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Why do people like cruises?

144 replies

rubyredknowsitall · 22/02/2024 11:09

I'm sure it's partly personal for me as:

  1. I can't swim well (I swim in the sea where I live a little but I'd hate to swim in a pool or lounge by it)
  2. I don't drink alcohol
  3. I don't like noisy music things

That's my image of cruise ships plus some excursions - like a fancy Haven holiday camp (although I loved haven as a kid!!!)

Is my image totally off?
OP posts:
Janetime · 22/02/2024 11:13

rubyredknowsitall · 22/02/2024 11:09

I'm sure it's partly personal for me as:

  1. I can't swim well (I swim in the sea where I live a little but I'd hate to swim in a pool or lounge by it)
  2. I don't drink alcohol
  3. I don't like noisy music things

That's my image of cruise ships plus some excursions - like a fancy Haven holiday camp (although I loved haven as a kid!!!)

Is my image totally off?

what are you asking, are you struggling ro comprehend people like swimming, booze and loud music, and feel everyone is like you?

somewhereovertherain · 22/02/2024 11:15

Don't get Crusies either. but also don't get AI for holidays at all

I prefer to explore and run our agenda.

WowIlikereallyhateyou · 22/02/2024 11:16

Why do you assume ALL cruises are like this?


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Bicyclecycle · 22/02/2024 11:16

Your image is off. I don’t drink alcohol, we don’t take part in any of the celebration dress up to the nines evenings, we don’t really bother with the social events. I don’t swim in the pools. We go because we enjoy visiting different ports and countries, the food is generally very good, the staff on board are excellent. There are loads of quiet places you can take yourself off for a relax if you want. You can engage as much or little as you want. They are nothing like a haven holiday camp. We’ve never found them to be massively crowded. We don’t like other peoples’ children so never go away in half term. A half term cruise could probably be a busy nightmare. I think you need to pick your cruise line. Some are more party like than others. I’ve never seen any bad behaviour on the ones we go on. It’s not something I thought I’d enjoy and I was definitely sceptical but we really enjoy them.

QwestSprout · 22/02/2024 11:16

I also don't drink alcohol and I'm not a fan of noise. So I just avoid those aspects of cruises which is quite easy to do.

I'm disabled so I find cruises the easiest way to see multiple places in one holiday.

PuppyMonkey · 22/02/2024 11:18

I’ve never been on a cruise but I quite fancy it because I have a fear of flying and cruising would probably be a good way of seeing some of the world without having to go on a plane.

Vroomfondleswaistcoat · 22/02/2024 11:21

I've recently become addicted to a couple of the Cruise channels on YouTube that show the whole cruising experience on different ships - maybe check those out, OP? They show a 'warts and all' view. I have no desire to ever go on a cruise, but I love looking at all the cabins and the food on board. Some seem better than others, and it does look like a great way to see the world.

Still not going though.

Beezknees · 22/02/2024 11:22

They don't appeal to me as I wouldn't like the rigidity of having to be back on the ship by a certain time but that doesn't mean I don't understand that we all like different things! Lots to do, seeing lots of different countries and places in one trip I'm sure are reasons a lot of people like cruises.

DifferentAlgebra · 22/02/2024 11:27

Judging by members of DH’s family who go on them a lot, cruises can be good for people with mobility issues, and/or who like everything laid on, who like AI holidays — essentially the ship is a moving AI resort with the option for occasional excursions.

MrsPatrickDempsey · 22/02/2024 11:31

I love sitting on my balcony with just the sea. It is mindful and relaxing. The food and service have always been excellent in my experience. I love sailing in and out of different places. I don't do many of the activities or entertainment.

MrsPatrickDempsey · 22/02/2024 11:32

Yes - your image is way off in my experience.

Curlygirl06 · 22/02/2024 11:33

We went on a Norwegian fjords cruise last year, first time for us. Absolutely fabulous, we'd go on a cruise again. The scenery was fab, the food was amazing, cakes all day! We didn't join in with many on board entertainment, I went to the spa with someone I met from our table, we talked to loads of people we met on board when we saw them, and if we felt like staying in our cabin we did. We went on a few trips, saw the northern lights and whales, best holiday ever.

LilBus · 22/02/2024 11:34

I would never want to go on a cruise they really don’t appeal to me at all

ajandjjmum · 22/02/2024 11:36

We went on some of the larger ships (P & O) when the DC were in their teens, and they were great holidays for us. Fun for them in a contained environment.

DH and I have been on several cruises on much smaller ships (600 passengers) of late, and have really enjoyed them. We're going to Antarctica at the end of the year - the only way we can see that is on a ship (only 200 people though).

