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Of course I am. Washing machine?

26 replies

TwitchyJerk · 20/01/2023 12:44

Shamelessly posting for traffic, sorry!

Since June I have been suffering from a neurological disorder which affects my ability to do basically anything. Before I got ill I was good at looking into the right product to buy, reading reviews, comparing products and all that. Now, writing this post is hurting my head... so:

Can you please recommend a washing machine as mine has just packed up!

Needs to have large capacity, currently have 8kg.

Budget £500 ish, could stretch for super machine!

Also needs to be delivered by company that can install it and take old machine.

Thank you so much!! 😊

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PaddyDingDong · 20/01/2023 12:45

AO would be your friend here. Filter by price and KG and then go for the one with the best reviews. Tick the option for removal and installation (extra cost) sorted.

TwitchyJerk · 20/01/2023 12:45

sorry about the gaps, thought my screen was just formatting weirdly. Intact I think it is...?

OP posts:
PaddyDingDong · 20/01/2023 12:47

Just an example for you.

Tidsleytiddy · 20/01/2023 12:47

Samsung Eco bubble. AO or Appliances Direct will install and take old machine x

CoffeeBeansGalore · 20/01/2023 12:48

Miele. Cheaper end of range starts around £500.
As previously mentioned AO deliver & install. I've used AO for several appliances & they have been great.

Tidsleytiddy · 20/01/2023 12:48

Snap!! It’s brilliant! X

Novemberhater · 20/01/2023 12:49

Miele is by far the best.

Ohdearnotagain76 · 20/01/2023 12:51

We have Samsung machines one 10kg and one 9kg (9kg is in garage and used for animals bedding,and outside overalls it's really old but works, it did have a leak but DH mended it) and other appliances and can operate them on our phones, not sure how easy it is as never done it. Went for Samsung as they have 5 year guarantee on their appliances. AO, Curry's loads of place do them

Toomanysleepycats · 20/01/2023 12:53

I second AO (Apliance Online) as a good retailer. I tend to stick with Bosch, AEG for quality.

When I helped my DD get one, we looked at the warranties. Most are two years, but at the time Samsung we’re doing a five year guarantee.

Miele are the best for quality, but too expensive for me.

kitsuneghost · 20/01/2023 12:59

I am on my third Beko basic one in 27 years and it seems as good as anything
A bit long in the cycle though but I only do 1-2 wash a week

The only reason I am on the third is
left 1 in a rental as theirs broke so I replaced with mine
Door came off one after 15 years of me leaning on it
Got third now

Mine's was less than £300

PaddyDingDong · 20/01/2023 13:52

Sorry I've had nothing but issues with beko. We had a beko washing machine and fridge freezer. They both lasted only 3 years and broke down horrendously leaking everywhere and the fridge started to smell of burning. I can't rate them but I know some people like them due to cost.

GasPanic · 20/01/2023 14:08

I had Zanussi washer dryer delivered and installed from John Lewis.

Has worked really well. Only issue is that they dented it on delivery, so offered me 20% off. I refused first offer. The van guy came back with 40% which I accepted. TBH I don't think they normally do 40%, there was a bit of an "extended discussion" with them getting the money back afterwards. But they did honour it in the end. I took out the extended guarantee.

I would use JL and Zanussi again no issues, and have also bought a massive expensive TV from JL afterwards (no discount this time).

Passmeaplacard · 20/01/2023 14:10

Came on to recommend the Samsung eco Bubble and can see others have too. Really happy with mine, It’s had an insane amount of use in the last 2 years and does a great job . AO were great when I used them

WhoNeedsSleepNotISaidMyBody · 20/01/2023 14:19

Sorry to hear about you health issues! I have something like that too & I at my wits end trying to sort anything out anymore.

my washing machine is LG which I bought through AO 13 years ago. It's a Direct Drive which is great.

personally wouldn't buy Beko anything, due to their fire issues. But haven't looked at safety reports for a while as I haven't needed a new appliance since buying my fridge/freezer in 2020 (through AO)

I don't know what someone would have to be offering to lure me away from AO for Appliances, but something major! (Like a free appliance!). They're that good.'I

Redbushteaforme · 20/01/2023 14:33

Siemens IQ500 - on sale just now at £499 (normally £649) from John Lewis who will deliver and fit (although fitting is very easy, even I managed it!). We have had ours for about five years now and it is heavily used (2-3 times a day minimum). 8kg capacity, 1400rpm spin, and you can adjust temperature settings on most cycles which was a key feature for me. I love, love, love mine. Had Bosch machines previously which were also very good.

romany4 · 20/01/2023 14:46

I have a Beko 10kg. Its fab. Had it 4 years so far and still going strong
Think it was £349ish

FrenchBoule · 20/01/2023 14:52

Bosch series 4.

LadyR77 · 20/01/2023 15:43

We have a Samsung Ecobubble 9kg, bought from AO and it's been excellent. AO were really good with customer service, delivery etc.

TokyoSushi · 20/01/2023 15:46

Samsung Ecobubble through AO here too!

TwitchyJerk · 20/01/2023 17:11

Thanks all, I'm seeing a lot of ecobubble Samsung from ao so I guess that's the winner 🏆 and I like the name!

If it breaks within the year I'll be back to let uou know! 😄

OP posts:
LakieLady · 20/01/2023 17:22

FrenchBoule · 20/01/2023 14:52

Bosch series 4.

I was going to recommend Bosch, too.

My SIL has just got this one, which is the latest equivalent to mine, and she's delighted with it.

Bosch Series 4

Unless there's a particularly minging load of washing, I do almost everything on the 15 minute quick wash, and it still comes out perfectly clean.

Mabelface · 20/01/2023 17:26

I have this one. Hoover H-Wash 300 H3W4102DE Freestanding Washing Machine, Large Capacity, 10 kg Load, 1400 rpm, White

Love it, second hoover first lasted years.


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TwitchyJerk · 20/01/2023 17:26

I have ordered and they will deliver on Sunday so I shouldn't have to take a load of washing to my mums! Woohoo! Thanks all!

OP posts:
VickyMumsnet · 14/02/2023 15:47

Hi @TwitchyJerk , we’re glad you found the washing machine you were looking for 😊 If anyone else has landed on this thread and is still on the hunt, our Swear By guide to the best washing machine has plenty of high-quality recommendations from Mumsnetters. We hope you find it helpful, and if you have any feedback, please get in touch. 💐

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