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To ask for central London hotel recommendations?

64 replies

Peachyqueen · 05/01/2022 21:13

Staying in February as a treat after a long 2 years. Going to see a show near Covent Garden, but don't want to stay there as we worry about noise! Can anyone please recommend a clean, modern hotel with nice views? Budget is up to £200.

Thank you!

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MajorCarolDanvers · 05/01/2022 21:15

Try the secret escapes website. They have amazing deals for luxury hotels. I got a room last month near Westminster reduced from £400 a night to £100 a night including breakfast.

Findahouse21 · 05/01/2022 21:18

I love the intercontinental at the o2

Peachyqueen · 05/01/2022 21:18

Thank you, I'll have a look. Just feel very overwhelmed with choice!

OP posts:
M4857493 · 05/01/2022 21:20

Hard Rock Hotel in Marble Arch is nice, our room didn't have a view but some must as it faces Hyde Park! They often sell vouchers on Travel Zoo etc for a good deal with dinner etc.

MatildaTheCat · 05/01/2022 21:20

Look at Ham Yard, it’s just off Piccadilly Circus but incredibly tucked away. Not sure of price.

lap90 · 05/01/2022 21:23

The Royal Horseguards.

Timeandtune · 05/01/2022 21:28

I highly recommend the Morton in Bloomsbury. Nice walk to theatre or you can take bus/ tube. Very clean and quiet and lovely staff.

Itsacakebaby · 05/01/2022 21:28

Stayed in Hilton Waldorf Astoria last Sept when we saw a show (Covent Garden 5 minute walk away). Lovely and clean. Views weren't anything to shout about but that didn't bother me. Price wise would be perfect for you too.

TakeMe2Insanity · 05/01/2022 21:35

The Aldwych
The Sofitel St James
The Landmark

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 05/01/2022 21:36

I’m afraid we always stay at a Premier Inn on the South Bank - love the walk over the bridge into the city and it’s beautiful walking back after a show when you can see all the lights of London.

Premier Inn isn’t fancy but you know what you’re getting so if you’re going for the London experience rather than the hotel itself, that’s what I would go for. Four nights in March at the Southwark one is costing me just over £300 - that leaves a lot of budget for other things!

jesusmaryjosephandtheweedonkey · 05/01/2022 21:38

@TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross love the location and the walk to and from that premier inn

Divamuffin · 05/01/2022 21:39

The hoxton in Holborn. The rooms are kind of small but perfect for a one night stay. Plus the shower gel in the rooms is divine! I think I paid £180.

gogohm · 05/01/2022 21:40

I stayed at the wardorf for a bargain in the summer

WhatToDo1988 · 05/01/2022 21:40

The Piccadilly West End. My favourite, super convenient, clean, nice rooms.

wheresmyshoe · 05/01/2022 21:41

Holiday Inn - Bloomsbury is within your budget and well placed for Covent Garden.

KatieB55 · 05/01/2022 21:44

Holiday Inn Bloomsbury is good

superram · 05/01/2022 21:47

I second royal horseguards. Great location, walkable to cg and great views over the river.

mug2018 · 05/01/2022 21:51

My Bloomsbury is lovely
Great location (walking distance to Soho / Covent garden / Oxford st) but quiet & reasonably priced : check it out on

HermioneWeasley · 05/01/2022 21:52

The residence Soho. Has a little kitchenette in a cupboard

elbea · 05/01/2022 22:04

We really liked Strand Palace Hotel, rooms were small but really lovely and well priced.

tiredofthisshit21 · 05/01/2022 22:08

I also love Strand Palace, have stayed there for work. Also look at Hotel Indigo chain - there's one in Earl's Court (have stayed, would recommend) and Leicester Square one is also meant to be good with rooftop restaurant for breakfast.

puffyisgood · 05/01/2022 22:11

I've no idea whether a tube journey would be acceptable to you, but I'd imagine that Canary wharf hotels must be on their knees at the moment, could be some cracking deals available.

tigerbear · 05/01/2022 22:14

Citizen M at Tower Bridge has incredible views! I’ve stayed at all of the Citizen M hotels in London, and Tower is favourite, then Bankside, then Shoreditch.
All are immaculate, very cool bar/lounge spaces, beds are massive.
Strong cocktails in the bar 👍
I think we’ve paid as little as £115 a night before..


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tigerbear · 05/01/2022 22:15

Forgot to add, the Tower one has a rooftop bar, overlooking the Tower and river

LittleMissTake · 05/01/2022 22:20

Park Lane Hilton is very nice. Excellent location just opposite Hyde Park.

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