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Keeping cool at night

5 replies

SomersetBrie · 12/06/2023 11:29

Anyone got any good ideas or products to help keep cool at night?

I have a one tog duvet, a wool mattress topper (which worked so well last year but this year seems to have run out of steam) and an ice pack.
Are there any cooling mat things that work and can be slept on, or any other ideas for cooling down?
It's not unbearable yet but I am worried that this might last for months.

OP posts:
unvillage · 12/06/2023 12:48

Gel cooling mats inside your pillow.

You can get cooling blankets made with a magic material that always feels cold, I busted mine out this weekend and it's great. All on amazon.

BlueChampagne · 12/06/2023 13:04

Flat sheet instead of duvet and fan. Damp tea towel on bare skin if necessary.

VladsPants · 12/06/2023 13:13

We’ve got a ceiling fan. It’s so much better than a desk fan. And virtually silent.

SomersetBrie · 12/06/2023 15:57

unvillage · 12/06/2023 12:48

Gel cooling mats inside your pillow.

You can get cooling blankets made with a magic material that always feels cold, I busted mine out this weekend and it's great. All on amazon.

Have you a brand you can recommend? I get put off by the reviews saying they only last an hour. Maybe I need a few!

OP posts:
coffeecupsandwaxmelts · 12/06/2023 15:59

Cooling mats (pop in the fridge first), a cooling blanket and a fan - I sleep like a baby!

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