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AIBU to ask if a luxury hotel that's toddler friendly with toddler activities actually exists in the uk?

35 replies

Shimmylikejoanholloway · 24/10/2021 14:53

Been let down on a holiday booking and scrambling to find something else - so I know there won't be much availability this year. But it's struck me as I'm searching that there really isn't much hotel wise that is properly family friendly (not just the availability to pop a cot in a room and a kids menu).
I know some hotels offer baby monitors and soft play etc on site but I've only found Watergate Bay in Cornwall so far and the Ickworth in Suffolk. Can anyone recommend anything else they've stayed at and found really good?

Quite a few who used to offer this kind of thing, as well as a spa etc for adults, seem to have closed a lot of their toddler areas due to Covid which is a shame but understandable.

I'm looking for next year as well as a last minute for November (likely I know) so if anyone has any suggestions I'd be grateful. We're south east, but happy to travel around the UK. Budget is flexible.
Thank you!

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11 votes. Final results.

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mindutopia · 24/10/2021 14:56

Moonfleet Manor in Dorset. I've never been there as we're local, but I was impressed at what they offered when I looked them up years ago.

Ohhhhmothermayi · 24/10/2021 14:58

Fowey Hall Hotel the same chain as the Ickworth but much nicer.

ODFOgrinch · 24/10/2021 15:00

MiddleClassProblem · 24/10/2021 15:00

Saunton Sands has a supervised playroom with 2 hours free plus a children’s pool

ASimpleLobsterHat · 24/10/2021 15:01

Saunton Sands hotel in Devon has had good play schemes in the past - not sure what it’s like post COVID, but worth checking out.

ASimpleLobsterHat · 24/10/2021 15:02

Ha cross post with MiddleClassProblem Grin

MiddleClassProblem · 24/10/2021 15:02

Lol @ASimpleLobsterHat snap!

Thisismyusernamefornow · 24/10/2021 15:02

The Grove - although possibly on in school holidays

Christinayangtwistedsister · 24/10/2021 15:05

Glen eagles, Crieff Hydro

stripetop · 24/10/2021 15:06

Crieff hydro includes so much childcare free per day.

Bushkin · 24/10/2021 15:07

Gleneagles in Perthshire

Blankiefan · 24/10/2021 15:10

Another vote for Crieff Hydro.

Sciurus83 · 24/10/2021 15:23

I've always thought Crieff Hydro and Auchrannie look fantastic but not been myself to recommend personally

juliainthedeepwater · 24/10/2021 15:23

Woolley Grange in Bradford on Avon

SometimesMaybe · 24/10/2021 15:23

Also was going to say Gleneagles or Crieff Hydro (though the swimming slots were limited when we were there though they might have more slots out of school holiday time).

aftonwater · 24/10/2021 15:44

Another vote for Woolley Grange.

LtGreggs · 24/10/2021 15:48

I came to say Crieff Hydro! Gleneagles too.

LittleGwyneth · 24/10/2021 15:55

Fowey Hall is absolutely lovely, really recommend it. You'd want a car to get around though.

savagebaggagemaster · 24/10/2021 15:56

Crieff Hydro was brilliant when our dc were toddlers, though it's apparently not as good as it used to be. Read Trip Advisor! Gleneagles is ££££££ though if it's luxury you're after presumably you won't mind paying top dollar?
Auchrannie I've never been to but heard a lot of very positive reviews.

CallMeRisley · 24/10/2021 15:56

Rockcliffe Hall near Darlington

mincepiesareyum · 24/10/2021 15:57

New park manor hotel in the new forest is really family friendly, the same chain as the moon fleet manor hotel and Woolley grange I believe

ClaireandTed · 24/10/2021 16:42

Sands resort Hotel & spa in Newquay is brilliant, I wouldn't call it luxury but the rooms were nice enough and the restaurant food good. It's incredibly child friendly, there are endless activities, they would never get bored.

Oldenoughtobedead · 24/10/2021 16:44

Calcot Manor in the cotswolds. Not been for several years but used to be just what you want


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Lovesicecreams · 24/10/2021 16:50

The Grove near Watford
Bedruthan Steps in Cornwall

I hear! Not been to either

domesticslattern · 24/10/2021 16:52

Another vote for Calcot Manor if you want to spend £££

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