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Nice UK hotel for Christmas next year

22 replies

Toomuchcawfee · 14/12/2023 13:47

We've decided that next year we (me and DP) want to have a break from the usual Christmas routine and do Christmas in a nice UK hotel and not have to cook any bloody pigs in blankets ourselves for a dozen ungrateful wretches 😂 Saving madly already as it won’t be cheap, I know.

We’ve found several package options through Google, “best of” websites etc that look nice but I’d love to hear from anyone who has done this themselves, particularly where they went and how they liked it. We would love somewhere with spa/pool facilities if possible Thanks in advance!

OP posts:
therealcookiemonster · 14/12/2023 16:50

claridges. they do an amazing Xmas dinner. and it is so beautiful. I also love walking around London on Xmas day because its so empty and you actually get to enjoy the city.

lucknam park, beautiful grounds, scrumptious food - although I haven't tried their Xmas Dinner

MimiSunshine · 14/12/2023 17:41

Haven’t been for Christmas but did stay over NYE and so would recommend Low Wood Bay in the Lake District.

gorgeous hotel and was beautifully decorated for Christmas. We had pre booked the NYE meal package and the food was really nice so I don’t doubt the Christmas Day would be too.
The spa facilities are fab too, especially the outdoor heated infinity pool overlooking lake Windermere. A glass of champagne in there, while all around was cold, misty and atmospheric was a really memory

This is this years Christmas package

Low Wood Bay | Lake District Spa Hotel | Windermere

Low Wood Bay Resort & Spa, a luxury Lake District Spa Hotel nestled on the Windermere shoreline, in the heart of the Lake District National Park.

Lily0719 · 14/12/2023 17:42

If it’s within budget the 100% Coworth park!! It’s incredible and they do a package which includes everything. Also really fab for NYE!


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piscofrisco · 14/12/2023 17:47

The Newt in Somerset. It's literally amazing f

WaitingForSunnyDays · 14/12/2023 18:32

I stayed at Llangoed Hall one year. No spa, but had a wonderful time.

Lindy2 · 14/12/2023 18:40

The Inn on the Lake in the Lake District would be a lovely place to stay for Christmas.

Alternatively, a nice hotel in London would be great if you wanted a city break rather than lakes and mountains. I can't give a specific recommendation though.

Toomuchcawfee · 15/12/2023 07:50

Thank you everyone for the recommendations, I’m going to spend the weekend having a look through them. I love the idea of the Lakes or the Cotswolds, somewhere with a bit of countryside to walk in.

Probably should have said we both work in London so would prefer to go somewhere different for a complete change.

OP posts:
dizzydizzydizzy · 15/12/2023 07:53

Try the Wentworth Hotel in Aldebrough in Suffolk. I've not actually stayed there although my friend has and loved it . I eat in the restaurant and it is really good.

NearlyMonday · 15/12/2023 07:55

Slaley Hall, Northumberland- we have done two Christmases there

therealcookiemonster · 15/12/2023 11:06

@Toomuchcawfee if you are thinking of the lakes, you can't go wrong with gilpin hotel. amazing food and really nice spa on site.

SaffyWall · 15/12/2023 11:14

Have a look at Rudding Park in Harrogate - I know a couple of people who have raved about their Christmas packages/breaks.

NearlyMonday · 15/12/2023 11:28

SaffyWall · 15/12/2023 11:14

Have a look at Rudding Park in Harrogate - I know a couple of people who have raved about their Christmas packages/breaks.

Yes, we have been there for Christmas, it was lush!

MrsGreen2021 · 15/12/2023 11:40

Have a look at The Bank House in Bransford, Worcs. It’s got a great spa and is very close to the Malvern Hills. Lovely, cosy feeling to the hotel and excellent food and staff. I had my wedding there in 2021 and have been back numerous times since.

helpfulperson · 15/12/2023 12:50

Peebles Hydro is the Scottish Borders has a reputation for being very good although I haven't stayed myself.

Justinthebath · 15/12/2023 13:00

Ambelside Salutation Hotel for an adult SPA and excellent food in the Lake Disrict - avoid Low Wood if you don't like the expensive but Butlins feel

sadeyedladyofthelowlandsea · 18/12/2023 23:36

Oh! I forgot The Pigs! I had a brilliant couple of nights there a few years ago. It's not really a hotel as such, more a posh pub with rooms. No pool, but the spa facilities in the room are amazing. Massive two person bath, sauna, fire pit in the garden, etc. It's very relaxed, but the staff are great. When I stayed there, they even had an honesty bar for guests for when the bar closed.

Christmas at The Pigs | Spa Hotel and Restaurant

Spend Christmas in the North Norfolk countryside. Offering luxury spa stays over Christmas and stunning Christmas menus and celebrations to the festive period. Book for Christmas 2021.

NearlyMonday · 19/12/2023 19:24

The Pigs does look nice, but do you spend the whole visit in your room, I can’t work out what there is to do?

BookWorm45 · 25/12/2023 12:25

Useful thread as I'm wondering the same. Anyone got any recommendations which might work for a hotel where we might take an elderly relative (poor mobility and health)?

MimiSunshine · 29/12/2023 13:59

Justinthebath · 15/12/2023 13:00

Ambelside Salutation Hotel for an adult SPA and excellent food in the Lake Disrict - avoid Low Wood if you don't like the expensive but Butlins feel


You must have really high expectations of what Butlins is like then.

MurphysMistress · 04/06/2024 20:22

Would definitely recommend that you consider a Warner Hotel Christmas break, they are all adult only, granted they tend to cater for the older generation (60+) but that just means you can have a really restful break doing your own thing or choose to get involved in the numerous activities they offer. The real plus is that they are such good value, fully inclusive (except booze) and they offer loads of Christmas break deals. We booked a great deal using this site:

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