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To wonder how you keep kids entertained on long haul flights?

58 replies

JessKM · 05/05/2017 20:25

Taking a reasonably long haul flight with kids in a few weeks and I'm at a bit of a loss as to how we can keep them entertained the whole way!

Older girls (14/12) and youngest girl (7) will probably entertained by in flight entertainment and reading etc but I'm worried DS (just turned 4) will turn into spawn of Satan and begin to create mayhem.

Most of the things that keep him occupied for any period of time are large (train track etc) or loud (any role play games are dinosaur or shark related and get loud very quickly!) we only have one iPad between them all so not an option for a long time without arguments.

I'm getting a bit panicky! I don't want to ruin anyone else's flight and I don't want to turn into a grumpy shouty mum over the Atlantic somewhere...

Please please please tell me what you super mums turn too at times like this!!

OP posts:
SantanicoPandemonium · 05/05/2017 20:30

What about getting a stash of little things like crayons and sticker books and getting a new one out every hour or so. If he's got something new on a regular basis it might keep him occupied.

incywincybitofa · 05/05/2017 20:34

Will some of the flight cross over his bed time?
To be honest mine spend ages going through in flight entertainment- the great excitement of the meal. The snack station (if your flight has one)
queuing for the toilet. Colouring DON'T TAKE LEGO.
I have often found the cabin crew can be helpful to calm them down-chat to them- get them to sit still- put their seat-belt on.
It whizzes by

WineIsMyMainVice · 05/05/2017 20:38

Loads of snacks!

JessKM · 05/05/2017 20:40

Sadly not, we stupidly (without thinking) booked a morning flight so he'll be wide awake - I have thought of keeping him awake for 3 days before hand Grin

Im not sure colouring would hold that much of his attention he's not a very focussed fellow - he would probably scribble over a few pages though.

Does anyone know if play dough is allowed?

OP posts:
YellowCrocus · 05/05/2017 20:45

Will your aeroplane have TVs in the back of the seats? I have flown long haul several times with the children stating when the youngest was three, they are so delighted about having unfettered access to their own TV that they hardly make a peep.

YellowCrocus · 05/05/2017 20:46

*starting, not stating!

Piratesandpants · 05/05/2017 20:46

Let him choose a magazine/sticker book. Have a couple of cheap new toys in your bag. Lots of snacks Smile

JessKM · 05/05/2017 20:48

We're flying Emirates and they do appear to have a tv each which will keep him occupied for a little while - I'm relying on this for the girls, they love a box set Grin.

He doesn't tend to sit long though, he's a mover and a shaker (he's not as awful as I'm making him sound haha) I'd be mortified if he started to fuss though!!!

He's the type of child that will try and involve the whole plane in a group round of the wheels on the bus Confused

OP posts:
saltandvinegarcrisps1 · 05/05/2017 20:50

Fret not. He will have a blast kicking the seat in front and conversing with the peeps in those seats then you can start a thread about how sh*t long haul flights with kids are x

TheRealPooTroll · 05/05/2017 20:51

If there are TVs there will probably be a kids film and some music at least. And the map where you can see where the plane is - my kids always like that. Other than that we take books they can read or we can read to them, little travel games/card games, Lego, simple puzzle books like join the dots etc. I wouldn't imagine play dough would be looked upon kindly as it would be hard to keep on the tray and bits would inevitably get trodden into the carpet.

Chrisinthemorning · 05/05/2017 20:51

DS (4) - it was iPad and stickers on a 9 hour flight. Plus food and he did fall asleep for a couple of hours. Coming back he slept nearly the whole way.

JessKM · 05/05/2017 20:52

saltandvinegar that's what I'm afraid of! Coming on here and seeing a thread about an awful child and a hapless mum! Blush

Never thought about plane carpet vs play doh! Yes bad idea!

OP posts:
OhFuds · 05/05/2017 20:54

Buy a cheap kindle fire from Amazon, load it with good apps and surprise him on the plane.

