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To ask if a cruise is worth going on

82 replies

Mummytoalion · 06/10/2022 16:27

With the DC? And what cruises lines would you recommend?

YANBU- it’s worth taking the DC on a cruise holiday
YABU- don’t do it, it’s not worth it

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AryaStarkWolf · 06/10/2022 16:30

I went on a short Med. Cruise and I wasn't a fan tbh

OhhhhhhhhBiscuits · 06/10/2022 16:35

How old are the children?

The best lines for kids are Disney (but very pricey!), Royal Carribean and some MSL cruise lines.

We have done Princess and our 5 year old absolutely loved the kids clubs, but there wasn't loads for teens to do on board. So under 10s it is probably better for. Same for P&O. Avoid Cunard with any age kids. It's too formal for most children.

Royal Carribean all ages will love, so much to do on board for all ages.

I haven't done Disney but friends have and say it is amazing if you love Disney. Sadly out of our budget!

Blix · 06/10/2022 16:35

We did it with teens and it was perfect, wish we'd gone sooner.

ItsDinah · 06/10/2022 16:40

It's like asking is it worth going on holiday with the kids. Some holidays/cruises will suit you down to the ground,others won't.

billyt · 06/10/2022 16:57

I couldn't think of anything worse.

Both my sisters in law regularly go cruising. But then, they struggle to think for themselves 😉

DramaAlpaca · 06/10/2022 16:59

We've done cruises a couple of times as three generation holidays. It worked really well and we all enjoyed them.

CuteCillian · 06/10/2022 17:03

We took a three year on Princess two weeks ago.
The children's club was bloody amazing and DC was reluctant to leave. The evening's are covered for free until 10pm and then only $5 per hour until 1am.
All the non-child care staff are delighted to see children on board and make areal fuss of them.

DoraSpenlow · 06/10/2022 17:05

Don't have kids but once went on a P&O cruise during the school holidays. Kids all looked like they were having a blast giving the parents a break.

The teens group were particularly sweet. They all seemed to hang around together in their club area even when not doing the organised events and on the last night there were lots of hugs and tears when they had to leave.

PenguinLove1 · 06/10/2022 17:05

Yes its brilliant! Royal carribean have loads going on for kids, so do the big marella and p and o ships. Marella is good as all inclusive so no extra costs on board. We select cruises with trips that my son will enjoy , and its so safe for them to be with friends at night while you can see a show or something.

How old are your dc? We have done it from age 3 to 15 and always enjoyed it

VickyEadieofThigh · 06/10/2022 17:07

billyt · 06/10/2022 16:57

I couldn't think of anything worse.

Both my sisters in law regularly go cruising. But then, they struggle to think for themselves 😉

Not generalising in a grossly insulting way at all, are you?

My partner and I regularly do cruises (just back from one at the end of September). Many people love them, in the same way that many people love other sorts of holidays that I wouldn't enjoy - but you won't find me scoffing and insulting the people who do them.

Cruises are amazing value for money, the service is great and so is the food. Some lines cater well for children (I gather RCI and Carnival are great for kids), others are more geared up to adults.

budgiegirl · 06/10/2022 17:08

We love cruises. We've been on our own, and with the children. And @billyt I can think perfectly well for myself, thanks.

With younger kids, I would recommend Royal Caribbean (on their larger ships) or Disney if your budget can stretch.

We took our 3 teens on Norwegian Cruise Lines, on their larger ships, and they had a great time. There were kids clubs for teens, but they didn't use them, although the clubs seem popular, they spent most of their time on the mini-golf or the sports court. Or just hanging out with us.

Fairislefandango · 06/10/2022 17:58

Both my sisters in law regularly go cruising. But then, they struggle to think for themselves

Hmm What a ridiculous remark. What on earth is it about liking cruises that you think implies that people can't think for themselves? I like various kinds of holidays, including the couple of cruises I've been on. I am very good at thinking for myself, thanks.

OP - we went on a med cruise with my dc, PIL, BIL and SIL. PIL invited us all (and paid!) for their big wedding anniversary. Nothing fancy - it was a Tui one. We had a fantastic time, and the (teen) dc loved it. I don't understand people who sneer 'Oh but surely it's like a floating Butlins!'. Nope. We didn't go to any entertainments (apart from watching a couple of films on deck at night), no idea if there was a kids' club etc. Just good food, nice drinks, lovely locations to visit.

