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Aibu to buy a Bbhugme pregnancy pillow

11 replies

Aroundthelight · 24/03/2022 22:47

They are so expensive - not a normal purchase for me! I'm pregnant with my 3rd child and feeling generally uncomfortable, my stomach muscles seem to have given up. If I lie with pillows placed strategically between legs, under bump etc etc it makes a difference. But price difference between Bbhugme and other pillows that are generally £20something is crazy. Is it actually going to make my life so much better? Hoping to be talked into or out of it!


MNHQ Update
This is an old thread, but if you’ve come across it while searching for advice or information on pregnancy pillows, our guide to the best pregnancy pillow has been recently updated to reflect current availability and new releases. It includes a wide range of options from U-shaped to J-shaped, wedges and whole-body pillows designed to support, comfort and cushion. The page has been compiled using the advice of maternity healthcare experts as well as Mumsnet user recommendations. We hope it’s helpful! Flowers

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

5 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Mrbay · 24/03/2022 22:57

Can't talk you out of it as I love mine! Now being used as a breastfeeding support pillow.

alpinia · 25/03/2022 07:11

You are not unreasonable at all. I would marry mine if possible. It's been with me 30+ weeks and I still use it all day now baby is here for nursing and general comfort. I originally planned to sell it after delivery but it's going nowhere.

IDontDrinkTea · 25/03/2022 07:14

I think it’s worth it sorry, I loved mine

Seasidesusy · 25/03/2022 07:15

Look on FB marketplace. I found one for £25 on there and it was my favourite pregnancy purchase. Just resold it too so hopefully it’ll make someone else’s nights easier!

WhatWouldPennyDo · 25/03/2022 08:58

I was given two ‘normal’ pregnancy pillows by friends and then I bought a BBHugMe - it was so, so much better! Splurge, worth it for the comfort!

Aroundthelight · 25/03/2022 09:14

Okay think I've been convinced it's going to change my life and comfort!! Will have a look for a secondhand one and if not then take the plunge.... Does it work if you're fairly tall? 5'8 ish

OP posts:
Seasidesusy · 25/03/2022 09:21

I’m 5’11 and it was great for me!

LairyMaclary · 25/03/2022 09:32

Do it if you can afford it, honestly it was a game changer for me. I’m short so can’t comment on the height, but it made such a huge difference to my hips and back.

Goldi321 · 25/03/2022 09:39

Mine was so loved that my husband started to think I love it more than him Grin But seriously, it’s crazy expensive but you won’t regret it one bit, we are also using it now for feeding and baby loves sleeping on it (only ever when supervised!)

NamechangeTTC · 25/03/2022 09:55

Almost 9 months pp and use it daily for comfy sleep and as a feeding pillow

SerendipitySunshine · 25/03/2022 09:58

It is much firmer than other pregnancy pillows so it offers much more support. I'd recommend it.

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