Allthebestnamesareused · 05/05/2017 20:57

Those TV things on planes these days also have games too.

pieceofpurplesky · 05/05/2017 21:02

Presents! When DS was young I wrapped up something for every half hour - just something daft. Colouring book and pens, toy car, jigsaw ... the unwrapping worked and kept him happy!

olivesnutsandcheese · 05/05/2017 21:02

I just did 2x 10 hours flights with DS (4). We took a trunki full of toys which he didn't touch. He spent most of the time watching the in-flight entertainment with a bit of eating and a couple of hours of sleeping.
My advice, buy one of those kids magazines at the airport with the free plastic toys and take decent over the ear headphones for him. Good luck

Chemicalrainbow · 05/05/2017 21:02

Take his pillow. We found that the seat back TV didn't bend down enough to angle it so that my 4 year old could see it. Luckily, we had her pillow which we folded over and sat her on so she could see it properly. Then she watched cartoons for hours!

livingthegoodlife · 05/05/2017 21:04

emirates are great with kids! i have flown long haul (14hrs) several times with my kids aged 9 months, 2 and 4 (at the time) with almost no probs.

the tv set is great, it has loads of films but also tv shows like pepper pig etc.

They have sky nannies which come around with toys. my lot were thrilled with those magnetic drawing boards, special blankets shaped like cuddly toys and little lunch boxes full of crayons and quiz books.

i did take toys but we don't have a tablet so i didnt take one. We took sticker books.

The kids were excited about unfettered access to TV and were fine. The baby was more of a handful!

Good luck. You'll be fine especially as your older ones can carry their own hand luggage.

I had a particularly memorable dash across dubai airport one year with 20 minutes until my connecting flight with 2 toddlers and a baby in a sling, 3 trunkies plus our hand lugagge. It was very stressful!! just not enough hands.

FlyingCat · 05/05/2017 21:05

I discovered for our most recent long haul... life changing!

Blimey01 · 05/05/2017 21:10

We have done long haul with my Dc since they were under 3. I bought some new little toys and colouring books for the flight so they were entertained by the novelty of those for a while. Would your DC watch a film? Mine were pretty taken with the inflight entertainment and endless snacks. I think it was their favourite part of the holiday!

scrappydappydoo · 05/05/2017 21:13

Haven't flown Emirates but most inflight entertainment systems have kids programmes so that should help.
Dobble is a great portable game that kept mine surprisingly occupied.
Could you agree with your older kids before the flight that he will have iPad priority in exchange for something for them?
Lots of new activities so new sticker books, action figures, cheap party toy type toys are great, we used to take playdoh but not sure you can get that through security.
Keep it fresh so every time there is fidgeting go for a 'walk' to the loo or round the seat block and then back to a new activity.
Before you get on the flight - lots of walking and exercise - if not crowded run up and down the long corridor outside the gate - don't get on flight too early as he will be bored with sitting before take-off.

Blimey01 · 05/05/2017 21:15

Oh and if you have a connecting flight pinch the little pillow they give you on the plane incase little one wants a nap in the airport.

alltheworld · 05/05/2017 21:20

Portable DVD player and headphones and his favourite DVDs or download on I player. Last flopight I saw a man do Lego sets with his children. I admire his optimism


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JessKM · 05/05/2017 21:23

Gosh you women are awesome! So so many ideas and general calm downery!

Going to compile a list - love the idea of wrapping them up! Trip to the pound shop needed!!

Thanks so much ladies.

Also hadn't thought of headphones - do you all take your own for kids?

OP posts:
TheCaptainsCat · 05/05/2017 21:26

Emirates are great with kids, I flew 15 hours with my two year old recently and she didn't have a single tantrum/upset! I was astounded! Their entertainment system is good, and they give kids packs out too, my DD got a little panda shaped etch a sketch toy which she still loves. Taking a bag of new small novelty toys wrapped individually is my top tip for travelling long haul with young children though, works a charm!

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