Fairislefandango · 06/10/2022 17:59

But then, they struggle to think for themselves.

You know what kind of people do struggle to think for themselves? The kind of people who don't understand that their opinions and tastes aren't the only valid or acceptable ones.

Fairyliz · 06/10/2022 18:23

Be careful I took my kids on a RC cruise when they were teens and they nagged me every year after to go again.
They are in their twenties now and would still go with me again if I paid.

billyt · 07/10/2022 15:05

It was a light hearted comment.

touched a sore point it seems

my apologies.

OrangePumpkinLobelia · 07/10/2022 15:12

We went on a P&O cruise a few years back. It was only 3 days though and was more of a last minute whim by me as I was desperate to go somewhere. DH and DS1 moaned their way through it (they are both a bit moany though). DS2 loved it. DH does not cope well with being away from home generally. DS1 hates kids clubs. DS2 loves everything life chucks at him and always asks when we can do another one. DS1 was about 9 and DS2 about 7 then.

When I was growing up we regularly did 2 week cruises mainly to places like Fiji and so forth. I LOVED them. I loved the various on board entertainments and going out for day trips ashore.

PinkPlantCase · 07/10/2022 15:15

As a kid I loved cruise holidays!!! So did my parents.

We saw so many places that we never would have seen otherwise.

The food is also pretty amazing

We also met lots of interesting people.

VariationsonaTheme · 07/10/2022 15:16

My dc have been on cruises, both as small children and teenagers and bloody love them. We’ve done mostly Cunard which are fab, and Princess and p&o which are a bit more hit and miss with the quality.

Teadrinkingmumofone · 07/10/2022 15:20

billyt · 06/10/2022 16:57

I couldn't think of anything worse.

Both my sisters in law regularly go cruising. But then, they struggle to think for themselves 😉

@billyt sure you're not jealous with that snidey comment?

CheltenhamLady · 07/10/2022 15:34

billyt · 07/10/2022 15:05

It was a light hearted comment.

touched a sore point it seems

my apologies.

Or, aptly illustrated a point....? That of being a little close-minded and intolerant of the choices of others if they differ from yours?

Any holiday choice is just that, a choice.
We love cruises, and we also love independent travel, and both (and all other choices) are equally valid.

dazzlingdeborahrose · 07/10/2022 16:01

We cruised for years with our kids. They loved it. Second Royal Caribbean for kids clubs. We've met some fabulous people over the years. We tend to book our own trips off rather than the ship excursions these days. NCL is also very good for families. Definitely go for a larger ship with kids and it does get busy on the pool deck on sea days. The shows are great in general. Onboard shops cam be expensive for toiletries etc so pick these up in port if you run low. Like any holiday it's horses for courses. You may love it. You may hate it. You won't know unless you try it.

entropynow · 07/10/2022 18:51

Teadrinkingmumofone · 07/10/2022 15:20

@billyt sure you're not jealous with that snidey comment?

Why would they be jealous? It's obviously quite important to you that everyone must

entropynow · 07/10/2022 18:52

entropynow · 07/10/2022 18:51

Why would they be jealous? It's obviously quite important to you that everyone must

want to go on a cruise, but oddly enough that's not the case.😁


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Darbs76 · 07/10/2022 18:55

I’ve only cruised without the kids (left them at home with their dad) but a friend goes with her kids age 13 and 8 all the time, 2-3 times per year. She’s done multiple cruise liners, there’s so much for families to do on some of the big cruise liners. We did TUI when I went, I really enjoyed it, but it was more basic. Suited us, and I definitely want to cruise again. My kids are 14 plus so not really looking for kid activities but I’d go with a bigger one than TUI if taking them

YaWeeFurryBastard · 07/10/2022 19:06

Yes I’m sure you’ll all love it, it’s a brilliant holiday.

Ignore the poster who says it’s for the hard of thinking, we’ve done several cruises, along with an African travel/safari, travelling round Asia and plenty of city breaks so it’s hardly for people who can’t think for themselves 🙄.

You’ll probably get a few more negative comments I bet, usually from people who’ve never been and who’s idea of a nice holiday is their annual week in Majorca/Crete/Turkey 😂

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