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Best condoms? We need to use them for a while

26 replies

cultkid · 28/05/2022 15:42

AIBU: condoms are drying and sore?

I've just had my third and likely final baby

I'm not wanting to be pregnant again in the near future, but I don't particularly want to use the pill.

Don't get on with coil. Implant wait times to get them out and bleeding stories give me the horrors.

I don't know much about the patch or injection but I want to research them

we used the withdrawal method for 9 years with only one mistake when we didn't use the withdrawal method when I thought I was having a period (the third baby) but i did want to have another baby and my husband and I had the attitude if it happens then it happens

But now I do not want a baby and I do not want my husband to have a vasectomy, it feels far too permanent for a variety of reasons.

So what condoms can we use? I've found them very strange when I've used them in the past. I do not like the smell and I'm sure they dry out your natural lubrication.

My husband is very big when he has an erection and in the past the ordinary condoms like the blue Durex ones, they squeezed his penis. Is there another one that is less narrow?

What is a good one? Sorry I don't know who to ask, so I've come here. Hope this doesn't make anyone respond with something cruel about not knowing about contraception. Whilst I learn about what is available I want to still have sex which means we need condoms.

Thank you


This thread is over a year old now. If you've found this page in search of condoms that have been tried and tested by fellow Mumsnet users, you might find our guide to the best condoms useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ 💐

OP posts:
NoLongerSoulMates · 28/05/2022 15:45

Skyn. They are non latex and do XL. Don't smell half as bad as latex ones and can use water based lube with them. Perfectly decent in my opinion.

Thatswhyimacat · 28/05/2022 15:47

I've not personally found any non-hormonal contraception to affect natural lubrication, quite the opposite, mine only came back when I went back to condoms!

I personally like superdrugs own, I always found skyn more prone to breaking.

cultkid · 28/05/2022 15:49

Thank you both I'm going to try both of these

I feel like they rub inside my vagina? It can be a bit stingy when I have had sex in the past with them but it's been only on a few occasions

OP posts:
EcafTnuc · 28/05/2022 15:52

Skyn here too. DP couldn’t get the blue Eurex on so his little face lit up when we had to buy XL 🙄Durex XL were a bit too desensitising but the Skyn ones are very good.

Cocowatermelon · 28/05/2022 15:52

You can use water based lube with condoms, that might make them more comfortable.

EcafTnuc · 28/05/2022 15:53

cultkid · 28/05/2022 15:49

Thank you both I'm going to try both of these

I feel like they rub inside my vagina? It can be a bit stingy when I have had sex in the past with them but it's been only on a few occasions

Were they latex? Wondering if you have a mild allergy.

cultkid · 28/05/2022 15:54


They were latex yes. I wonder if I'm a bit allergic too actually now that you say it.

OP posts:
Einszwei · 28/05/2022 16:06

Another vote for Skyn.

I would also reccomend researching the nuvaring. It might be a good option for you if you decide to use hormonal contraception again.

ExamResultsPanic · 28/05/2022 16:09

skyn XL here

cultkid · 28/05/2022 17:53

I will get some Skyn tomorrow and come back and let you know how they are

OP posts:
Butterchunks · 28/05/2022 18:47

Try theyfit or mysize. They are available in a wide range of sizes and their website give guidance on how to measure to find the best fit.

ABrotherWhoLooksLikeHellMugYou · 28/05/2022 19:13

Another vote for Skyn. No smell, much better feel than durex

DorothyZbornakIsAQueen · 28/05/2022 19:21

cultkid · 28/05/2022 17:53

I will get some Skyn tomorrow and come back and let you know how they are

You really don't need to do that 😂

TheIsaacs · 28/05/2022 19:29

We use Mates natural

2MinuteRice · 28/05/2022 20:21

I love this thread as women are talking about what works for them.
I'd like to think there is a thread somewhere on a mens site saying 'we need to use condoms which ones?'

I could be wrong but I'm assuming they would all need XL/XXL Grin

ZekeZeke · 28/05/2022 20:33


ZekeZeke · 28/05/2022 20:34

Hit post too quickly.
Why can't your DH take responsibility and have a vasectomy.
You don't want more children.

Hugasauras · 28/05/2022 20:37

My GP said the waiting list for elective vasectomies on the NHS is absolutely huge, she was talking years. I doubt they are carrying out much of this kind of surgery with the current waiting times for treatment post-Covid.

cultkid · 28/05/2022 21:27


Hahahahaha Hahahah lol i don't do i

My husband is off the sex right now anyway so he will not be keen to use them 😬

OP posts:
cultkid · 28/05/2022 21:28

ZekeZeke · 28/05/2022 20:34

Hit post too quickly.
Why can't your DH take responsibility and have a vasectomy.
You don't want more children.

Because we don't want anything permanent
Just like i said we are probably done having children

OP posts:
cultkid · 28/05/2022 21:28

2MinuteRice · 28/05/2022 20:21

I love this thread as women are talking about what works for them.
I'd like to think there is a thread somewhere on a mens site saying 'we need to use condoms which ones?'

I could be wrong but I'm assuming they would all need XL/XXL Grin

He needs xxxxs


OP posts:
cultkid · 28/05/2022 21:29

Butterchunks · 28/05/2022 18:47

Try theyfit or mysize. They are available in a wide range of sizes and their website give guidance on how to measure to find the best fit.

Thank you i will look these up too

OP posts:
Blarting · 29/05/2022 06:53

ZekeZeke · 28/05/2022 20:34

Hit post too quickly.
Why can't your DH take responsibility and have a vasectomy.
You don't want more children.

Why can't you read the OP?


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Thebeastofsleep · 29/05/2022 06:56

NoLongerSoulMates · 28/05/2022 15:45

Skyn. They are non latex and do XL. Don't smell half as bad as latex ones and can use water based lube with them. Perfectly decent in my opinion.

Agree with this.

Best of a bad bunch. I hate condoms!

cultkid · 07/06/2022 21:11

So my husband got durex dont ask

Anyway I think I'm allergic to the latex we used them twice and I have been sore for a few days after ?

They are definitely more dainty then they were when I was younger less of a smell etc

I don't like them though

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