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To ask what I'm supposed to buy 4 year old for bath?

33 replies

Griefbacon · 19/06/2018 19:14

My lovely friend has asked for bath fun stuff for her daughter who is 4. I struck gold with the funny faces bath stickers- foam pieces which make faces and a little fishing game the year before but what can I get?? About £25 spend

OP posts:
Griefbacon · 19/06/2018 19:15

Oh and ideally something her and older sister can play with too. Age 6

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crapp · 19/06/2018 19:16

one of those wind up sharks/frogs that swims around

the LED floating candles in different colours that light up the bath

GummyGoddess · 19/06/2018 19:17

Bath crayons?

Laiste · 19/06/2018 19:17

NOT anything squeezy which fills with water which you can't quite get all out again. It's soooooo minging with mould inside things like this after a few weeks! And then you squeeze it all into the bath next time! Ugh. I've only just learned this.

CanaryFish · 19/06/2018 19:18

If she doesn’t have any skin issues what about bath fizzers or foams that sort of thing.

DrLucyMaxwell · 19/06/2018 19:19
TheFifthKey · 19/06/2018 19:19

Buckets of foam letters, bath crayons. Those sand toys with all the funnels and cogs and things work well in the bath too. We also have this which looks babyish but my 4 and 6yo still play with it -

crumpet · 19/06/2018 19:19

Bath whistles are fun. Themed (or personalised) flannels and/or bath towels?

NewSense · 19/06/2018 19:20

These are fantastic. My kids love them. Just seen they're reduced, so will be buying another pot for my oldest for her birthday! The colours mix really nicely to make new colours.

Phalarope · 19/06/2018 19:21

Goggles. Currently de rigueur bath wear for the 4 year old in our house. A snorkel?

EspressoButler · 19/06/2018 19:21

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cliffdiver · 19/06/2018 19:21

My DDs who are 4 and 6 share a bath and love their mermaid Barbies (one has a light up tail, one has a dolphin).

They enjoy the Peppa Pig boat, fishing frogs, The Little Mermaid flower shower bathtub, foam Lego and the tea party set.

EdHelpPls · 19/06/2018 19:22

Color My Bath Water Colour Changing Bath Tablets, 300-Piece

My kids love these. It’s like a box of hundreds of tiny bath bombs.

mangomama91 · 19/06/2018 19:24

You can get magic bath bombs that are shell shaped and dissolve into small plastic mermaids. My daughter had one and loved watching it dissolve to find out which mermaid she would get.

IHeartKingThistle · 19/06/2018 19:24

Trust me on this, the WOW toys Danny the Diver boat. I'm not allowed to get rid of ours and my DC are now 8 and 11 Grin

Katescurios · 19/06/2018 19:24

What about one of the fun kids poncho towels for after too, so a toy, some bath goop and a towel?

rebelrosie12 · 19/06/2018 19:25

Lush have some rainbow bath dough. Like soft soap that they can mould in the bath.

Peabody25 · 19/06/2018 19:27

Basketball that sticks to the side of the bath?

Bath Slamdunk - Bathing Basketball Game - Fun and Funky Gift - Birthday Gift - Christmas Gift - Basketball Game Idea - Bathroom Toys

Tartanwallpaper · 19/06/2018 19:27

I'm no longer a fan of lush but mine love bath jelly

Notevilstepmother · 19/06/2018 19:33

Buckets with different holes in

2pointfourmonkeys · 19/06/2018 19:36

As much as i have tried to avoid it my 2 (4&7) LOVE their barbie bath mermaids... i think at 4 they are growing out of wind up toys etc unfortunately.

bettycat81 · 19/06/2018 19:39

Fishin for floaters- you may never be asked to buy bath toys again...Grin

RandomMess · 19/06/2018 19:40

Tea set!


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Griefbacon · 19/06/2018 19:41

I am LOVING these thank you!!!

OP posts:
mildshock · 19/06/2018 19:43

Lush have some fizzy bath bombs suitable for kids 6 month+. My 4 year old loves them (and it stops him using mine!)

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