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To want to keep my vibrators under the bed?!

63 replies

NotForSale · 01/01/2018 07:42

Where do you keep yours?
My kids have discovered a love of playing hide and seek, their favourite place being under my bed.. its only a matter of time before they look in that box!
Cant keep in bedside drawers as nosey children rumage in there too.

If you've found this page in your search of how to store sex toys at home and for travel, you might find our guide to the best sex toy storage useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ

OP posts:
lynmilne65 · 01/01/2018 07:48

in box disguised as something else

Pfftkids · 01/01/2018 07:51

In a large locked suitcase with all the rest of my sex equipment Grin

NotForSale · 01/01/2018 08:02

Pfft Do you have a lot then?!

OP posts:
sameoldtat · 01/01/2018 08:04

I have mine down the sleeve of a very old-fashioned tatty anorak

Believeitornot · 01/01/2018 08:05

Just hide them somewhere else or lock them away. Why risk it?

Mumsymcmumface · 01/01/2018 08:08

Tell the kids not to look in your stuff, or to go in your room?

Always worked for us. It is ok to say no to kids sometimes!

TheSameCoin · 01/01/2018 08:09

Get a lockable case from lovehoney. They’re not expensive.

NurseButtercup · 01/01/2018 08:10

How about the top shelf of the wardrobe in a lockable case??

Lallypopstick · 01/01/2018 08:12

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juneybean · 01/01/2018 08:12

My mum always kept them in her bedside table drawer. Didn't harm me finding them, have started my own collection but dw doesn't like them so they're getting dust these days :(

CheapSausagesAndSpam · 01/01/2018 08:15

Stop DC going in your room? Mine aren't allowed to PLAY in my room.

If they ask, they can hang out in there to watch a film or read...but not to play.

I need ONE space in my life that's fully adult.

ChrisPrattsFace · 01/01/2018 08:16

Presented on my bedside cabinet for all to see Grin

(Yes that’s a joke...)

2018IsGoingToBeMyYear · 01/01/2018 08:18

Child lock on your drawer?
We have them on all the drawers.

NeeChee · 01/01/2018 08:19

I'm sure I left one of mine under the bed, then I found it in the bed, which made me slightly suspicious. I am quite forgetful, so it could have been me who did it.

NorksAreMessy · 01/01/2018 08:19


Shall I tell you all about how many I have, where I keep them, the colours and sizes as well?

Nah.....maybe not, eh

Pfftkids · 01/01/2018 08:19

lallypopstick what makes you say Op is clearly a perv? What am I missing

CIssieB · 01/01/2018 08:21

If you have to ask people about this you shouldn’t have one.

KinkyAfro · 01/01/2018 08:21

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Lallypopstick · 01/01/2018 08:23

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Lallypopstick · 01/01/2018 08:24

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KinkyAfro · 01/01/2018 08:29

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ChickenVindaloo2 · 01/01/2018 08:29

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Pfftkids · 01/01/2018 08:30

😂 completely missed the second post.

Op I have tons! Every colour, size, shape and texture. Im a vib horder! Every sunday i take them out and give them a wash in the dishwasher then stick them to the kitchen tiles to air dry.

I hope one day they will be worth something on the antiques road show.


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ChrisPrattsFace · 01/01/2018 08:31

So, if OP is a perv, does that mean I move them from being presented on the bedside cabinet - to in the window for all to see? Grin

ChickenVindaloo2 · 01/01/2018 08:31

OP, would you like Pfft and me to do a lesbian show for you? Show you how we use our favourite toys? Grin

(Put the £50 in my thong)

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