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AIBI... unsuitable gift?

32 replies

Butterandsugar · 11/12/2017 17:31

Hello, I'm looking for both advice and a view on whether I'm being pigheaded (occasionally the case...)

It's my niece's first Christmas this year, she'll be the grand old age of 8 months come Christmas day. For some reason, I have my heart set on getting her the Fisher Price Kick and Play. My DB and DSil are aware I was looking at something like that, but weren't too bothered what I get her. They vaguely like the piano aspect.
Someone mentioned it in passing, and I love the idea of using playtime to build her little leg muscles.

I mentioned this planned gift to a friend (note: neither of us have children of our own). She advised me that this particular toy is aimed at a much younger age range and I should be getting her a walker instead. My parents are buying a walker.

I have checked online and it looks like the toy is one that "grows with the child" if you know what I mean so I bought it this weekend.

I've now been told by my friend that this is a stupid gift, far too young for my niece and that I'm showing my stubborn side in not taking her advice.

Am I being daft? It seemed like a good shout and the website didn't give an end age range but I don't want to be the hapless aunty who buys a useless gift.

OP posts:
Wellthatwasembarassing · 11/12/2017 17:37

Your friend sounds stubborn... why does she care so much what you buy your DN?

If it helps I’ve bought a very similar thing for my DN this year. High five for piano playtime!

Kit2015 · 11/12/2017 17:38

Yeah I agree with your friend it's aimed at a child who's not yet sitting up. By 8 months most children are.
Also playmats are great for babies who don't move yet (crawling, bumshuffling) by 8 months some babies will be on there way and then it's hard to keep them in the same position.
Sorry 😔

Kit2015 · 11/12/2017 17:40


However if you were my sister I would appreciate the care you had put in to choosing something.

FraterculaArctica · 11/12/2017 17:40

I have a 15 month old DD. Afraid your friend though not putting it very kindly is right - this isn't a great choice for an 8 month old, this is aimed at under 6 month olds who lie on their back most of the time! An 8 month old will soon be crawling if she's not already and tbh that was the point I put the playmat away. This is just a glorified playmat. Always better to buy toys they will go into rather than are too old for - I would say thank you if a relative gave us something the kids were already too old for but secretly be looking to rehome it asap! There are so many lovely things you can choose for young relatives, why not rethink and go for something she will actually be likely to use?

Handsfull13 · 11/12/2017 17:40

It looks like a lovely toy. But I'll be honest I have 10 month twins and now they are learning to stand they have very little interest in lying down.
In fairness one does fall back sometimes and loves kicking his legs around so could possibly have got used to playing with it.
I haven't looked at the toy much so not sure if it could be used once babies are sitting and standing up.
But it does also depend on how quick your niece is developing. If she is only just rolling and sitting it will have a longer life span then if she's already crawling and trying to stand.

Hope that helped

ButterShortage · 11/12/2017 17:49

Sorry, I agree with your friend. That's for under 6 months.

ButterShortage · 11/12/2017 17:52

Why don't you take that back and get her a keyboard to bash away with. My two got one when they were about 1 year, and they still love it at 6.

This one

Jinglebells99 · 11/12/2017 17:55

Someone's asked the question about upper age limit on Amazon and people are replying 5 to 6 months and when baby starts to roll. I think one person said 12 months and another said her 4 year old still plays with it. Personally, I think I would go for something that would last longer as your niece has already outgrown the early stages of the toy.

TheSameCoin · 11/12/2017 17:56

Your friend is being a bit rude and insensitive but essentially she is correct. Playmats are lovely (and the one you like is gorgeous!) but they are designed for non-mobile babies. An 8 month old simply won’t use it

WinkyisbackontheButterBeer · 11/12/2017 17:58

Dd had this. It is a lovely toy but it is aimed at younger children.
Once she started to stand dd would often stand with her hands on the piano and the unit would tip forwards. I put it away at 9.5 months when the little monkey started climbing on it.
A walker or an activity table would be a good idea to aid her next level of development.

fuzzywuzzy · 11/12/2017 18:01

I’ve got an eight month old (well she will be at Christmas), and I think it’s fine. DD is sort of crawling but still lies on the floor and kicks in the air, and she’s just now becoming interested in her baby gym and tries to grab at the hanging toys and tries to eat them.

