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Aaaargh! Help me find a hotel for this week PLEASE!

59 replies

ShinyMe · 23/10/2021 16:45

I know this isn't AIBU, so I know i'm being naughty!

My mother is a full time carer for my disabled dad and he has now gone into respite care (FINALLY!!) for a few days. It's the first respite she's had in 2 years.

We need somewhere to stay from Tuesday to Friday (has to be those dates) that's somewhere reasonably located between Buckinghamshire (where we'll be on Monday night) allowing us to drive to this place on Tuesday without taking hours, and then for her to drive home to north Wales on Friday. So we're talking not Scotland or the Lakes etc, more likely south, Cotswolds/New Forest type thing, unless there is somewhere brilliant that I can't think of. We do not want a city, and we do want a swimming pool. It's proving impossible to find!

Ideally, we'd like a country house type place, with a pool, that isn't a 5 hour drive out of the way, that has availability those dates. So far, I've been looking on last, and secret escapes, and have nothing. There was one possible in Portsmouth, but it has no parking. One possible in the Cotswolds, but the pool is only open if you book a spa treatment. One possible in Kettering (hm...) but it's in a retail park on a dual carriageway.

There must be SOMETHING! Money no object now, I do not care. Some of the sites are really hard as you have to specify a location, which isn't helping when I just don't know!

I know it's half term in a pandemic and last minute, but circumstances meant we didn't know until yesterday that we would definitely be able to get away, so we weren't able to book anything before.

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DoloresOnTheDottedLine · 23/10/2021 16:49

If the one in Kettering is the Kettering Park Hotel, it’s really, REALLY nice! I met some friends there for a weekend recently and despite its unpromising location, it’s lovely. Hotel is really nice, excellent bar and restaurant, staff absolutely lovely, spa fantastic. Honestly couldn’t fault it. I had low-ish expectations and we honestly loved it.

YourThoughtsOn · 23/10/2021 16:51

I immediately thought of Sandy Balls - looks like they’ve got a lodge for Monday to Friday. Probably not what you were envisaging but an option?

Insert321Data123 · 23/10/2021 16:52

I stayed in hotels recently (1 or 2 nights)

You can't just use the pool as per pre covid
Most hotels are still operating a covid pre booking system for their pools. However, you may be lucky if you stay more than 2 nights to get to use the pool. Book pool when you arrive !

SorrelForbes · 23/10/2021 16:53

How about this one? Stratford upon Avon

NoWordForFluffy · 23/10/2021 16:53


If the one in Kettering is the Kettering Park Hotel, it’s really, REALLY nice! I met some friends there for a weekend recently and despite its unpromising location, it’s lovely. Hotel is really nice, excellent bar and restaurant, staff absolutely lovely, spa fantastic. Honestly couldn’t fault it. I had low-ish expectations and we honestly loved it.

Yes, it is lovely! We had our wedding reception there and it was fantastic.
SorrelForbes · 23/10/2021 16:54

A few here too in the New Forest, all with a pool New Forest

TheWoollybacksWife · 23/10/2021 16:54

Rushton Hall in Northamptonshire. The website says they have rooms available.

ShinyMe · 23/10/2021 16:57

Ah, the one in Kettering is that one, and it sounded excellent til I looked on Google maps and saw it surrounded by a retail park and a dual carriageway. That's great to know it is nice! I will look at it again, location wise it's pretty good for us, as it's part of the way home.

I know we can't use as pool as you would pre covid, I don't mind booking a slot. But the lovely looking Cotswold place said that you can only use the pool after a spa treatment (which we don't like all that much really). We'd rather just swim some laps if we can.

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Insert321Data123 · 23/10/2021 17:04

Money no object

Mcdonald Elmers Court Hotel Lymington ?
Not been but looks good

I have been to Lymington & New Forest though

twilightcafe · 23/10/2021 17:06

What about Whittlebury Park. Pool, hotel, spa, grounds. It's near Silverstone which is Bucks/Northants way?

DoloresOnTheDottedLine · 23/10/2021 17:07

I promise I don’t work for their marketing team but I think you would have a great time at the KPH! Once you’re inside, you’d think you were in a country hotel. Plus it has really nice gardens/outside space for a walk or a coffee if the sun is shining. We were able to book into the spa/pool area for two lots of two hour slots (so four hours total) over the space of less than 24 hours so you should get plenty of pool time. Plus I don’t think anyone would have said anything if we’d stayed a bit longer. The food was great and the staff really couldn’t do enough for you. You can have spa treatments (I had a massage) but it’s absolutely not required. Hope you and your mum have an amazing time, wherever you end up.

tealandteal · 23/10/2021 17:09

If money no problem, Chewton Glen in the new forest? Have always wanted to go! Spa looks amazing.

WinterBerry7 · 23/10/2021 17:11


What about Whittlebury Park. Pool, hotel, spa, grounds. It's near Silverstone which is Bucks/Northants way?

Came on here to say Whittlebury! It’s my go to for breaks away with my mum.
The Warwickshire Golf and Country Club is also nice and should fit what you’re looking for.
Insert321Data123 · 23/10/2021 17:11

The Annex, Anna else Lane, Harpenden
Use of pool

gogohm · 23/10/2021 17:13

I stayed somewhere near Hinckley Leicestershire once, I do not remember the name but it was 4 star with an indoor pool and a large car park

Insert321Data123 · 23/10/2021 17:35

I've stayed in one of the "village rooms" at Portmerion. I had an expensive, but delicious
dinner in the hotel. The rate includes free entry to Portmerion. There are lovely walks on the estuary & in the gardens.
No pool
It was very peaceful, when the tourists went home

ShirleyPhallus · 23/10/2021 17:47

Four seasons in Hampshire is amazing and I bet they have rooms!

Insert321Data123 · 23/10/2021 17:53

Portmerion a ittle Welsh gem

alphabetspagetti · 23/10/2021 17:58

Sopwell House?

ToykotoLosAngeles · 23/10/2021 18:05

I just came back from 2 nights at the Beaulieu Inn which has a pool. You'd have to hunt the sites for availability though.

ShinyMe · 23/10/2021 18:07


If money no problem, Chewton Glen in the new forest? Have always wanted to go! Spa looks amazing.

Hahhaa, yes, it looks lovely. I say money no object, but apparently I have changed my mind.
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ShinyMe · 23/10/2021 18:08


Money no object

Mcdonald Elmers Court Hotel Lymington ?
Not been but looks good

I have been to Lymington & New Forest though

This does look really nice -I have forwarded to my mum to check.
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ShinyMe · 23/10/2021 18:14


I just came back from 2 nights at the Beaulieu Inn which has a pool. You'd have to hunt the sites for availability though.

Looks nice (but the website doesn't make the pool very obvious, assuming I found the right Beaulieu Inn) but they have no availability.
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itssquidstella · 23/10/2021 18:16

Fawsley Hall in Northants is also nice.

ShinyMe · 23/10/2021 18:16

Portmeirion is a most definite no before I even look. It's fairly near where my mum lives and she loathes the place with a passion.

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