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Thinking about buying a garden swing for a 13 year old...?

57 replies

LyricalBoudicca · 15/06/2021 18:17

My 13 yr old DD loves to go on a swing. As expected, she is too self-conscious to go on one now unless she is with a similarly-aged friend. She says she's sad about having to avoid playgrounds as she loves using the equipment but is accepting of ruling out that type of play due to age. She doesn't want to go in the evenings as you get lots of teens congregating in the playground and she's naturally a bit scared. I'm thinking I could put her out of her misery and just buy one - 10 years too late I know. AIBU?

OP posts:
Throckmorton · 15/06/2021 18:18

Do it!!! :)

MasterBeth · 15/06/2021 18:19

If you are prepared to get a swing for her to use for six months before she thinks she’s too old for it…

RogueMNerHidesUnderBigHat · 15/06/2021 18:21

No, of course not.

But (a) i wouldn't expect there'd be as much use out of it as one you'd had for years. I would be surprised if a 15 or 16 yr old uses it overly often.
(b) it would need to be sturdy and well secured as a 13 yr old weighs a lot more than a child of 7 or 8 and is likely to want to swing higher

Holly60 · 15/06/2021 18:23

Swinging is known to be good for mental health. I love a good swing and I’m in my 60s. Thank goodness for DGC - they are my excuse ‘look DGC - granny will show you how to do it’ Grin

CecilyP · 15/06/2021 18:24

I think you might find the sort of swing you can buy for the garden is not large enough or robust enough for a 13 year old to use.

LoopTheLoops · 15/06/2021 18:26

Wow really, there are loads of teens That go to the park near me after school (secondary) to use the swings! It’s actually a bit annoying 🙈

kowari · 15/06/2021 18:26

I'd do a rope through a piece of wood swing from a tree for a school aged child.

MaBroon21 · 15/06/2021 18:26

Op there are various swings designed for older children and adults who have have sensory needs and I think they’d be great for your daughter - not that I’m suggesting she has sensory needs.

kowari · 15/06/2021 18:30

The nest swings (big round ones) or disc swings (rope through centre) would also be good for that age. My 15 year old DS likes the nest swings, but only when there are no children around.

minipie · 15/06/2021 18:30

What about a swinging garden chair or a hammock? Ok it doesn’t get up the same momentum as a regular swing but will be more multipurpose and would look cool when friends come round…

I would say go for it, but it’s only a year or two before she’ll be hanging out in the playground with the other teens …

HerRoyalNotness · 15/06/2021 18:31

Do you have a tree you can hang one on? We have a round one on a tree that’s been nice to have over the last year

Yayayaya20 · 15/06/2021 18:32

Get the girl a swing!!!

Ilovemaisie · 15/06/2021 18:33

My 13 year old loves those big round 'hammock' style they have in parks. She says swinging "relaxes her worries away". If we had a garden I know she would love one.

Hankunamatata · 15/06/2021 18:34

Go for it (also means you can have a sneaky swing yourself)

PearlJamButties · 15/06/2021 18:35

Yes a nest type swing is fab for all ages.....I can sometimes be found having a chill out on ours....

Nyancat · 15/06/2021 18:37

Have a look at brave toys, we have one of their sets with a hammock swing. So comfortable for lying on, more so than the nest type ones at the park. I've been known to spend the odd hour lying reading in it. We also have the trapeze attachment which is great for swinging as well. Teenage nieces love hanging out on it when they are round too

Keepitcleanplease · 15/06/2021 18:39

I've a nearly 12 year old boy who goes to the playpark every day. I'd get her a swing. I don't think it matters if she only uses it for a year or two. If she enjoys it for a year or two it will have been worth it.

StCharlotte · 15/06/2021 18:41

My mum and I used to go for a swing at our local park when we took our dog out for his last walk. I was early 20s she was early 60s.

I had a swingseat for a few years and it was my favourite thing.

Do it Smile

NotATreacleTart · 15/06/2021 18:42

I have a lovely memory of me and MIL swinging on the swings. I would love a big tree with a rope swing on it. Alas, no tree big enough in my garden.

Get her one.

Rfjkf · 15/06/2021 18:42

Get her a swing

HasaDigaEebowai · 15/06/2021 18:42

I can’t get my 13 year old out of my macrame hanging hammock chair. He is to be found there most of the time, accompanied by the dog

Intothelabyrinth · 15/06/2021 18:42

I've heard good things about this company for older children. The weight limits are high and there are lots of options.

Bagelsandbrie · 15/06/2021 18:43


Have a look at brave toys, we have one of their sets with a hammock swing. So comfortable for lying on, more so than the nest type ones at the park. I've been known to spend the odd hour lying reading in it. We also have the trapeze attachment which is great for swinging as well. Teenage nieces love hanging out on it when they are round too

I was going to suggest Brave Toys. My son who has special needs has one and it’s amazing!

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Intothelabyrinth · 15/06/2021 18:44
Unreasonabubble · 15/06/2021 18:46

How about a garden swing seat or a very large hammock? Those she can use for years.

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