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Recommend me a washing machine?

48 replies

Tararararara · 18/11/2020 22:54

Boring thread alert!

Ours has just leaked all over the kitchen floor. Appears to be a combo of pump and motor electrical faults. It's 4years old and to be honest a bit shit anyway so rather than fix it we're going to see if we can get a new on on a black Friday deal.

So what do I look for? What are your must haves? Do you love yours? Do you have one I should avoid?

Help me please!


We can see this thread is quite old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best washing machine page with lots of great options loved by Mumsnet users. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

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alwaysthinkingofsleep · 19/11/2020 08:08

I wouldn't recommend my Samsung ecobubble, it was top rated on which but I don't rate it! Lots of cycles which Is handy but not amazing at stain cleaning (needs LOTS of pre treatment)

Also small items always get stuck at the front of the machine, leaving them dirtier than before & sodden - yes I regularly clean my machine, filter etc etc

Xiaoxiong · 19/11/2020 08:09

I had a new washing machine bought for me - it's a whirlpool 12kg, I never would have considered it in a million years but it's amazing. The quietest machine I've ever heard (or not heard, haha) and uses the least water on the market according to which. The "eco cotton" setting does take hours but it adjusts to the weight of washing, and I just load in the evening and set it to run overnight - since it's so quiet it doesn't matter, no one can hear it spin. There are also 15 and 30 min settings as well as about a billion other special programmes, and a dosage aid which weighs the washing to tell you how much powder or liquid to add so you don't use too much. Also since the drum is enormous it holds two loads so I do half as many loads in a week. It's still somehow the size of a normal washing machine though.

MrsRogerLima · 19/11/2020 08:09

I have this magnificent beast

Along with an 11kg tumble dryer.

It's turned the 200million wash a week situation into one wash and dry a day. I love them so much 😍

MrsRogerLima · 19/11/2020 08:12

I particularly love the child lock and the timer feature.

I fill the washing machin in the evening set the timer and it's done when I get up!

Lincslady53 · 19/11/2020 09:03

We bought a Samsung a year ago. No problems, but wouldn't expect any in the first year. It is very easy to operate, without looking at the manual. Very intuitive and plays a little tube when finished. Some models have a feature that allows you to add items after the cycle has started, handy when you find a sick that has dropped out of the basket. Looks good in dark grey too.

SomelikeitHoth · 19/11/2020 09:13

Zanussi. Had two and they are fantastic

Londongent · 19/11/2020 09:44

Bosch - top quality and value for money, you pay for what you get.
Miele - top quality but expensive

Tararararara · 19/11/2020 11:38

I've bought an AEG, seemed to have the right mix of quality, price and features. I wanted large load capacity, quick wash, child lock and ability to adjust depending on load size, which these all did. Got it on a black Friday deal and bring delivered on Saturday!

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Ismellphantoms · 19/11/2020 11:46

My Bosch is brilliant. It has a great 40 degree wash in 20 minutes. My sister's Miele lasted 14 years, but was very expensive. I've had machines that have lasted at most 3 years so will only buy Bosch or Miele.

SageRosemary · 19/11/2020 12:01

BIL, who worked in a women's shelter where the washing machines are going practically non-stop, recommended AEG.

The controls initially looked daunting but they are, in fact, very simple to get used to. There is a wash cycle to suit every need. The longest cycles can take 2 to 4 hours - but there is an option to choose shorter cycles and/or reduce temperature and spin speeds. Choosing to do so can affect the amount of energy and water you use. Longer cycles use less water. There are Eco settings too. There is a 20 minute - 3kg cycle which is very handy. The control panel shows the maximum time needed to run the cycle but it often takes less time (some days the cold water is not very cold at all and some days it is icy cold so it takes longer to heat it to the required temperature), this adjusts on the control panel so you can check it mid-way and see if the wash will finish in say, 20 minutes or 47 minutes.

myBumJuiceSmellsLikeRoses · 19/11/2020 15:15

I bought my last machine for the water consumption.
That was important to me as I'm on a meter.

It's a Zanussi and I've had it over 16 yeas now, as yet, no repairs done either. Hopefully this answer hasn't cursed it, but I'd happily replace with the same.

theresagiantonthebeach · 19/11/2020 15:49

EBAC! and made in Britain

love mine

Leannethom85 · 19/11/2020 18:46

I have a beko it's good had it 7 years now and touch wood hasn't had a fault

murmurgam · 19/11/2020 18:49

Seems like it's too late but was going to say ebac too. 7 year parts and labour warranty

FuzzyPuffling · 19/11/2020 18:58

I bought a Bosch last January. It's fine and washes well, an eco wash takes 1 hr 19mins (45 mins on quick) and is very quiet. Spin speed is up to 1400.

I think it was £400 (inc delivery and installation) so not too expensive.

FuzzyPuffling · 19/11/2020 19:02

Oh, and the best thing it that there is no annoying 2 minute delay when the cycle has finished. You can just OPEN THE DOOR! Amazing.

MadCatLadee · 19/11/2020 19:50

Whatever you do, don't get Argos to install it. They left me high and (not) dry!

muddyford · 19/11/2020 20:08

I'm on my third Zanussi; the first two lasted over twelve years each. 1400 rpm spin speed and almost instant door opening. It's a good workhorse without needing a mortgage for a Miele.

Drogonssmile · 19/11/2020 20:19

Sorry didn't rtft! Glad you got an AEG. We're v impressed with ours.

Tararararara · 22/11/2020 09:43

Drogonssmile we basically got the 10kg version of that one. It's fantastic! We installed it last night and it did all the washing in 2 loads, including all the sopping wet towels used to mop up the flood from the old one. I'm in love!

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Tararararara · 22/11/2020 09:43

Though had I seen it before I bought one, I'd have got an ebac. They look fantastic!

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nikosmum2010 · 22/11/2020 14:09

Very happy with my Samsung ecobubble. Came with 5 years warranty. I use the daily wash which takes 1:03 . There's also a shorter 15min quick wash. Sings a tune when finished.


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