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To ask about sex after menopause

2 replies

LEMtheoriginal · 16/11/2018 21:03

Do those of you who are post menopause still, um, want it? As much? At all?

Im 48 . I have a mirena coil and am on antidepressants so both of these things have dampened my labido.

Im doue to have coil replaced after some issues. My dr thinks i should persevere with the coil as it will help with menopause issues and i also get really bad pmt.

Basically can't wait for Aunt Flo to fuck off to the far side of fuck but am worried i wont want sex. I know its not the be all and end all but i feel closer to dp when we are intimate

OP posts:
LEMtheoriginal · 16/11/2018 21:14

Feels like the oldest mnetter in town Sad

OP posts:
Birdsgottafly · 16/11/2018 21:18

I'm post Menopause. I had been incorrectly denied HRT and am now due to start, at 51.

I completely lost my sex drive. I was at a health seminar and when the section about Menopause came up, a lot of Women said the same.

There are massive advansnents in HRT. But you being in a secure relationship will make a difference. Sex isn't just a physical act, as you say, it's intimacy.

So you will still want it, in some form.

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