The biggest pleasure though is visiting different places and not having to keep packing and unpacking! Grin

MaisyMary77 · 22/02/2024 11:36

We booked one yesterday. It’ll be our first ever cruise. I’ve never fancied one before-in fact I’ve always sworn I’d never go on one. But for many reasons, main one being DS (20) is disabled and has learning difficulties, travelling with him can be stressful. We’ve decided that it’s a good way to see places with him.
We’ve booked a large suite with a living room area, so we can stay in our quiet place if needed. I’m actually really excited-we don’t go away very often! 😊

DifferentAlgebra · 22/02/2024 11:36

I think the question for me is why, if you’re interested in seeing different places, you don’t just go the country/countries for a holiday, as the cruise timetables sound frustratingly short and rigid?

DifferentAlgebra · 22/02/2024 11:37

MaisyMary77 · 22/02/2024 11:36

We booked one yesterday. It’ll be our first ever cruise. I’ve never fancied one before-in fact I’ve always sworn I’d never go on one. But for many reasons, main one being DS (20) is disabled and has learning difficulties, travelling with him can be stressful. We’ve decided that it’s a good way to see places with him.
We’ve booked a large suite with a living room area, so we can stay in our quiet place if needed. I’m actually really excited-we don’t go away very often! 😊

That makes total sense. Hope it’s great!

Ulysees · 22/02/2024 11:38

Curlygirl06 · 22/02/2024 11:33

We went on a Norwegian fjords cruise last year, first time for us. Absolutely fabulous, we'd go on a cruise again. The scenery was fab, the food was amazing, cakes all day! We didn't join in with many on board entertainment, I went to the spa with someone I met from our table, we talked to loads of people we met on board when we saw them, and if we felt like staying in our cabin we did. We went on a few trips, saw the northern lights and whales, best holiday ever.

I loved the Norwegian cruise. The cruise line we used went bust in lockdown (cruise and maritime) and I think the ships were scrapped 😞 They were lovely. Not big and definitely not noisy. Which cruise line do you use?

Quizine · 22/02/2024 11:38

I've never been on a cruise so I can't say I'd like or dislike them. Don't drink either, and have a stomach thing that prevents me from eating much in one sitting, so the lovely food aspect of cruises wouldn't work for me!

Such a list of negatives, sorry it is just me.

I think cruises are like Marmite anyway. Some love them, and some shudder at the thought. They are not for me for many reasons, and I suppose the older I get the more intolerant I am of strangers all together in one place and no escape!

I also like to do my own thing and wander around exploring without any time constraints, and if you saw my body in a bikini you'd lock yourself away, so sitting on a beach or by a pool is out too. What am I like! But instinctively I think we know ourselves what would work for us or not.

Desert Island Discs is me lol.

Ulysees · 22/02/2024 11:39

MaisyMary77 · 22/02/2024 11:36

We booked one yesterday. It���ll be our first ever cruise. I’ve never fancied one before-in fact I’ve always sworn I’d never go on one. But for many reasons, main one being DS (20) is disabled and has learning difficulties, travelling with him can be stressful. We’ve decided that it’s a good way to see places with him.
We’ve booked a large suite with a living room area, so we can stay in our quiet place if needed. I’m actually really excited-we don’t go away very often! 😊

I hope you have an amazing time ❤️

LaPalmaLlama · 22/02/2024 11:39

I think for some people the joy of being on holiday is being released from the mental load. I actually love a break where everything is either organised for me so I literally just need to show up or is the same every day and I just need to organise it in advance ( skiing). I’m not sure I would love a cruise as I hugely intolerant but I understand why people do.

Beezknees · 22/02/2024 11:40

DifferentAlgebra · 22/02/2024 11:36

I think the question for me is why, if you’re interested in seeing different places, you don’t just go the country/countries for a holiday, as the cruise timetables sound frustratingly short and rigid?

Convenience probably. It's a lot easier just to get dropped off every morning somewhere!

Millie890 · 22/02/2024 11:42

I've been on one when I was 27, me and my friend were the youngest people on the boat 😂. The food was gross. It is a handy way to see a few different places though, definitely had a better time off the ship than on it. I wouldn't do another one until retirement. Also, years later I watched a film about how bad cruise ships are for marine wildlife and the guilt is terrible so wouldn't do it again. Poor Whales!


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ajandjjmum · 22/02/2024 11:43

DifferentAlgebra · 22/02/2024 11:36

I think the question for me is why, if you’re interested in seeing different places, you don’t just go the country/countries for a holiday, as the cruise timetables sound frustratingly short and rigid?

I think you can have a quick taster of a certain place, and decide then if you'd like to go back for longer. That's what we've done in the past.

We're very much independent travellers but a cruise is an easy holiday.

Ulysees · 22/02/2024 11:43

@Quizine no I think the food is one of the draws so might be a waste of money? They are very good at catering for people though and you can eat all day.The different countries visited could appeal to you though? But as they're not cheap probably best doing what you do?

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