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AIBU to ask if a luxury hotel that's toddler friendly with toddler activities actually exists in the uk?

35 replies

Shimmylikejoanholloway · 24/10/2021 14:53

Been let down on a holiday booking and scrambling to find something else - so I know there won't be much availability this year. But it's struck me as I'm searching that there really isn't much hotel wise that is properly family friendly (not just the availability to pop a cot in a room and a kids menu).
I know some hotels offer baby monitors and soft play etc on site but I've only found Watergate Bay in Cornwall so far and the Ickworth in Suffolk. Can anyone recommend anything else they've stayed at and found really good?

Quite a few who used to offer this kind of thing, as well as a spa etc for adults, seem to have closed a lot of their toddler areas due to Covid which is a shame but understandable.

I'm looking for next year as well as a last minute for November (likely I know) so if anyone has any suggestions I'd be grateful. We're south east, but happy to travel around the UK. Budget is flexible.
Thank you!

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MamaE03 · 24/10/2021 17:00

Luxury family hotels! They have several hotels in the south and are all so good for young children!

QueenofLouisiana · 24/10/2021 17:03

Was going to suggest Ickworth when I saw your title, but I see you found that. I’ve been there for a walk this afternoon, it was lovely. Wonderful woodland, lots of wildlife and space to breathe.

Beachbreak2411 · 24/10/2021 17:41

Gwel an Mor in Cornwall. It’s more luxury lodges than hotel; but has a spa and very toddler friendly (soft play and a farm)

PenguindreamsofDraco · 24/10/2021 17:45

I bloody loved Ickworth when DS was small. I remember him waking at some ungodly hour, 4.30 or so, and they let us into the crèche. He played happily for a couple of hours, I dozed on beanbags, and the porter brought me toast and tea!

nokidshere · 25/10/2021 10:01

We used to go to Bedruthan steps but I think it's more of a spa these days. They don't have the nursery, children's restaurant or soft play centre anymore.

MrsSkylerWhite · 25/10/2021 10:05

The Nare (on the Roseland, Cornwall)

Throughabushbackwards · 25/10/2021 12:46

As pp have mentioned, The Grove fits the bill. Super kids club, outdoor heated pool and "beach" area as well as all of the usual adult indulgences.

HannahWGB · 28/10/2021 15:40

Hi Shimmylikejoanholloway,

Sorry to hear you've been let down. At Watergate Bay in Cornwall & Another Place, The Lake in The Lake District, we have an excellent children's facility - The Kids' Zone. Please contact us directly for further information and availability, or check out our websites here: Watergate Bay and Another Place, The Lake.

modgepodge · 28/10/2021 16:15

Sands Resort in Newquay was FAB when we went a couple of years ago - baby listening, evening babysitting service, free crèche sessions each day, plus loads of parks etc on site (daughter was too young at the time so I don’t remember what these were like). There was also a spa on site, plus 2 pools. However since covid they’ve cut back their childcare offering, looks like it’s a permanent thing 😭 they have opened a soft play and fair ground games instead but you have to supervise the kids yourself. For me the crèche was a real draw. Still, might suit what you want. Staff were lovely and the food was good.

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