I think the fisher price kick and learn baby gym is perfect it does grow with baby, baby will love it (get her Parents ear plugs, the plink plink will drive them nuts 😂)

MillyMolly123 · 11/12/2017 18:15

Ok, your friend could’ve phrased her concerns a little better, but I have to agree with her.

I have an 8 month old and she would have zero interest in this. In fact her play mat has been put away for some time now. It would be a terrible shame for you to waste your money - personally I think you should return it and buy something else. As the parent of an 8 month old I’ve been eyeing up this for my daughter. It’s beautiful and has longevity

Butterandsugar · 11/12/2017 18:15

Thanks for the advice. I think I will regift it to a friend who is due in February, ( I'm determined to buy someone this toy!) and look out something that my niece will get more use out of.

It's always annoying to realise that you're wrong but at least I have time to fix it! Thanks all round

OP posts:
FraterculaArctica · 11/12/2017 18:20

Good decision OP - I agree with a previous poster that if you are very keen on the piano idea, a very small basic keyboard would be something she'd already enjoy and get use of for several years to come. My DD has enjoyed bashing away at one (normal keys and various electronic sound effects) for several months now.

Boys123 · 11/12/2017 18:30

It is very thoughtful to buy such lovely presents. When buying toys check it has a volume control button and doesn't require a large number of batteries to operate.

MillyMolly123 · 11/12/2017 18:48

Absolutely Boys123, the only battery operated toys we own have all been bought by other people Wink

Spam88 · 11/12/2017 19:00

Asda have floor pianos, which might be more suitable? My 7mo is getting one for Christmas :)

Ecureuil · 11/12/2017 19:06

Mothercare used to do a really fab floor piano, I don’t know if they still do.
Good decision though, we had the Kick and Play and both DD’s weren’t too interested once they could sit unaided and crawl.

RestingGrinchFace · 11/12/2017 19:11

Walkers are apparently harmful to development (I wouldn't know though, by the time ours were big enough they weren't interested anyway). I am sure that your gift is fine.

KatnissMellark · 11/12/2017 19:21

My boy had this and was interested in it from 3-6 months, since then he's been sitting, crawling and is now walking round the furniture so we've passed it on to someone with a younger baby. He did love it at the time though, great gift, just the wring age!

LoniceraJaponica · 11/12/2017 19:27

I'm surprised that your parents are buying a walker. I thought the general consensus was that they weren't very good for development and not very safe. DD had a little push along trolley full of bricks.

IWouldLikeToKnow · 11/12/2017 19:49

A push along would be better. Walkers certainly aren’t recommended. Maybe an activity table would be a good present. Child is probably crawling/ will be soon. The table will help encourage them to pull to stand and weight bear. Building blocks, shape sorters, and other toys that encourage hand coordination are useful at that age.

Howsthings1234 · 11/12/2017 19:51

Why not go for a lovey wooden musical set with xylophone, drum, maracas, tambourine etc

This will be so well used over the years I promise you. A friend bought my daughter a wooden xylophone for her first birthday and she loves it - improving as she gets older!

Children love to make noise and a set is a good idea as there will be things they can use at different ages.

Plan toys and Bigjigs do lovely wooden stuff.

This is the one my daughter has


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sparklewater · 11/12/2017 19:55

A stand and play table would be good for the age range you're looking at - grow along with baby etc etc

bonnymnemonic · 11/12/2017 19:56

In my experience 'walker' is used for the push along ones as well as the ride in ones. The Vtech push along baby walker was a big hit with DD and all the other babies I know.

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