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AIBU to ask about holidays with children

20 replies

BanginChoons · 22/01/2018 21:52

I'm a single parent and I'd like to take my children on holiday abroad for the first time.
I haven't a clue where to start.. all inclusive? Self catering? Do i buy a package holiday from a website or go into a travel agent? As a single parent, cost is a factor too!
I've been looking at the Balaerics and the Greek islands. Any recommendations? Anywhere you would advise I didn't go on my own with the kids?

All advice much appreciated.

OP posts:
Heartoffire · 22/01/2018 21:53

How old are the kids and what’s your budget?

ALemonyPea · 22/01/2018 21:53

Go to a travel agent, all inclusive is probably better as you’ll not have to cook or decide where to eat each night.

BanginChoons · 22/01/2018 21:55

They are 12, 7 and 5

OP posts:
Starlight2345 · 22/01/2018 21:57

All inclusive with a kids club . I always look for a pool with slides attracts families so my Ds can make friends

GrooovyLass · 22/01/2018 21:58

Definitely all inclusive at that age, it's worth it for the kids drinks!

Your 12yo will probably be classed as an adult so you may then get a free child place depending on where you go.

I often book through but only since DD has been an adult so I don't know if they do child deals.

PoptartPoptart · 22/01/2018 21:59

Look at TUI Firstchoice Splashworld holidays op.
Thee are lots of destinations, Spain, Greece, Portugal etc.
All inclusive with water parks onsite and kids clubs.

RippleEffects · 22/01/2018 22:03

What do you want from the holiday?

Are you thinking beach, pools or hotel and spa, city break and culture?

Do you get bored sitting around, do the kids need stuff to do or would you rather do stuff as a family?

For my three we like to rent a house with garden and a car or an apartment if in town, DH gets to come too so I'm not on my own. Its cheaper than hotels and we like having the space. I like to be able to make a mug of tea (not a tiny china cup) and be able to cook fairly plain pasta dishes if thats what we fancy or eat out if we want.

Have you thought what sort of budget and what time of year?

Hellothereitsme · 22/01/2018 22:12

Look at Eurocamp or canvas - Italy near Venice. Or Rome. Easy to get from the airport to campsite. Can self cater some nights or eat in the restaurants on the campsite. I’ve been going on there type of holiday for 6 years now with my two kids. Sometimes we add a couple of nights in a hotel in a city. Just lovely sitting outside the tent or caravan with a glass of wine playing cards with the kids.

Birdsgottafly · 22/01/2018 22:13

I used to go on Thompson's (now TUI) website, get a price, then go into the agent. They couldn't price match but would give me bookable seats cheaper etc.

With AI you don't have the worry of running out of money.

If you do your flights and hotel separate and the flight is overbooked you are more likely to get bumped onto the next one, rather than someone on a package deal.

Just decide what everyone wants and go to the one that is the best match. I always check Trip Advisor reviews.

Iliketeabagging · 22/01/2018 22:16

Yes, use a kids club. Your children will feel so wanted and valued by you.

DextroDependant · 22/01/2018 22:22

Mine are similar ages and I go all inclusive, some where with slides and a kids club.

Labranda Marine Aqua park in Kos was good.

We had a few days out and interesting trips. Being AI doesn't mean you have to stay in the hotel the whole time but it's great if you feel like you want somewhere as a good base.

MrsFezziwig · 22/01/2018 22:23

liketeabagging any need for the snidey remarks? Kids often like meeting up with other kids. I’m sure if OP is a single parent the kids get the bulk of her attention.

DextroDependant · 22/01/2018 22:24

TeaBagging Hmm 2 of my children choose to go to kids club, they can make friends that way. It is a couple of hours in the morning, not boarding school!

It's OPs holiday too, she deserves chance to relax for a couple of hours here and there.

ghostyslovesheets · 22/01/2018 22:25

I've done Holiday Villages for 3 years when they were little (starting when they were 3,7,9) - bliss - all food included (no cooking/shopping) - kids clubs and lots of mates for them to play with.

Now they are older and more independant I do self catering (Eurocamp) which is great fun

AnathemaPulsifer · 22/01/2018 22:26

I’d recommend a 3 bedroom mobile home on a nice busy site - Siblu or Eurocamp. Loads to do but you wouldn't all be crammed in one hotel room.

ghostyslovesheets · 22/01/2018 22:27

oh and kids clubs - awful places - all that FUN - games, raft building, archery, water polo, chocolate parties, cinema nights - terrible

my kids loved them - the reps were amazing - ignore the snidey comments

Starlight2345 · 22/01/2018 22:34

Yes all lp’s never spend any time with their kids 🙄. My son loved them now doesn’t but loves the pool side activities. Younger we did haven because it worked .

BanginChoons · 22/01/2018 22:56

Thanks everyone, I will be checking out all of your suggestion.

I'm thinking summer holidays? Although I know that it will be more expensive. Budget is £3-4k. I'm not keen on the idea of hiring a car, ideally the location would have plenty to do onsite, although I'd like to venture out and see the sites.
Kids club isn't a priority but I certainly wouldn't stop them if they wanted to join in! Are the kids clubs included or do you pay extra?

The hotel with the waterslides looks amazing!

OP posts:
FluffyWuffy100 · 22/01/2018 23:36

Single parent? Three kids ranging from 12 to 5?

100% an all inclusive with kids club, sports/water activities and good pools with slides.

AI will be a total break for you from cooking and cleaning and if you pick somewhere with lots of activities available and kids clubs then the children won't be bored and should make some friends to tig about with.

NNchangedforthis · 22/01/2018 23:41

Definitely AI - then you have no worries about spending loads on feeding them! Be sure to read the small print - some places don’t include day time snacks, others include ice cream etc.

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