46

There's a babysense one that had a split screen but no WiFi, a motorola one that you can add extra camera onto but nowhere to buy extra cameras, the Kodak one looks good but had been discontinued and there's little else unfortunately. We have a BT smart monitor which is great but BT have stopped making them so we can't buy an additional camera. It's really frustrating!

midgemadgemodge · 14/05/2023 18:12

A quick google suggest the sense-u can support up to 5 cameras , is WiFi based with app

MyCousinsNotVinny · 14/05/2023 19:56


I love the patronising implication of your phrase "a quick google" that I havent' done my research or bothered to google myself but you in a moment of seconds can sort out this idiot.

First a lot of the links on the sense-u website across the top bar are broken which doesn't give me a lot of confidence in the business but having looked at it

it appears the cameras are fixed not movable and
it again is phone based without a separate screen monitor.

What I am looking for is
-at least a two camera baby monitor
-where the cameras move (ie. you can control them to get different views of the room if a child is out of the bed)
-that comes with a separate screen/monitor that you can have on permenantly to see at a glance what is going on without having to open an app or tie up a phone permanently
-that also works via wifi and has an app for remote access.

You can find elements for single cameras but I haven't been able to find one that supports two or more cameras.

@FeeFiFoFumble Kodak cherish c525 thank you this looks promising but it looks like it is discontinued?

OP posts:
midgemadgemodge · 14/05/2023 20:43

Well apologies for misreading your post about a separate screen in addition to the phone

I can see why that's not a common requirement

midgemadgemodge · 14/05/2023 20:47

I think the general idea is that the field of view is wide enough for a babies movement so you don't need to steer them

Hello12345678910 · 14/05/2023 20:57

at least a two camera baby monitor
-where the cameras move (ie. you can control them to get different views of the room if a child is out of the bed)
-that comes with a separate screen/monitor that you can have on permenantly to see at a glance what is going on without having to open an app or tie up a phone permanently
-that also works via wifi and has an app for remote access.

have you looked at nanit, i think it has absolutley none of what you want but its an exceptional camera, i wouldnt be without.. very pricey option though - you'd need 2 cameras..

They do split screen now (so youd have to purchase 2 of the cameras, I assume that's what you mean?)
Nanit doesn't have movable option, but it has does have a huge view that you can zoom in and out on
No separate screen - but it does have "background sound" that you can just leave on your phone and do other stuff - we use an old ipad as the "screen" for it - then just put it on our phone when we go to bed
Works with WiFi or without (cameras do need access to WiFi to work in the house, but you can view it from your phone any place any time)

MyCousinsNotVinny · 14/05/2023 21:44

@Hello12345678910 thanks for the suggestion - no I haven't looked at it but the separate screen is something I really want as essential becaues I want to monitor two rooms without tying up a phone.

Like I said to just be able to glance and see what is going on.

I'm actually wondering whether to go for the discontinued Kodak but think probably a bad idea because I expect very quickly the app will stop working if they have discontinued it and aren't going to update it for IoS or android.

It really surprises me that this is so hard!

OP posts:
AllTheOtherCats · 14/05/2023 21:52

OP I have EZVIZ cameras all over my house as pet monitors. They're movable, have their own app and come with good quality night vision. Very reasonably priced too. I use a cheap Alexa Show as a monitor to view the images so it doesn't tie up my phone. You can buy the EZVIZ cameras from Amazon

FeeFiFoFumble · 15/05/2023 08:16

Oh, didn't realise the Kodak one was discontinued! We still use ours but I just checked the app and it was last updated July 2022. So you might be right about it being risky! Having said that, I recently got a new Android phone and downloaded and logged in to the app without any issues.

I wonder why it's discontinued! It has so many clever features. Might be worth looking at twin forums to see what parents of twins use? Good luck!

mynameiscalypso · 15/05/2023 08:35

Baby monitors that work over WiFi are one of the biggest cyber security risks. They generally are very easy to hack into and once they've been hacked, you can get access via the WiFi to other devices connected to the same network including the router, phones, laptops etc.

AnnaBegins · 15/05/2023 09:18

The discontinued Kodak one is the only option! We actually own two (which gives us 3 cameras, can split screen to see 2 at once). We really don't need 2 but we broke the antenna (can still use in WiFi mode) on the first one and happened upon a spare on FB marketplace. I would start scouring selling sites!
If no luck, give me a shout, you can have our old one for nothing! You'd have to source a second camera though as we still use 2 of the 3 cameras.

FlounderingFruitcake · 15/05/2023 09:22

Sorry if this is a stupid suggestion but can you not get around the phone screen thing by using a cheap older tablet? We had an old ipad mini that we used to use for the Nanit so you could watch it like a traditional baby monitor.


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Kitcaterpillar · 15/05/2023 09:24
Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

I love the patronising implication of your phrase "a quick google" that I havent' done my research or bothered to google myself but you in a moment of seconds can sort out this idiot.

MyCousinsNotVinny · 15/05/2023 11:45

@FlounderingFruitcake Sorry if this is a stupid suggestion but can you not get around the phone screen thing by using a cheap older tablet

Not a stupid suggestion but I don't have one so it really means buying one and I've found in the past whenever I bought some cheap tech it really was a case of you get what you pay for.

I'd rather have a separate dedicated screen if possible. It's partly also for ease of use of some non-techy adults who will be looking at it too.

@FeeFiFoFumble We still use ours but I just checked the app and it was last updated July 2022.
Thanks this is useful.
@AnnaBegins thank you

@mynameiscalypso what are more secure options then? or how can you make the wifi more secure? any suggestions or advice please - I'm very low level tech!

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