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Walking and toilet stops.

31 replies

Bemyclementine · 03/02/2024 12:50

How do you manage if you're a frequent wee-er? I've just walked 3 miles, went to the loo seconds before I started and was very much in need at the end. Took about an hour. I'm doing a 26 miles walk in May. How will I cope?? There will be pit stops I'm sure but presumably not every 3 miles!

OP posts:
CinnabarRed · 03/02/2024 12:50

Nip behind a hedge and hope no-one comes along.

RearrangeTheRange · 03/02/2024 12:53

Could invest in a female urine funnel? 😅

Leisurewoes · 03/02/2024 12:54

You could try some bladder training while you are at home to help you go longer between toilet stops.


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Namenamchange · 03/02/2024 12:57

Shewee, the more you think about seeing the the worst it gets. Take a shewee and it might offer comfort

HarryBlackberry1 · 03/02/2024 13:00

I'm the same as you. I tend to walk in quiet wooded areas, so there's always a tree to nip behind. You should definitely invest in a she wee. Or just lag behind everyone and hide in a ditch/behind a hedge. Maybe someone could watch out for you. You can also get tablets from the GP to help - Solifenacin.

Crinkle77 · 03/02/2024 13:01

I have overactive bladder so feel your pain. Bladder training not made much difference to me. I can hold on but it's that constant feeling of needing to go which is horrible and makes you anxious going anywhere which makes it even worse. If you have an OB you can get tablets from the doc but the two types I tried had side effects and I gave up.

Universalsnail · 03/02/2024 13:08

In nature or a public place? In nature I just go in a bush. In a public place I just used cafés etc

Bemyclementine · 03/02/2024 13:22

I have no issues with a nature wee but this is an organised charity walk so will be loads of people!

OP posts:
boredybored · 03/02/2024 13:46

Try Jude tablets , they work great .

Otherwise I'll just go in a hedge

Rainallnight · 03/02/2024 14:43

I feel your pain, OP. Once on a hike with DP and DB, they christened me ‘tiny tears’ because I needed to wee so often 😂

TheseLegsDefinitelyUsedToBeLonger · 03/02/2024 14:56

Another vote for a Shewee… but practice with it at home while standing up in the shower first (in case of any little accidents ). I found it took me ages to override the bit in my brain that told me I couldn’t pee standing up!) 😂

DustyLee123 · 03/02/2024 14:56

Careful what you drink before

Getonnow · 03/02/2024 14:59

Nip behind a bush and hope for the best. Once you've done it once, it gets easier and if someone does appear, no eye contact 😆

Getonnow · 03/02/2024 15:00

Bemyclementine · 03/02/2024 13:22

I have no issues with a nature wee but this is an organised charity walk so will be loads of people!

The other people will be in the same boat.

When we walk as a group we keep watch for each other. We've even been know to designate male and female "toilets"

BoobyDazzler · 03/02/2024 15:01

I just find a bush. I did a charity work last year and people were often nipping in to a bush. You just say “guard me while I have a wee” to whoever you’re walking with and go and do your business. We’re all humans and we all wee. Walking 3 miles is less than an hours walk for me though - how often do you wee?

Papillon23 · 03/02/2024 15:05

I think I'd be trying a combination of a shewee and making an effort to wee less often between now and May.

Is it that you do it as a break or a habit at home and now your bladder isn't used to it? Or that you drink millions of litres of water? Those tend to be the factors I see in my friends who need to wee constantly.

Moier · 03/02/2024 15:09

I'm on betmiga for urge inconvenience and small bladder..

ibbydibby · 03/02/2024 15:09

Like others have said, I try & dIve under cover but appreciate with large event this may not be doable. Suggest watch what you drink before / during. I switch to water (instead of tea) for walking / cycling, as tea seems to make me wee...

Bemyclementine · 03/02/2024 15:11

@BoobyDazzler it took an hour today bur I took about a million photos.

I don't need to get up in the night, and I don't really have leakages, but I do drink a lit abd therefore pee a lot. I feel rubbish if I don't drink though.

OP posts:
Spreadthehappiness · 03/02/2024 15:11

Long distance runner here. Hydrate a ton but give yourself about two hours of no liquid before you start your walk. That always helps. Unless it’s hot, you really only need small sips every once in while. I drink one decent sip every km that I run and that works for me .

also a quick wee behind a tree won’t harm anyone lol

Bemyclementine · 03/02/2024 15:13

@Spreadthehappiness I was wondering about drinking plent the days before if that would help on the day ? It's 26 miles so expecting it take take most of the day tbh. There are 3 stops along the way.

OP posts:
Newtrix · 03/02/2024 15:17

We walk a lot, and it's the basis of our holiday. I swear by a she wee and wee bags!

Notthatcatagain · 03/02/2024 15:19

I have big bladder problems following pelvic radiotherapy. If I know I'm going walking then I restrict my fluid intake before the walk and only drink the very bare minimum while I'm walking. Take every opportunity to pee so if we pass a toilet or cafe I will go even if I don't really feel the need. I also wear a good sized pad and for longer routes disposable incontinence pants. If I get desperate then the last half minute before I get to the toilet can be disastrous (latch key bladder) You won't be the only one wanting a nature wee on that distance. I also find that coffee is a big trigger so avoid that


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londonmummy1966 · 03/02/2024 15:20

Bemyclementine · 03/02/2024 15:13

@Spreadthehappiness I was wondering about drinking plent the days before if that would help on the day ? It's 26 miles so expecting it take take most of the day tbh. There are 3 stops along the way.

Also a distance runner - I usually drink loads of water in the 2 days before a long run (am sitting here glugging it down as I have one tomorrow). You'll be much better hydrated adopting this strategy rather than trying to drink loads as you go on the day. Also if its a charity organised walk won't they be providing loos (may be the grim portaloo variety or might be in village halls etc) along the route?

FriendlyNeighbourhoodAccountant · 03/02/2024 15:23

Bemyclementine · 03/02/2024 15:13

@Spreadthehappiness I was wondering about drinking plent the days before if that would help on the day ? It's 26 miles so expecting it take take most of the day tbh. There are 3 stops along the way.

What kind of terrain are you walking? The Yorkshire three peaks trip I organised had three stops and was around 26 miles in the end. Although hilly we found very few bushes or trees on our route, it was very open ground, so it's something to think about.

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