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To ask for hotel recommendations in Bristol?

17 replies

fortunatelynot · 02/11/2019 17:04

Sorry, posting for traffic as need to make quick booking. Can anyone recommend a nice, central hotel in Bristol preferably with a gym.

I know there are plenty to choose from but a lot have got mixed reviews. Really appreciate any suggestions.

OP posts:
Trafalger · 02/11/2019 17:32

We have stayed in The Bristol Hotel many times before and always had a great stay. A good location for touring the city as well.

fortunatelynot · 02/11/2019 17:50

Thanks for that, I was actually considering this but some reviews said it was opposite bars and really noisy? We would be there over Xmas time.

OP posts:
Trafalger · 02/11/2019 17:55

We have stayed their at least 8 times all different times of the year and never had a problem with noise at all and I am a light sleeper.

ButFleecesarewarm · 02/11/2019 18:07

Hotel Du Vin is great. Lovely building, great service and central.

GinAndBubbles · 02/11/2019 18:11

Hotel Du Vin is a favourite, but no gym. For larger hotels in the centre with a gym I’d opt for Bristol Hotel, Marriott Royal and Raddison Blu in that order. Bristol Harbour is a nice smaller one but again, no gym. Enjoy your trip!

rookiemere · 02/11/2019 18:30

I stayed at the Bristol Hotel once for work. It was lush.

sweeneytoddsrazor · 02/11/2019 18:37

The Bristol Hotel is on the harbourside so it is in a very busy part of the city. There are lots of bars and clubs directly opposite, although the water is in between so there is the possibility for noise. It is a fabulous location though

CherryPavlova · 02/11/2019 18:48

Hotel du Vin. No gym but good jogging or running from door.

jennymac31 · 02/11/2019 20:15

I would recommend The Marriott Royal, as it's a lovely hotel with great pool, facilities etc. The Grand Hotel is a good alternative as well.

berkshirecat · 02/11/2019 20:18

Definitely the hotel du vin

Topbird29 · 02/11/2019 20:21

There is also the mecure. Think they have 2 - one in town by the river, and one slightly further out. Not sure if it has a gym though.
Live in bristol, but stayed there on our wedding night as had family at ours.

clutchingon · 02/11/2019 20:24

Think the Marriott royal may have shut its pool. Worth checking if that is essential.

clutchingon · 02/11/2019 20:29

The new hotel du vin overlooking the suspension bridge is very nice.

JessicaRarebit · 02/11/2019 20:35

Du vin is lovely. I used to stay there with my DP. I don’t think it’s very central though but perhaps my memory fails me.

We stayed at the Hilton last year which was very meh. Much prefer a small boutique hotel (not that many great ones in Bristol though).

Du Vin is my fave.

Doyouthinktheysaurus · 02/11/2019 20:38

Marriott Royal is in the most fabulous location, so central and the bar was lovely.

We stayed in the summer and would definitely return.

fortunatelynot · 02/11/2019 23:09

Thank you so much, I shall investigate your suggestions!

OP posts:
Jade308 · 02/11/2019 23:15

Mercury Holland House in Redcliffe has a gym and pool. Away from bars etc so will be quiet

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