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Trampoline suggestions

22 replies

jumpingbunnies · 19/04/2022 12:36

Thinking of buying a trampoline for DC age 5 and am interested in any makes people would recommend? I don't want it too large - 4ft, possibly 6ft. Thanks in advance.

This thread is a little old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for a trampoline for your garden, we’ve recently updated our best trampolines page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users and their kids. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
NameChange30 · 19/04/2022 12:40

Following with interest! My DC is the same age. I'm nervous about a trampoline because of the safety aspect but DC's OT strongly recommended getting one so I think we should.

AHungryCaterpillar · 19/04/2022 12:42

I would do 8ft as it’s still quite small, but big enough to grow with it, I wouldn’t imagine a 4ft one would be suitable for a 5 year old for very long.

mycatisannoying · 19/04/2022 12:43

Definitely Plum. Our trampoline is still going strong after 3 kids.

jumpingbunnies · 20/04/2022 18:43

Thanks everyone - have been looking at Plum and they look good - also interesting that top recommended from Which. Will try and get an 8ft but not sure I have enough room. Does anyone have a 6ft? What age does it go up to?

OP posts:
Hugasauras · 20/04/2022 18:58

We got an 8ft TP one recently. It's a good size but not too large. DD3 absolutely loves it. She spends ages bouncing or just sitting on it playing with her toys. Value for money for sure for the amount it gets used! The TP one seems very sturdy and think it will stand the test of time. I also liked it has zip-free entry as DD would struggle with getting in and out on her own otherwise.

NameChange30 · 20/04/2022 21:05

@AHungryCaterpillar @Hugasauras
How much growing room does an 8 foot trampoline have for a 5yo? Can 2-3 kids jump on it together? I'm just wondering whether 10 foot would last longer and would allow jumping with a sibling or friend... but don't want it to take over the garden either!

Hugasauras · 20/04/2022 21:18

DD3 had a pal round and they were bouncing on it together and plenty of room. Apparently you're only meant to have one child on at a time anyway, and I guess if they were doing tricks and stuff then you'd want a bigger surface, but for just some bouncing around with a friend or solo bouncing, 8ft seems plenty ample.

AHungryCaterpillar · 20/04/2022 21:29

Tbh I wish I had got bigger, I assumed it wouldn’t fit but there is plenty of room so could have easily got 12 ft so will get that when I replace it but saying that 8 is still a good size and my 11 year old still has plenty of space on it and her siblings go on with her and there’s still enough room for jumping (not suppose to have one than one on my everyone I know does never had any problems and had It years now)

NameChange30 · 20/04/2022 21:38

@Hugasauras thanks, when you say DD3 is that your third daughter or your 3yo daughter?! I was imagining a 3yo so I was getting worried it would be small for an older child, but maybe I assumed wrong.

@AHungryCaterpillar that's good to know, thank you! Sounds like 8 foot would be fine but perhaps we could stretch to 10. I'll have to measure in the garden, want to redesign the whole thing eventually so it's a good excuse to start doing that 😊

Hugasauras · 20/04/2022 21:49

Yes, 3yo although she's quite tall so probably nearer 4yo in size. With two there was plenty of room still. The neighbours next door have an 8ft and it fits their 5yo and his dad fine!

jumpingbunnies · 21/04/2022 11:01

Thanks @Hugasauras and @AHungryCaterpillar really useful. Did you put your trampolines up yourself or get someone to do it - flatpack builder type of thing? I don't know how to hide it from my dc so she doesn't see it but think I can keep her out of the garden for a day or so😀

OP posts:
Nothappyatwork · 21/04/2022 11:02

We went wild over lockdown and splurged on a spring free trampoline but honestly it is the best money I’ve ever spent the kids were out on it for hours I’ve had to go on it myself and actually it’s better for your joints then running so that’s my new cardio three times a week.

LindaEllen · 21/04/2022 11:22

We had a 14ft Plum when I was a teenager (and this was before everyone had a trampoline, so we were very popular!) and it was just amazing. Several people could bounce at once and we were never short of room.

I would go for as big as you can reasonably accommodate. Children will want to bounce at the same time, and the bigger it is, the safer it is to have multiple children on it (of course you should always have a net - though we didn't, I don't know how we're still breathing!)

AHungryCaterpillar · 21/04/2022 11:29

I was going to pay someone as I hate diy but my mum said I was being ridiculous so came round to help and it was actually ok the hardest part was the springs so make sure you put them on the right way! I’ve heard the bigger the trampoline the easier it is to build but don’t know if that’s true or not

WellTidy · 21/04/2022 11:30

We’ve had a trampoline for maybe 8 years now, and honestly my advice would be to go as big as you can. If you can go larger, then do. We have a Supertramp one and it’s had huge amounts of use and been absolutely brilliant.

Usernameinsponeeded · 21/04/2022 12:28

Do you have VULY trampolines in the UK? They’re amazing. We just recently sold ours and it still looked brand new after a decade and four children terrorising it.

Corty02 · 29/04/2022 10:15

My daughter is 5 year old and I needed trampoline to release her energy. Actually there are some trampolines (like this) which are not large. But we had chosen the bigger one that she could use it with her friends. (I have an exteremely strong wish to try this trampoline, so motivates me to lose weight!)

fUNNYfACE36 · 29/04/2022 10:43

Nothappyatwork · 21/04/2022 11:02

We went wild over lockdown and splurged on a spring free trampoline but honestly it is the best money I’ve ever spent the kids were out on it for hours I’ve had to go on it myself and actually it’s better for your joints then running so that’s my new cardio three times a week.

If your pelvic floor is up to it. 😬🥴

40andfeelingit · 29/04/2022 15:57

Can’t remember what make ours is but I would say go for a rectangular one if you’ve got space. Much more room for jumping and less chance of collision when there’s more than one child on it

CurvyBirdy · 16/05/2022 15:20

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NameChange30 · 30/05/2022 21:21

Does anyone have a Springfree trampoline? Are they worth the money? They are sooo expensive but do look very good!

Procrastination4 · 30/05/2022 21:42

I’m following this with interest! My children are grown up now, and trampolines weren’t really a “thing” when they were young. However, I can’t get over the amount of children who
invariably show up in school (I’m a teacher) with a cast on an arm or leg, and when asked how it happened, so many responses are “on my trampoline/on my friend’s trampoline”. Whatever model you get, I’d say supervision is key, and as a PP said, make sure it’s big enough to avoid children having collisions with each other.

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