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to love my new debobbler!

37 replies

Feebeela · 02/02/2019 21:58

I have a new toy! It's a debobbler and I am 'shaving' all my jumpers, sweaters and scarves and getting them nice and smooth. It's so therapeutic to start with a jumper that is scruffy and ratty and end up with a jumper just like new after a bit of work. It's so satisfying - I LOVE it! Grin

OP posts:
Lovingbenidorm · 02/02/2019 21:59

My mum got me one of those a few years ago, I was like meh
Then I used it.
Oh the glory!

meow1989 · 02/02/2019 21:59

Ooh, I was at my sister's a couple of weeks ago and they have one. I debobbled their sofa whilst they watched DS, sooò satisfying (I need hobbies!).

JasperRising · 02/02/2019 22:00

Where did you get it from?? I was just thinking today that my jumpers could do with debobbling and I had no idea what a debobbling tool looks like or where to get one from...

LondonHuffyPuffy · 02/02/2019 22:03

Ooh! I need one of those. My jumpers bobble so quickly and it is frustrating. I have in the past used an old blunt razor which works but I want a proper gadget. I like gadgets.

AmIRightOrAMeringue · 02/02/2019 22:03

Yes someone post a link please!

DramaAlpaca · 02/02/2019 22:04

I so need one of these!

CocoMadwoman · 02/02/2019 22:04

I want one!!

Feebeela · 02/02/2019 22:04

Oh my people! I got mine from amazon for £10.
When I start a jumper, I do a square in the middle so I can see the difference before I shave the rest of the jumper. I'm thinking of buying another one so I can debobble with both hands!
Maybe I need a hobby, Meow!

OP posts:
EggysMom · 02/02/2019 22:05

Search amazon for a fabric shaver.

They used to feature in those shopping catalogues that fell out of the Sunday newspapers ....

Zebrasmummy · 02/02/2019 22:07

I love my debobbler as well! Christmas (2017) present from my partner and it's been a great success. Jasper, Its a Philips, if that helps and he will have researched it lots before he bought it 😊

Feebeela · 02/02/2019 22:07
OP posts:
LondonHuffyPuffy · 02/02/2019 22:22

Ordered 😍

AliceLutherNeeMorgan · 02/02/2019 22:25

Oh yes - I love to do a Before and After

I have many very old jumpers and cardis and my debobbler gives them life!

TheLette · 02/02/2019 22:55

I can confirm that this is the best, and most satisfying, gadget ever.

CocoMadwoman · 03/02/2019 13:10

I’ve ordered one and am (sadly) very excited. I have a really wool nice coat that gets bobbly so quickly, so that’ll be my first project. Exciting times 🤣

Lycanthropology · 03/02/2019 13:12

I got one for my Christmas from my mum. It’s great! I’ve debobbled all sorts of things.

snozzlemaid · 03/02/2019 13:16

I love mine too. One of the most satisfying things you can do.

TicketyBoo83 · 03/02/2019 13:18

I have the Philips one too, it’s my favourite gadget (and I have A LOT of gadgets!)

Uncooperativefingers · 03/02/2019 13:19

I too love mine. So so so satisfying!

Mine's a Philip's fabric shaver from Amazon. When my DP introduced me to them I think I fell in love with him all over again Grin

Oysterbabe · 03/02/2019 13:20

Amazing. I'm getting one.

Theimpossiblegirl · 03/02/2019 13:23

Omg I'm going to order one right now.
I really want the Dyson hair curling thing but can't afford it this will do for now!
Disclaimer: I'm not going to use a debobbler on my hair.

Oysterbabe · 03/02/2019 13:23

I cannot wait to get to work on our sofa tomorrow. Thank you Prime.

JasperRising · 03/02/2019 14:09

I have ordered one! No Prime though so will have to wait a few days before I can get to work


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Enta · 03/02/2019 14:11

Ooooh what is this magic??

Sparklingbrook · 03/02/2019 14:13

I got one from the square of treasure in Lidl last year. £3.99. I had hours of fun but the novelty wore off so I lent it to Mum. I must get it back.

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